Chapter 5: Basic B!tch

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-Time Skip- The rest of that week and the following week go by and Ej's come to visit Nini a few times but he's been pretty busy with football practice. It's Saturday now and Ej's just leaving Nini's to get to football practice.
Ej: I promise I'll come tomorrow
Nini: I'll hold you to it *laughs*
Ej: bye Neens *I give you a quick kiss*
Nini: Bye Ej
Ej: *I walk outside and drive to school*
*Theres a knock at Nini's door*
Nini: *I get up and open it* Hi how can I- Ricky?
Ricky: hey *I walk inside*
Nini: What are you doing here? And how do you know where I live?
Ricky: I just followed Ej a few days ago
Nini: That still doesn't answer my first question
Ricky: my dad wanted to give you this *I hand you some papers and some medication* just 2 more weeks of this
Nini: Oh thanks *I set everything down* Is that it?
Ricky: I guess I wanted to apologize again. Oh and congratulate you on making it with Ej for 2 weeks. Normally I'd catch him making out with 2 other random girls by now.
Nini: Gee thanks *rolls eyes*
Ricky: I'm serious. Ej's a player
Nini: You think I didn't know
Ricky: Then why stay with him? And he's so full of himself
Nini: He's a great guy and I don't know... we're just the perfect combination
Ricky: boringgggg! Where's your sense of adventure?
Nini: I don't understand what you're saying
Ricky: you're the head cheerleader correct?
Nini: Yes?
Ricky: and Ej's the captain of the football team. It's just a "perfect" cliche movie couple. And there's no fun in that
Nini: Well maybe I just happen to like it
Ricky: how many boyfriends have you had? Or girlfriends... or whatever you're into
Nini: I don't know like three probably
Ricky: and let me guess, they all played football or basketball
Nini: No... one of them played baseball
Ricky: oh mY bAd... point is, you're too predictable. It's boring
Nini: And why the hell do you care?
Ricky: I don't
Nini: Then why do you keep commenting on it?
Ricky: cause I feel like it
Nini: Wow, you're just too kind. What do you want me to do, date someone that doesn't play sports? Will that make you happy?
Ricky: oh I don't care who you date or what you do with them or anything. I'm just letting you that you'd have more fun with someone you won't know what to expect with
Nini: And who might that be?
Ricky: whoever you want that to be
Nini: Mm okay, well thanks for stopping by to insult me, I really appreciate it. So unless you're here to be my all so adventurous new boyfriend, you can leave *rolls eyes*
Ricky: good bye basic bitch *I walk out*
Nini: God, he really does suck

Nini: *But maybe he is right, I am kinda basic. I mean, the quarterback? Come on Nini, that's so cliche and stupid. I mean he's nice.... who am I kidding, he's an egotistical jerk. I mean, he's not horrible to me, but he is to all the theater kids at school. But everyone thinks we fit so well together, and maybe we do. Or maybe we don't. God damnit, Richards gotten to my head*

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