Chapter 8: Not in the mood

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Nini: You want adventure? *I lean forward and kiss you*
Ricky: *I kiss back*
Nini: *I pull away* Oh my god, I'm a cheater!
Ricky: kissing me doesn't make you a cheater. I told you I don't like you so it doesn't mean anything. I was just trying to pull you out of your comfort zone
Nini: But I kissed you and-
Ricky: and what?
Nini: And I liked it!
Ricky: wanna do it again?
Nini: We really shouldn't-
Ricky: *I push you back on my bed and kiss you*
Nini: *I kiss back and put my arms around your waist*
Ricky: *I keep kissing you*
Nini: *I should really stop, but I really don't want to*
*the front door opens sending a dinging noise through the house*
Nini: *I pull away* What was that?
Ricky: the front door?
Nini: Shit, he's home!
Ricky: damnit
Nini: I need to go, like now *I push you off of me and walk outside your door and into the bathroom*
Ricky: *I walk out of my room*
Ej: *I run upstairs* hey, do you know if Nini stopped by?
Ricky: I think she went to the bathroom
Nini: *I walk out of the bathroom and see you in the hallway* Hey babe! What took you so long?
Ej: practice just ran a little long. How long have you been here?
Ricky: *Still standing behind Ej* *I roll my eyes*
Nini: Like an hour or so
Ej: oh my goodness... I'm so sorry! What have you been doing?
Nini: Uh I was just watching the tv downstairs and scrolled instagram for a while
Ricky: *I laugh a little*
Ej: What's so funny, Richard?
Ricky: your inability to remember my name is Ricky
Ej: Yeah but you laughed before that
Ricky: oh, nothing don't even worry about it. But tell me... who'd you hook up with after practice?
Ej: What the hell are you talking about?
Ricky: an hour later? Come on. Your girlfriends been sitting here like a sad puppy for an hour
Ej: Like I said, practice ran late
Ricky: whatever Caswell... goodnight *I walk past you and toward Nini. As I'm walking I brush my fingers on Nini's hand subtly and walk into my room*
Nini: *Oh god*
Ej: has he been bothering you?
Nini: Uh no, not at all. I saw him once when I got here, but otherwise I haven't even talked to him today
Ej: okay good
Nini: *I clear my throat* I actually have some homework for biology that I need to go do so... I'll see you tomorrow
Ej: oh baby, I just got here
Nini: Yeah but it's late and my moms wanted me home for dinner like 20 minutes ago
Ej: 10 minutes?
Nini: Fine, 10 minutes
Ej: perfect... my room?
Nini: Sounds good to me
Ej: *we walk into my room* *I start to kiss you*
Nini: *I pull away* Not right now, I'm not really in the mood
Ej: what's wrong?
Nini: I just don't want to make out right now, okay?
Ej: oh come on, I've waited all day for this *I start to kiss you again*
Nini: *I pull away* Ej, I really don't want to do this right now
Ej: fine, just I'll do it *I kiss your neck*
Ricky: *I walk by Ej's room and see you telling him to stop* *I walk in* she told you to stop!
Ej: *I pull away and turn around to look at you* Can you mind your own damn business?
Ricky: She told you to stop
Ej: So? Just go away and leave us alone
Ricky: wanna know why you can't seem to keep a girlfriend around for more then 2 weeks? Cause you always do something stupid and ruin it for yourself. Now get your hands off her
Ej: You can't tell me what to do
Ricky: *I pull you away from Nini and shove you*
Ej: You better watch what you're doing, Bowen
Ricky: or what? You're gonna try to hit me?
Ej: You little punk, you think you're so cool because you sneak out and drink with your stupid arts school friends. Well let me tell you, you're pathetic. A disappointing, pathetic, unneeded, piece of shi-
Ricky: *I push you away from me* looks to me like you already took a beating today, I don't wanna make that perfect jawline any more black and blue... it's just embarrassing
Ej: Wow, you're really asking for it *I pull back my arm to punch you*
Ricky: *I grab your arm and stop you* I don't want to fight you. It'll just end in a dozen bruises for each of us. Just leave Nini alone when she asks you too
Ej: Don't tell me what to do in my relationship!
Ricky: That's what you should do in any relationship
Ej: Just go Richard!
Ricky: *I look at Nini*
Nini: *I look down and stay silent*
Ricky: *I let go and start to walk out*
Ej: And you better leave my girlfriend alone
Ricky: who said I wasn't?
Ej: *I slam the door* Sorry about that, where were we?
Nini: *I don't respond*
Ej: oh right *I go to kiss you again*
Nini: *I pull away again* No, Ej. I said no and I mean it
Ej: seriously, what's wrong?
Nini: I think I gotta go, my moms want me home and I'm tired *I start to walk out*
Ej: tomorrow? After school? Meet here? I don't have practice
Nini: I have a family thing tomorrow
Ej: wednesday then?
Nini: I uh, I have a dentist appointment
Ej: we can talk tomorrow at school, bye Baby
Nini: Bye *I walk downstairs and grab my things*
Ricky: *I climb down my window and off the roof and wait by your car*
Nini: *I walk outside and to my car* What are you doing out here?
Ricky: waiting for you
Nini: Why?
Ricky: wanted to make sure you got away from Ej successfully
Nini: You make it seem like he's a criminal or something
Ricky: how would you describe what he was doing to you?
Nini: I don't know... he was just being really forceful and he wasn't listening to me
Ricky: exactly
Nini: What are you saying?
Ricky: Oh nothing, but you're welcome by the way
Nini: I didn't need your help, I was fine
Ricky: sure you were
Nini: I was!
Ricky: whatever you say
Nini: Okay well, goodnight I guess *I go to open my door*
Ricky: I enjoyed kissing you
Nini: Uh um yeah, okay
Ricky: did you not?
Nini: *I swallow* No
Ricky: you need to get that hard swallowing thing checked out
Nini: W-what are you talking about?
Ricky: *laughs* why you so nervous?
Nini: I'm not nervous
Ricky: You're not?
Nini: Mhm, d-definitely not
Ricky: *I walk up to you and put my hand on your chest* then why's your heart pounding?
Nini: I-I don't know
Ricky: so you didn't enjoy kissing me?
Nini: Y-yeah, I totally didn't
Ricky: then I guess you gotta get home
Nini: Mhm *I look at your lips*
Ricky: go ahead
Nini: *I space out while looking at you*
Ricky: kiss me
Nini: Okay *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I put my arms around your neck and kiss back*
Nini: *I put my hand in your hair*
Ricky: *After a few minutes I pull back* thought you weren't in the mood
Nini: I wasn't in the mood... for Ej
Ricky: mhm, so I'm gonna ask you again. Did you enjoy kissing me?
Nini: I did
Ricky: *smirks into a smile* goodnight Nini
Nini: G-goodnight Ricky
Ricky: *I walk back toward the house and climb back up into my room*
Nini: *I drive away*

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