Chapter 26: 31 days

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Lynne: *I walk upstairs and knock on your door*
Ricky: *I stay quiet*
Lynne: *I open your door* I need to talk to you
Ricky: I figured
Lynne: Alcohol, Ricky? What has gotten into my sweet little theater boy?
Ricky: what are you- oh.
Lynne: The spiked lemonade in the kitchen
Ricky: I'm not your sweet little theater boy
Lynne: Well then what happened to him?
Ricky: there was never a sweet little theatre boy. You've just never cared enough to know me
Lynne: I never cared about you? Of course I care about you, you're my son
Ricky: Then tell me mom, who do I spend most of my time with?
Lynne: Umm your step brothers?
Ricky: *rolls eyes* dad knows that Kourtney and I have been friends since elementary. I see her basically every day but you're always too busy with Todd or Ej or Elliot or whatever else
Lynne: Well that's because you're never by us anymore! You sit in your room when you're not at school and rarely ever come down to eat dinner
Ricky: I don't know if you've noticed mom, but I don't like living here. I'd rather be with dad
Lynne: I get that, but your dad is always at work or traveling to another hospital
Ricky: yeah, I know.
Lynne: So thats why you get to live here with me and your step family
Ricky: get to? More like have to
Lynne: But that's not important right now, what's important is that you're 18 and drinking alcohol and getting Nini to drink it too!
Ricky: and when did you start drinking?
Lynne: I had alcohol one time when I was 20 at a college party but that was it until I was 21
Ricky: well sorry I'm not as perfect as you
Lynne: I never said you had to be perfect honey, but this isn't right. You shouldn't be having alcohol this young
Ricky: yeah, I heard you the 1st 10 times
Lynne: Why, Ricky? Why?
Ricky: because why not? I'm alive, I'm healthy. I haven't killed anymore let alone hurt anyone.
Lynne: Because it's not legal, Ricky
Ricky: what are you gonna send me to jail?
Lynne: No, but someone else might if they catch you
Ricky: well I haven't been caught yet
Lynne: But that doesn't mean you won't
Ricky: anything else you want to yell at me about?
Lynne: ...Are you with Nini for the same reasons Ej was
Ricky: to sleep with her?
Lynne: Yes
Ricky: Believe it or not, I really like Nini and she makes me so happy. I would never force her into something she doesn't want
Lynne: And with... whatever you do, you always ask her before you do something, correct?
Ricky: always. Unlike your husbands disgusting son
Lynne: We're not talking about him right now. Now I know you're in trouble for being with her, but what is she like with you? She was very sweet when we met her but my mom side wants to know what she's really like
Ricky: what do you mean?
Lynne: Like why does she make you happy? Is she more than just a cheerleader?
Ricky: I think I officially fell for her when she sing me a song on the ukulele. But besides that she is so sweet and so pure. And beautiful inside and out and... I don't think I wanna take to you about this
Lynne: Don't tell Todd, but I'm glad you found someone. Even if it was through something as bad as cheating, I think you and Nini work well together. And who knows, maybe she'll give you some of that purity and sweetness *laughs a little*
Ricky: *I crack a little laugh but stop myself*
Lynne: Well, you do know there will be some consequences, correct?
Ricky: *I nod*
Lynne: No phone for a month, no going out for a month, and you'll now be getting weekly chores for the rest of the month
Ricky: what?!
Lynne: This is also punishment for the alcohol drinking too!
Ricky: at least let me explain to Nini
Lynne: You have tonight to tell her over the phone and then I take it tomorrow. And also, no seeing Nini for awhile
Ricky: but you just said-
Lynne: I know what I said, but I think you two need separation for a little bit while you think about the choices the two of you are making for awhile
Ricky: I understand. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry for being a smartass earlier
Lynne: I accept your apology. Now, do you want me to tell your father about this or do you want to tell him?
Ricky: you can tell him. Just let me talk to him afterward
Lynne: Okay, I will. Well I'm going to go talk to Todd about all of this and then we'll talk to your father tomorrow. And don't think Ej won't be getting punished to, because he will be *I kiss your cheek* I'm sorry that this had to happen and I love you Ricky. Go call Nini and tell her what happened, okay?
Ricky: okay, goodnight mom
Lynne: Night honey *I get up and walk out*

Ricky: *A little later I call Nini*
Nini: *I pick up* hey
Ricky: I found your jeans and shirt
Nini: *laughs a little* Great
Ricky: *laughs a little* but that's not what I called to talk to you about
Nini: I figured
Ricky: I'm not allowed out, on my phone, or to see you for a month
Nini: A month?
Ricky: yeah
Nini: My moms were a lot more merciful than yours. My phone is getting taken away for two weeks and I can't go out for two weeks unless it's for school. But after I had told them everything, they were a little more understanding
Ricky: well I was a bit of an ass to my mom. And she found out about the alcohol thing
Nini: Oh no, what'd she say?
Ricky: Just that it's illegal and not something I should be doing so young
Nini: Well she's not wrong *laughs a little*
Ricky: I guess
Nini: So what does this mean for us?
Ricky: I don't know Neens
Nini: I know we can't see each other for a while, but does that mean that whatever we had i-is done?
Ricky: I really fucked up your life. My whole family did... well, Ej and I did. Do you really still want to be around me or us? Even after the month passes
Nini: Of course I do. I don't care if it's a whole year I have to wait, I just wanna be with you Ricky
Ricky: really? I've done nothing but hurt you or cause you trouble. I mean from the concussion, to the tequila, to the hickey, to all of this Ej shit, and now this
Nini: But none of those things matter to me, at the end of the day, I just wanna be in your arms watching new girl while you call me princess and kiss my neck
Ricky: *My eyes water* I want nothing more
Nini: I'm gonna miss you so much
Ricky: you too
Nini: You have a computer right?
Ricky: mhm
Nini: I know this sounds really stupid and cheesy, but we could make each other little videos to watch everyday for the next month. Like a little I miss you and I'm thinking of you message. So that way we're not directly talking to one another but we're still communicating
Ricky: I'd love to
Nini: Well then there we go, now everything will be okay
Ricky: god I don't deserve you
Nini: Yes you do mister *laughs a little*
Ricky: I refuse to believe it *laughs a little*
Nini: Well you better believe it
Ricky: I should probably go
Nini: Yeah, me too
Ricky: I'll see you in exactly 31 days. Wait that's.. that's Christmas
Nini: I'll be waiting for you under the mistletoe *laughs a little*
Ricky: *laughs a little* goodnight, Princess
Nini: Goodnight, Angel. I'll "see" you tomorrow
Ricky: *laughs a little* bye *I hang up*

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