Epligoue (Christmas one shot)

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Even after Nini's last year of college, our favorite couple is still together. Nini finished up college almost half a year ago and got her tracking degree for music education. Rickys been out for a year now and booked the role of Evan in Dear Evan Hansen. Now, it's opening night and Nini just made it to the theater

Nini: *I find Gina and Ej* Merry Christmas! Ah you guys made it!
Ej: Merry Christmas Nini! *I hug you* how are you?!
Nini: I'm good, and super excited. He has not shut up about this all week and neither have I *laughs*
Gina: oh neither have we! And the whole plane we were on on the way here knows about it too *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* Where's Lynne and Todd?
Gina: they're getting drinks or something *laughs* But Mike should be...
Mike: Nini, hey! Merry Christmas!
Nini: you too! How are you doing?
Mike: I'm kind of exhausted *laughs* flying always poops me out
Nini: Me too, but at least you're here!
Mike: of course! I'm so glad i could make it. I still can't believe Rickys doing this!
Nini: He's really excited for everyone to see it
Mike: well, I'm gonna go take my seat but I'll see you after the show! *walks away*
Elliot: hey Nini!
Nini: Elliot! *I hug you* How you doing buddy?
Elliot: I'm good. How are you?
Nini: I'm very excited, especially now that my favorite person is here
Elliot: ayeee *laughs*
Ej: I am- deeply hurt
Nini: Oh shut up Elijah *laughs*
Elliot: yeah Ej, I'm the favorite
Ej: But like, I'm the best
Gina: in my eyes
Nini: Yeah, you're mediocre
Elliot: Richie's number 3 *laughs*
Nini: He's pretty cool too
Lynne: *walks over* hey Nini!
Nini: Hi Lynne! How are you doing?
Lynne: we're okay *laughs* getting here was quite the adventure
Nini: I completely understand *laughs*
Todd: I don't know how you guys live here *laughs*
Nini: You get used to it after awhile
Gina: we should probably head inside. We can't miss the opening number!

*we all walk in and take our seats and watch the show*

Ricky: *Sings* All I see is sky for forever
*the stage goes black and everyone stands and claps as the cast bows*

Nini: Hold on guys, I'm gonna talk to one of my students and then i'll meet you outside
Lynne: we'll see you soon! *Nini walks away* this is perfect! Come on guys!
Elliot: Where are we meeting Ricky?
Ej: he said they'd let us go to the back door. Here, follow me *I start walking*

*20 min later*

Ricky: *I open the door* heyyyy
Elliot: Richie!
Ricky: hey Elliot! Soooo what did everyone think?!
Elliot: You were amazing!
Ricky: oh goodness, thank you Elliot! Oh! And merry Christmas everyone!
Ej: Oh my gosh! We have a gift for all of you
Ricky: oh?!
Ej: *whispers to Elliot*
Ricky: oh my god! Oh my god! Congratulations!
Gina: It's gonna be a May baby!
Ej: just like it's mamma!
Ricky: hey um, do you guys have it?
Mike: Oh, you mean this? *I hand you a ring*
Ricky: oh god I'm so nervous *laughs a little*
Gina: Don't be nervous, she's been waiting for years *laughs*
Ricky: well don't make me sound like the bad guy *laughs*
Ej: Well she's been waiting for like 5 years!
Ricky: you guys know I never thought marriage would be my thing
Lynne and Mike: Trust me, we know
Ricky: mmmm I love you guys
Nini: *I come up behind you and wrap my arms around you* You were incredible up there, angel!
Ricky: Aww thank you Neens *I kiss your cheek* but guess what?
Nini; What?
Ricky: Gina's pregnant
Nini: Wait what?! No way!
Gina: yep! *laughs a little*
Nini: I'm gonna be an aunt oh my gosh!
Ej: we were gonna wait to tell you guys and let this be your special day Ricky but we just couldn't wait
Ricky: oh no way! This is the best news ever
Nini: I'm so happy for you guys, how far along are you?
Gina: about 3 to 4 months
Ej: And we're naming it after me
Gina: *I hit you* I am not naming my child Elijah James
Ej: ow!
Todd: yeah... ow! *laughs*
Nini: You two crack me up *laughs* So, are we going out to dinner or-
Ricky: we're all gonna eat at our loft. Don't worry... I cleaned it all up while you were at school today
Nini: Oh, okay. Does everyone know how to get there?
Gina: Ricky's got us all directions *laughs* we'll meet you guys there
Nini: Sounds good, you ready to go?
Ricky: yep
Nini: We'll see you guys later!
Elliot: Bye! *everyone walks away*
Mike: *hugs Ricky's and whispers* I love you and good luck. Not that you need it
Ricky: bye dad, I'll see you soon

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