Chapter 15: Another one off the list

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Nini: *I follow you out and we get in the car* You remember where I live?
Ricky: I think so
Nini: Then shut up and drive *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
*we get to your place and go inside*
Nini: You hungry?
Ricky: a little, yea
Nini: My mamma made crepes this morning, you want some?
Ricky: I'd love some
Nini: *I pull out the leftovers and reheat them* Strawberries or nutella?
Ricky: both
Nini: Mmm that's what I usually do *I laugh and prepare you and myself a plate* There you go
Ricky: *I try it* shit that's good
Nini: I know right? My momma knows what she's doing
Ricky: now I'm really excited for these Chocolate croissants tomorrow *I take another bite*
Nini: Me too, you better be ready to get your hands dirty *laughs*
Ricky: oh I'm ready *laughs*
Nini: *I take another bite* Are you okay sleeping in my room?
Ricky: sounds good to me
Nini: Perfect
Ricky: I'm really happy
Nini: That you're here with me?
Ricky: yes
Nini: Well I'm happy you're here with me too *smiles*
*we finish up*
Ricky: I can wash these really quick if you'd like
Nini: You don't have to-
Ricky: no really, I got it *I get up and take your plate and start washing them*
Nini: Thank you, that's really sweet of you
Ricky: just trying to get some redemption for that bruise I put on your neck, or your throat scratching up from the tequila, or the concussion *laughs a little*
Nini: *laughs* Damn, you really are just the worst to me
Ricky: I can't believe you invited me over *laughs*
Nini: How dare I *laughs* I'm gonna go get ready for bed, and I'll see if I can find you anything to wear *I walk upstairs*
Ricky: *Damnit. I thought this was just a "friends with benefits" kind of thing but now I'm not so sure. She's so sweet and caring and so goddamn hot. I didn't want to categorize this as cheating but now I think I really like her, and part of me thinks she likes me too. Why does Ej have to ruin everything?! Well I mean, I guess I'm ruining it... it doesn't matter. Fact is, I like Nini and I haven't felt this way for someone in a long time.* *I finish cleaning up and walk upstairs*
Nini: *I set aside clothes for you and start changing*
Ricky: Hey Nini?! Which room is yours? *laughs*
Nini: I'm in here!
Ricky: *I find it and walk into your room and immediately turn around* I'm so sorry
Nini: *I blush and drop my shirt* Uh it's okay, I probably should have warned you first *I get dressed* Y-you can turn around now
Ricky: *I turn around* is this for me? *I point to a sweatshirt and sweatpants on your bed*
Nini: Mhm, and there's a shirt under the sweatshirt if you get too hot. It's one of my moms old Pride shirts *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs* awesome, thank you
Nini: Yeah, no problem
Ricky: is there a bathroom or-
Nini: That door right over there *I point to a door*
Ricky: okay thank you *I walk inside and get changed into the shirt and sweatpants, then walk out*
Nini: How does everything fit?
Ricky: great, I'm comfortable
Nini: You look comfortable *laughs*
Ricky: I think Kourtney has this same shirt or at least something like it
Nini: It is a pretty good shirt
Ricky: *I lay down next to you* how are you?
Nini: Pretty good, just a little bit sleepy
Ricky: me too
Nini: *I nuzzle my head into your neck and wrap my arm around you* Sing me something
Ricky: ummmmmm mmm *sings softly* Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Nini: *sings softly* Tale as old as Time
Ricky: Song as old as rhyme
Nini and Ricky: Beauty and the Beast
Ricky: *smiles* I love your voice
Nini: Thank you, I love yours too
Ricky: *I close my eyes* goodnight Princess *you did NOT just call her that*
Nini: *I smile and blush* Goodnight, Ricky *I kiss you quick and start to fall asleep*
Ricky: *I fall asleep*
Nini: *I really like him calling me princess, and I really like him* *I fall asleep*
Ricky: *I wake up the following morning still in Nini's arms and carefully grab my phone. I send Kourtney my location and put it back down. I look back at Nini and brush my fingers along her face then put my head back down and close my eyes*
Nini: *I start to wake up and feel you in my arms. I'm a little confused at first, but then I remember what happened last night. I kiss your cheek and run my fingers through your hair*
Ricky: *I open my eyes slowly* good morning
Nini: Good morning, how'd you sleep?
Ricky: really good. you?
Nini: It was one of the best nights of sleep I think I've ever had
Ricky: *smiles* is that so?
Nini: Mhm, you are quite nice to cuddle
Ricky: so are you
Nini: *smiles* Thats because I'm the best
Ricky: 100% *laughs* *my phone starts ringing* oh god, its Ej
Nini: You should probably answer it
Ricky: I don--- mmmm *I answer it* Yes?
Ej: where the hell are you?
Ricky: I'm-
Ej: I have to get to practice and you're not here to watch Elliot
Ricky: damnit. Um I'll call your grandparents
Ej: I already did and they're on their way but I'm already late to practice
Ricky: I'm sor-
Ej: You need to stop sneaking out every single god damn night! You don't just get to go around and do whatever you want just because you're some sad arts kid that thinks they're better than everyone because you get drunk every night. You live in a household now with other people and you have to fucking respect that! I've had it up to my breaking point with your bullshit and I'm point two seconds away from telling my father and Lynne what a screwup and irresponsible brat you are! You don't have to like us, but you have to give a little more effort. And I know that's hard for you because you never do shit but maybe it's about time you grow the hell up, Richard.
Ricky: I never asked to be your brother, I didn't even want to live with my mom. But why the hell do you care what I do with my life? It's none of your goddamn business. I understand that I'm part of the family now and I should be more helpful or whatever then I am, but I never wanted this. Go ahead and tattle to your dad and my mom, I don't fucking care. I'm sorry about this morning but you're one to talk. Remember Monday when you were an hour late to meet your own girlfriend at your own house? Who the hell does that? Don't you care about her? You just left her alone with your baby brother and your fucked up step brother. Don't tell me what to do with my life if you can't even figure out your own.
Ej: Stop bringing up my relationship! Why the hell do you care so much about it?! And according to your calculations, she'll be gone by next week so what's your problem with my relationship between ME and NINI?!
Ricky: I don't care! You just don't have the right to call me out before you call yourself out.
Ej: Well if you care about her that damn much, you can have her by next Friday. I was planning on sleeping with her by Wednesday and dropping her the next morning. Another one off the list
Nini: *My jaw drops and my eyes start to water*
Ricky: wow. fuck you Caswell. Fuck you *I hang up* *I put my phone down and wrap my arms around you*

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