Chapter 4: Dr. Bowen

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Ricky: *I help walk you inside*
Nurse in lobby: Hello Ricky, here to see Dr. Bowen?
Ricky: Yes please
Nurse: and this is?
Ricky: just a friend
Nurse: so two visitor passes today?
Ricky: that would be greatly appreciated
Nurse: *I hand you two passes* It was nice seeing you Ricky
Ricky: you too *I start walking to my dads office holding onto you*
Mike: Ricky, what a nice surprise! What are you doing here... and who is she?
Ricky: Hey dad, this is Nini, Ej's girlfriend. We think she has a concussion.
Mike: Concussion? How'd that happen?
Ricky: I ran into her...
Mike: *laughs a little* And you feel fine?
Ricky: I'm fine. But Nini is really dizzy and is having trouble standing up straight. She just collapsed at home.
Mike: Well check her out and see how she's doing. Can you come sit on the table Nini?
Nini: *I slowly walk over and sit down*
Mike: *I start to examine* So how's school?
Ricky: it's fine I guess. I have a big project due today that I still need to finish up.
Mike: And you took your step brother's girlfriend to the hospital?
Ricky: he had to pick up his brother for karate or something. And I mean I did this to her
Mike: *A little bit later* Well she definitely has a concussion. It's mild but she for sure has one
Ricky: shit
Mike: She'll be okay, it's nothing too serious. I'll get her the right Meds and she'll be fine. But she'll have to stay out of physical activity for a while
Ricky: well, thank you dad
Mike: No problem, I'm always happy to help
Ricky: Well, I love you and miss you, but Ej texted me hes outside
Mike: Yeah of course, hey Ricky?
Ricky: mhm?
Mike: When you're off of school next week, you wanna... I don't know, hang? *laughs* We can spend the day together
Ricky: sounds good to me. Anything to get me out of that house *laughs a little*
Mike: You doing okay over there?
Ricky: it's alright I guess I just don't like being there and it's not like schools much better. Usually my midnight runs to ihop with Kourt or the group does the trick though
Mike: Well you let me know if anything gets worse, okay?
Ricky: thank you. We should get going
Mike: Bye son, See you next week
Ricky: Bye *I hold onto Nini and start walking out*
Nini: *we get outside and into the car* I have a concushion- concussion!
Ej: damnit Richard!
Ricky: what?
Ej: She had a competition next week! And the rest of the season
Ricky: I'm sorry-
Ej: Well sorry won't cut it, just get in the car
Ricky: *I get in* she'll be fine just give her a few weeks. Luckily she has such an iNcreDibLe boyfriend like you to take care of her
Ej: *rolls eyes*
Nini: Can we go back to your house?
Ej: Yeah but I should probably take you home soon
Nini: Okay, my head just hurts
Ej: I'm so sorry babe
Nini: It's okay, just drive
Ej: okay
*we get back*
Nini: Thank you for taking me in, Ricky
Ricky: yeah, um, sorry for running into you
Nini: It's all good, just be a little more careful next time *laughs a little*
Ej: don't you have that very important project you need to work on?
Ricky: yeah, see you guys later *I walk upstairs*
Nini: He's actually really nice
Ej: he literally gave you a concussion
Nini: On accident
Ej: whatever just stay away from him best you can
Nini: Um okay, got it
Ej: well, I should probably get you home. I just hope your moms let me see you again after this
Nini: Oh it'll be fine, they already love you *laughs*
Ej: I mean, everyone does *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* *I grab my things and we walk back to the car*
Ej: *I start driving* how are you feeling
Nini: Still very dizzy and my head hurts, but otherwise I'm okay
Ej: I feel awful. Richard is an absolute dick
Nini: *laughs a little* He was really nice to me, I don't understand what you have against him
Ej: I don't know, I guess you just have to live with him
Nini: Mmm I think I'm okay *laughs*
Ej: *laughs* yeah , not very fun
Nini: Well this means I won't be at school for a few days
Ej: I'll come see you as much as I can
Nini: And I won't be on the field
Ej: I'm losing my number 1 cheerleader
Nini: I'll be there in spirit
Ej: thanks babe
Nini: No problem
*we get back to your place and I help walk you to the front door*
Ej: and I'm sorry I left you with Richard at the hospital
Nini: It's okay. Mama's?!
Carol: Hey Neens. Oh hello Ej
Nini: Hey mom, um I have a concussion
Carol: oh my god, what happened?l
Nini: Ej's step brother ran into me and then it all went downhill from there. We went into the hospital and his dad checked me out and told me I have a mild concussion *I hand you my medicine and paperwork* Here's what he gave me and he suggested I stay out of school for the week
Ej: I'm so so so so sorry Mrs.Salazar-Roberts
Carol: oh my goodness and how much do I have to pay for all of this?
Ej: my step brothers father just helped her out and we paid for the meds. It's all covered
Carol: Well I'm glad you're okay, I'll tell Dana to go set up your room for you and I'll call the school. My poor baby *I hug you*
Nini: I'll be okay mom, don't worry about me
Ej: I'm so sorry again
Carol: You're all good, Ej. I'm glad you took care of her
Ej: I'll see you soon Nini
Nini: By babe *I kiss your cheek*
Ej: *smiles* bye *I drive home*

I'm posting everyday now! Also look forward to Christmas one shots :)

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