Somewhere In The Midst.

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"Where words fail, music speaks."

-Hans Christian Anderson


Trying to bury her tragic and horrific past, Violet tries oh so badly to move on and forget about it. Her past experiences have no doubt made her stronger. But being strong doesn't always mean you're okay. She's guarded and surrounded herself by walls so high and thick that no one has enough strength to break them down or even stick around to try hard enough. She's the type of person, that no matter how broken they are, will always try to be happy and cheerful and won't ever show any weakness. But what people don't realise is the happiest people are often the ones that are most damaged.

And Harry Styles just happens to be the one who tries hard enough to break down those sturdy and rugged walls..


Thank you for clicking on this story! I hope you like it! <3


All Rights Reserved To _cupcakes78_

No but seriously guys look how effin cute he is in the gif!! akgfchbdjfga

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