Chapter 13: New Girl

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tw: suggestive language

Ricky: *I follow you inside* well now what?
Nini: Ooh! Let's watch New Girl
Ricky: now that's a good show
Nini: Ooooh a man with taste *laughs*
Ricky: *I turn on a random episode* so, who's your favorite. Of the guys I mean
Nini: For sure Schmidt
Ricky: oh my gosh same *laughs* he's just hilarious. But Winston is underrated
Nini: Now you're making me rethink my answer *laughs*
Ricky: I mean you can't go wrong with any of them
Nini: *I lay down on your bed* Come lay by me
Ricky: *I lay next to you* but out of everyone, I'd say Cece is my favorite
Nini: You're so right, she's probably one of my all time favorite fictional characters
Ricky: for sure
Nini: *I whisper in your ear* You should really kiss me
Ricky: *I look over at you and smirk a second before kneeling over you. I start kissing you*
Nini: *I kiss back*
Nini: *A few minutes later, you flip us over again and start kissing my neck. I let out a little moan and you continue*
Ej: *god, what is he doing?* *I knock at the door* Richard?
Nini: *I pull away* shit
Ricky: go away Ej
Ej: what are you masturbating or something?
Ricky: no, fuck off
Ej: then what are you do- *I start to open the door*
Ricky: *I quickly cover you with a blanket* ever heard of privacy?
Ej: Why the hell are you moaning?
Ricky: get out Ej
Ej: Fine but- Oh my god, do you have someone over?!
Ricky: yeah, do you mind?
Ej: There's a fucking 8 yearold in the house, you don't need to be inviting over hook ups
Ricky: Elliot doesn't come in here. Now get out
Ej: Maybe show a little more respect to everyone in the house next time, okay? I don't sleep with my girlfriend when she's over
Nini: *Thats cause she doesn't wanna sleep with you*
Ricky: I'm fully clothed moron
Ej: That doesn't mean it'll stay that way!
Ricky: get the hell out of my room
Ej: I better not hear anymore moaning when I take Elliot up to bed! *I walk out and close the door*
Ricky: *laughs a little* he's an idiot
Nini: *I take the blanket off my head* Like I'd let him sleep with me
Ricky: I'd kill him
Nini: Sometimes I think I might do that too
Ricky: *laughs* so where were we?
Nini: Your lips on my neck?
Ricky: sounds about right *I start kissing you there again*
Nini: *I moan again* I'm gonna have to duct tape my mouth *laughs a little*
Ricky: *I laugh and continue* *about 10 minutes later I pull back* fuck
Nini: What?
Ricky: you're neck
Nini: What about it?
Ricky: *I sit us up and face the mirror. I point to a black and blue spot on your neck*
Nini: Richard Bowen *I smack your arm* What the hell!?
Ricky: I didn't mean to I swear! I guess I just got carried away
Nini: Mmm well I can definitely tell!
Ricky: quiet down, Someone will hear us
Nini: Well someone will definitely see the big bruise on my neck so what does it matter!
Ricky: Kourt... Kourtney will know what to do *I start dialing her number*
Kourtney: What do you need, my girlfriend is over?
Ricky: I need your help. I gave a Nini a hickey
Kourtney: Nini?
Ricky: Ej's girlfriend
Kourtney: Damn Ricky *laughs* Does she wear makeup?
Ricky: *I look at you*
Nini: Yes?
Kourtney: Then just cover it up with whatever shade of foundation you wear. Oh, and I'll bring Ricky some peppermint oil. That won't make it go away immediately, but it'll help
Ricky: when can you come?
Kourtney: Like 10 AM tomorrow, is that okay?
Ricky: Damn it Kourt. At least it's Friday. *I look at Nini* Then I guess I'll bring it tomorrow?
Nini: Yeah, and at least I won't have to see at all till Monday
Ricky: thank you Kourt, you're the best. Have fun with Morg, but not
too much fun *laughs*
Kourtney: Mmm no promises. Peace out loser *I hang up*
Nini: She seems cool
Ricky: she's great *laughs* I am so sorry though, like really
Nini: It's okay
Ricky: had a hickey before?
Nini: Can't say I have, all my past boyfriends were wimps *laughs*
Ricky: what's the most you'd do with them?
Nini: Just lip to lip. Though, one of them did take off my shirt one time we were making out
Ricky: did he get one of your high kicks?
Nini: No, because I said he could. Though I was kinda uncomfortable the whole time. I didn't like the way he was touching my chest
Ricky: Damn
Nini: What?
Ricky: he just wasn't doing it right
Nini: And are you like an expert on the subject? *laughs a little*
Ricky: I'd say I'm pretty good
Nini: Mmm okay, whatever you say
Ricky: *laughs* what made you decide to let him take your shirt off. It doesn't sound like something you'd do from what you've told me
Nini: I guess I was trying to be adventurous, but then my basic bitch side came back *laughs*
Ricky: honestly I think if you were a basic bitch, you would've slept with him
Nini: Well then I guess I'm just too pure then
Ricky: that's not such a bad thing you know
Nini: I know, but everyone on my team has already lost it besides just this one freshman that's only on the team because her mom is the coach. I just feel kinda... childish
Ricky: don't feel childish. I don't think it's childish at all. In fact, the fact that you can resist it is so mature. Because so many people can't. Me included
Nini: *laughs a little* Well then I'll take that as a compliment
Ricky: that's how I lost my virginity
Nini: Couldn't resist?
Ricky: yep
Nini: How old were you?
Ricky: 13
Nini: 13?! Damn
Ricky: yeah, and I couldn't regret it more
Nini: Why is that?
Ricky: it was just stupid. It was a high school girl... maybe 17 years old at the time? and she basically forced me
Nini: Oh my god, I'm so sorry *I lean over and hug you* That's so awful
Ricky: thanks. I remember I could of stopped it, but I didn't
Nini: Well you were a naive middle school boy
Ricky: I don't know if naive is the right word *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I guess not, maybe lustful would fit better
Ricky: hey! *laughs*
Nini: Would I be wrong?
Ricky: not totally...
Nini: Thank you *laughs*
Ricky: oh god *laughs*
Nini: What do you mean "oh god"?
Ricky: cause now I'm kinda embarrassed *laughs*
Nini: Don't be embarrassed
Ricky: I'm usually not... I guess I just haven't actually said any of this out loud with someone before. Besides Kourt of course
Nini: Well I'm glad you trust me that much to tell me
Ricky: I didn't realize I did
Nini: Then I guess we just have a natural connection
Ricky: I guess so

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