Chapter 21: Elliot / Carlos

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Ricky: *we walk downstairs* well that was easy *laughs a little*
Nini: Mhm *I hug you*
Ricky: I'm so sorry for everything that's happened
Nini: It's okay *my eyes start to water*
Elliot: *Walks in* Nini are you okay?
Nini: Yeah, how about you go watch a show or something
Elliot: where's Ej?
Nini: U-upstairs
Elliot: what's wrong?
Ricky: Elliot leave us alone!
Nini: *To Ricky* Hey hey, calm down angel *To Elliot* just go back in the living to watch your show, okay? I'll bring you in a snack
Elliot: okay *walks away quickly*
Ricky: told you he doesn't like me
Nini: That's because you get too aggressive when you talk to him. Maybe if you used a calmer tone, he wouldn't be so scared *I walk into the kitchen and put some chips in a bowl*
Ricky: he was was being kind of annoying *I follow you*
Nini: He was just asking a question, he wasn't trying to piss you off or anything. Just be a little bit nicer around him, he's just trying to make the best of his step brother
Ricky: I'm sorry I- I guess I was a little aggressive
Nini: It's okay, I know you're trying to fix things *I kiss your cheek and walk into the living room* I brought you some potato chips, is that okay?
Elliot: mhm
Ricky: Hey Elliot?
Elliot: W-what?
Ricky: I'm- *I look at Nini a second* I'm sorry I'm so... mean to you all the time, it isn't right
Elliot: It's okay, I understand. I'm a little bit annoying and you don't really like me
Ricky: I- *I look at Nini*
Nini: What?
Ricky: I don't not like you Elliot I just never thought I'd be your step brother
Elliot: I get that, but why do you always have to be so upset with me?! I just wanted to be your friend but you hate me
Ricky: *my eyes water a little* I'm sorry you feel that way. But I want to try and be your friend now too
Elliot: Really?!
Ricky: really
Elliot: What do you wanna do first?
Nini: *smiles* You guys wanna go get ice cream?
Ricky: let's do it
Nini: We'll use my car, where do you guys wanna go?
Elliot: cold stone!
Nini: *laughs a little* Sounds good, you okay with that Ricky?
Ricky: mhm
Elliot: then let's go!
Nini: We walk out to my car and get in* What are you gonna get Elliot?
Elliot: Superman!
Nini: *laughs* What about you, Angel?
Elliot: his name is Richie
Ricky: RICK- *I take a breathe*
Elliot: I'm sorry
Ricky: it's okay um.. Richie is good
Elliot: but why angel?
Nini: Thats just his nickname
Elliot: I thought you were Ej's girlfriend though
Nini: Umm about that...
Elliot: what happened?
Nini: Ej and I broke up
Elliot: what?! Why?
Nini: B-because he wasn't being very nice to me
Elliot: and are you with Richie now instead?
Nini: Yep
Elliot: oh, um okay.
Ricky: is that okay?
Elliot: As long as you don't make her sad too
Ricky: I won't, I promise
Elliot: Okay, then I think it's okay
Ricky: we know it looks bad but we want to try and make it work
Elliot: I just didn't think Nini liked you
Ricky: me neither kid *laughs*
Elliot: So you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend?
Ricky: I- *I look at Nini* are we?
Nini: *to Ricky* I don't know if I'm ready for that yet
Ricky: completely understandable. I don't know if I am either. I haven't been in a solid relationship for awhile. And not that I doubt whatever we have going on here, but I wanna make sure this so something we both really want especially knowing the consequences
Nini: I'm glad we can agree *laughs a little* But I'll still be your princess until then
Ricky: and I'll be your angel
Elliot: are we there yet?
Nini: Almost buddy *laughs*

-Time Skip- A few days later Carlos and Nini are walking around school during their free period.
Carlos: so Seb and I are trying this out again tomorrow.
Nini: Oh yay! Where are you guys going?
Carlos: the roller skating rink
Nini: Well that's adorable
Carlos: I'm nervous though. Like what do we even talk about?
Nini: I don't know, I don't know him
Carlos: that's exactly my point. I feel like we have nothing in common except that we think each other are cute
Nini: Maybe you just don't know him well enough yet, that's what a second date is for
Carlos: I guess so. Speaking of which, you and Ej have been avoiding each other all week. Are you still fighting?
Nini: Oh um... we broke up
Carlos: wait what?!
Nini: Yeah, we did
Carlos: what happened?
Nini: A lot
Carlos: Nini please talk to me
Nini: Umm so I guess I'm kinda a cheater
Carlos: oh my god, with who?
Nini: His step brother...
Carlos: WHAT?!
Nini: Shushh quiet down
Carlos: what the hell Nini?!
Nini: Well he cheated too!
Carlos: oh my god
Nini: And yeah... But he's a bad person!
Carlos: I thought you said the step brother was a bad person!
Nini: Well he isn't! He's actually really really sweet
Carlos: back up, explain everything NOW!
Nini: Basically, one time Ej was late coming home from practice, that's when he was hooking up with Gina, and Ricky kinda was being a little flirtatious. Long story short, we ended up making out and yeah. Then every time I was over at the Caswells, I left to go to Ricky's room and be with him without Ej knowing. Then Ej tried to force me to kiss him and he wouldn't stop so I got mad and we fought. Then he apologized and we were fine-
Carlos: Nini you are such a player! *laughs awkwardly*
Nini: I know, I know!
Carlos: so where are you know? Are you and Ricky a thing?
Nini: *the bell rings* Uhh I'll tell you the rest later, bye! *I walk to class*
Carlos: NINI- *oh my god* *I walk to class*

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