Chapter 24: Spilled Soda

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tw: underage drinking

-The door bell rings-
Nini: Shit, we forgot about the pizza
Ricky: *I get dressed quickly* I'll meet you downstairs *I run down and answer the door*
Pizza man: Um Nini? You can sign here
Ricky: Ninis upstairs, could I just sign or did she already pay?
Pizza guy: She paid online already so she'll have to sign
Ricky: excuse me one second... NINI! Can you come sign this!?
Nini: Where the hell did he put my jeans?! *I grab one of your shirts off the floor* Okay this is long enough *I run downstairs* Sorry, I'm here *I sign the receipt*
Pizza Guy: *I hand Ricky the Pizza* thank you, have a great day
Ricky: *I close the door and look at you confused*
Nini: I couldn't figure out where you threw my jeans or my shirt for that matter so I just grabbed your shirt... I hope that's okay
Ricky: you're fine *laughs* sorry
Nini: Someone just got a little too riled up *laughs*
Ricky: my badddd
Nini: Do you see me complaining?
Ricky: nope
Nini: Then don't be sorry
Ricky: then I'm not sorry
Nini: Good, cause neither am I
Ricky: well cool it down a second cause Elliots gotta eat with us *laughs*
Nini: No promises Bowen *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* ELLIOT! Elliot come down and eat!
Elliot: *I run downstairs* Ooh Pizza! But where are Ninis pants?
Ricky: *mumbles* that innocent child
Nini: I uh- I spilled soda on them and they're all stained now!
Ricky: *whispers* damn you're good
Elliot: well let's eat!
Nini: *I make you a plate* Do you want breadsticks too, Elliot?
Elliot: yes please!
Nini: *I add on breadsticks and give you a little dipping sauce* There you go, honey
Elliot: thank you!
Ricky: can I have same as him?
Nini: Sure Angel *I laugh and make you up a plate* And for you
Ricky: thank you!
Nini: You're welcome *I grab a slice of pizza and take a bite* How is it?
Elliot: yummy!
Nini: *laughs* Well I'm glad you like it. How about you, Ricky?
Ricky: super yummy *laughs*
Nini: Well good *I take another bite*
Ricky: how's homework going?
Elliot: I finished!
Ricky: awesome job!
Elliot: Thanks Richie!
Ricky: no problem buddy *laughs*
Elliot: But are you guys okay?
Ricky: what do you mean?
Elliot: I kept hearing these like moaning and groaning noises from your room. I thought one of you had gotten hurt
Ricky: *mumbles* I swear to god *laughs a little*
Nini: I just accidentally hit my arm on Rickys bedside table. I'm okay though
Elliot: 1st your pants and now your arm?!
Nini: I'm just a mess today! *laughs*
Elliot: *laughs* you're so silly
Nini: I'm a silly goose
Ricky: yeah get yourself together Nini *laughs*
Nini: Oh you shush
Ricky: or what?
Nini: *whispers* I'll go put my jeans back on
Ricky: you can't find them
Nini: then no more...- today
Ricky: damnit
Elliot: Rickyyyy, that's a no no word
Ricky: oops sorry
Elliot: It's okay, just keep those words to yourself
Ricky: I'll try my best *laughs*
Nini: Hey, do you wanna go get me something to drink, Angel?
Ricky: what would you like?
Nini: Well what do you have?
Ricky: water, lemonade, I think orange juice and whatever alco- whatever else
Nini: I'll have some lemonade *laughs*
Ricky: *I walk into the kitchen*
Elliot: are you sure you're okay? Do you need a bandage?
Nini: I'll be okay buddy *laughs*
Elliot: it sounded like it really hurt though
Nini: *This poor innocent child* It did, but I'm feeling better
Elliot: okay good
Ricky: *I come back with 3 glasses of lemonade*
Elliot: *I grab one* ooo thank yo-
Ricky: no not that one! *I take it from you and hand you a different one*
Nini: Richard Bowen *I shake my head*
Ricky: I swear it's not a lot, it just adds a little flavor
Nini: Did you add it to mine too?
Ricky: no I didn't
Nini: Well why not?
Ricky: I didn't think you'd like it
Nini: Well I'm always open to being adventurous
Ricky: are you sure?
Nini: Yeah, it can't be that strong
Ricky: *I take yours back to the kitchen*
Elliot: what are you talking about?
Nini: Oh, I just wanted a little more lemon in mine
Ricky: *I come back* let me know what you think
Nini: *I take a sip and make a face* Wow, that's some strong lemon
Ricky: I didn't put that much *laughs*
Nini: Well, I have a very low lemon tolerance
Ricky: *laughs* *I take a spit of mine*Elliot: Can you add more lemon to mine, Ricky?
Ricky: um, sure *I laugh and go in the kitchen and find lemon juice to squirt in it* here you go buddy
Elliot: *I take a sip* You're right, that is really sour!
Ricky: it is *laughs*
*we finish up dinner*
Elliot: Thank you for dinner Nini!
Nini: Yeah, no problem buddy
Ricky: I can pay you back
Nini: You don't have to, it's fine
Ricky: are you sure?
Nini: Mhm, as long as you take me out somewhere instead
Ricky: sounds good to me
Nini: I'm free on Saturday
Ricky: it's a date. I mean if you want to call it that
Nini: Sounds good to me *smiles*
Ricky: *smiles*
Elliot: you two better not get any ideas!
Nini: We were just smiling!
Elliot: yeah but that never ends well
Ricky: the kids got a point *laughs*
Nini: What are we teaching your innocent little step brother? *laughs*
Ricky: too much *laughs*
Elliot: When do daddy and Lynne come home?
Ricky: um tomorrow night I think
Elliot: Did you tell them about you and Nini?
Ricky: no, not yet. we aren't technically together yet
Elliot: Did Ej tell them that him and Nini broke up?
Ricky: I don't know
Elliot: Should I tell them?
Ricky: no not yet
Elliot: Okay... will Nini still come over?
Ricky: I'll probably go to her house
Nini: Well I still haven't told my moms...
Ricky: shit
Elliot: Ricky, no no word
Ricky: oh fuck sorry... DAMMNIT *I cover my mouth*
Elliot: *I shake my head in a disappointed way*
Nini: We really gotta work on that mouth of yours
Ricky: *I nod*
Nini: Good boy *I pat your head and laugh*
Ricky: I'm not a dog! *laughs*
Nini: Are we sure about that?
Ricky: yes
Nini: Mmm okay
Ricky: *laughs*
*The door opens*
Todd: We're home!

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