Bonus Chapter: Graduation

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-Time Skip- This story has been a bit crazy right?! A little intense with its sweet moments. Anyways, we're gonna jump to June the following year... specifically Ricky's graduation. To catch you up, like Ricky said, Ej's over the whole Ricky getting Nini thing since he only wanted her for dirty reasons. He's been in several "relationships" this past semester but he seems to keep finding himself back with Gina Porter. Surprising right? Especially since she gave him the black and blue mark with her fist, if you remember, somewhere in this story. Ricky and Nini are still at it strong and are just the happiest pair there is. From New Girl dates, to games with Elliot, to their alone time in each other's rooms... Rini has no where to go but up.
It's the morning of Ricky's graduation and he's home getting ready when Nini calls him on the phone.

Nini: How's my Angel doing this morning?
Ricky: he's a little stressed
Nini: What are you stressing about?
Ricky: I mean this is it, then I'm off to New York
Nini: Well, you still have summer *laughs*
Ricky: i know but it's all just coming way too fast
Nini: Hey, take a deep breath, love. Stress isn't good for anyone
Ricky: *I breath in and out a few times* I just don't want to leave you
Nini: Don't think about that yet, you aren't leaving right after you graduate, okay? We've still got all of June and July together
Ricky: okay, you're right. I have nothing to worry about
Nini: See, sometimes you just need to take a breath and have some sense talked into you *laughs a little*
Ricky: SHIT
Elliot: *from the other room* RICHIE!
Ricky: SORRY! I just hit my funny bone *laughs*
Nini: Oh goodness *laughs* Do you think you can make it to graduation without hurting yourself?
Ricky: I think the real question is can I make it to graduation without hurting someone else
Nini: *laughs* Please not another concussion
Ricky: I will try my best *laughs*
Nini: Well you my dear, need to finish getting ready
Ricky: so I'll see you there?
Nini: Yep, Carlos and I are carpooling
Ricky: perfect, I can't wait... well I can wait... nevermind *laughs*
Nini: *laughs* I'll see you later Angel
Ricky: I love youuu bye bye
Nini: Byeeeee *I hang up*

-later right before the graduation-
Carlos: how is it both of us ended up with seniors at this private arts school *laughs*
Nini: Couldn't tell you Los, but I'm happy we did *laughs*
Carlos: me too *laughs*
Elliot: *walks over* Hi Nini!
Nini: Hey Elliot! Is the rest of your family here?
Elliot: yeah they're back there * I point to them* I just told them I wanted to say hi
Nini: Did Ej come?
Elliot: yeah
Nini: Well I'll let you get back to your family, okay?
Elliot: okay! I'll see you later! *walks away*
Carlos: oh my god that's the legendary brother. I love him
Nini: He's my favorite *laughs*
Carlos: wait I think it's starting
Nini: Oh look, I see the boys!!
Carlos: ugh I love them *laughs*
Nini: Look at them, our little graduates
Carlos: currently restraining myself from running onto that stage with him
Nini: You can do it Los, I believe in you *laughs*
Carlos: *laughs*

-after the ceremony-
Carlos: where are they?!
Nini: *I look around* Oh! I see Seb and his family over there!
Carlos: oh.. I'll catch you later Neens!
Nini: Bye Los *you walk away* *I keep looking around for Ricky but I can't find him*
Ricky: *I come behind you* BOO!
Nini: *screams* Oh my god, you scared me! *laughs* *I turn around* Look at my graduate!
Ricky: *laughs* the tassels officially turned
Nini: I'm so proud of you! *I hug you* My angel graduated
Ricky: I feel so oldddd
Nini: You're only 18 *laughs*
Ricky: I know but stilll
Nini: Well your girlfriend is still in high school so you can't be THAT old
Ricky: that makes me sound really good
Nini: *laughs* Oh shush. You still eat dino nuggets so you can't be that old
Ricky: my favorite!
Nini: See, you're still a child
Ricky: *laughs* so what do you think? *I spin around*
Nini: You look lovey, angel *laughs*
Ricky: *I put my cap on you* next year missy
Nini: Ugh, don't get me started on school. It's summer now!
Ricky: and I'm ready to spend every minute of it with you
Nini: Every single minute *laughs*
Ricky: I love you so much
Nini: I love you too *I give you a quick kiss* You wanna go find your family?
Ricky: sure *I take your hand*
Nini: Do you see them?
Ricky: yeah they're right over there *I point*
Nini: *we walk over* I found the graduate! *laughs*
Lynne: congratulations honey! *hugs Ricky*
Todd: we're so proud of you
Ricky: thanks guys *laughs*
Elliot: Richie, you finished high school! *I hug you*.
Ricky: it's so crazy! Where's Ej?
Elliot : He said he was going to the bathroom, but he'll be right back
Nini: *to Ricky* Is it because I'm here?
Ricky: I don't know, it doesn't matter.
Nini: Okay *I wrap my arm around your back*
Lynne: picture time! *takes out phone* smile you two!
Nini: *smiles*
Lynne: *takes a few pictures* Elliot jump in there!
Elliot: cheese!
Ricky: *laughs*
Lynne: *takes a few more pictures*
Ej: *walks over*
Elliot: Ej! Get in the picture!
Ej: K *I walk over and stand next to Elliot and smile*
Lynne: *takes some pictures* Nini, will you take a picture of all of us?
Nini: Sure! Everyone smile!
Lynne: awesome thank you Nini
Nini: Yeah, no problem!
Ricky: is that all mom? *laughs*
Lynne: Yes, I won't make you take anymore pictures *laughs*
Ricky: then are we ready to go?
Lynne: We're ready if you are
Ricky: I'm ready. Nini, do you need a ride?
Nini: Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure Carlos and Seb are going out so I'm losing my ride *laughs*
Ricky: well I came separate from everyone else so we get a ride to ourselves *laughs*
Nini: Sounds good to me
Elliot: Will you be home later, Ricky?
Ricky: mhm
Lynne: Well let us know if you end up going out somewhere just so we don't wait up if you're out to late *laughs*
Ricky: I will. We'll see you guys later!
Elliot: Bye guys!
Ricky: bye! *we walk away*
Nini: *we walk to your car and get in* So what do you wanna do now?
Ricky: go out to lunch?
Nini: I would love to, where do you wanna go?
Ricky: umm Italian?
Nini: Ooh sounds delicious
Ricky: okay perfect. I know a place just down the street here
Nini: Sounds good to me
*we get there and order*
Ricky: I'm soooo hungry
Nini: Me too *laughs* The ceremony was soooo long
Ricky: it was terrible *laughs*
Nini: Did you almost fall when you were walking to get your diploma?
Ricky: shhhhh
Nini: I knew it! *laughs*
Ricky: oh shut up *laughs*
Nini: It's okay, you're just my clumsy boy
Ricky: please tell me you got it on video
Nini: Maybe...
Ricky: oh my goodness let me see *laughs*
Nini: *I pull it up on my phone and give it to you*
Ricky: oh my god *laughs* I'm the king of embarrassing myself
Nini: It's actually kinda funny how clumsy you are *laughs*
Ricky: what?! Why?
Nini: Because you're like the most calm and chill person I know, but one wrong step and you're on the floor
Ricky: well I love how shy you are. Obviously not around me but as a cheerleader you'd think you would be super outgoing. it's cute
Nini: I guess you're right. I've always been really shy around people since I was young. But before we got together, I used to be so timid whenever I was around you. You made me so nervous. It was like, one false word and I thought you would get so mad. So that's why when we started whatever we were, I'd stutter a lot and go with what you'd say
Ricky: *laughs* awww I'm sorry
Nini: It's okay, I really didn't think much of it back then and i'm not embarrassed by it or anything. I like when you take control
Ricky: yeah?
Nini: For sure
Rick: and why is that?
Nini: Because you're hot when you're all in charge and stuff. Or when you got mad that one time when Ej gave me a hickey, that was... I was so scared but so attracted at the same time *laughs*
Ricky: well damn
Nini: damn is right
Ricky: when you walked in with that hickey from Ej I was so upset. I didn't even realize how bad I wanted you
Nini: I knew you would be a little jealous, but you were so pissed. I genuinely felt really bad
Ricky: that was the night Ej found out about us
Nini: oh geese *laughs*
Ricky: but it wasn't until a few days later... right? We both got into a lot of trouble *laughs*
Nini: Well I think the separation was probably the best thing that ever happened to us. It made me realize how much I really needed you in my life. It's how I realized I loved you
Ricky: I think so too
Nini: And now we're happier than ever *I hold your hand on top of the table*
Ricky: just like in the movies
Nini: *laughs a little* Just like in the movies
Ricky: but our prom night will forever live in my head
Nini: yeah, I was so devastated when you didn't show up, I thought you were gonna break up with me. I sat through the whole prom by myself in the corner drinking punch. I mean, the only people I knew there were Seb and Carlos but I didn't want to intrude on their night. And when it was over, I sat outside the school waiting, just hoping you'd show up. And then the rain came and I think I started crying *laughs* But when you came speeding into the empty parking lot I knew something wasn't right. I swear to god, I've never seen you run as fast as you did when you came running to me. Apologizing about being late, saying you had to take Elliot to the ER to get stitches, I was so scared. But then we danced in the parking lot outside your car to that one Ed Sheeran song, god it was so perfect
Ricky: *sings* darlin you look perfect tonight
Nini: *laughs a little* You have the most soothing voice ever
Ricky: you have no idea how terrible I felt. I wanted to call you so badly but I left it at Kourtneys and I was so upset
Nini: No it's okay, I'm really past it all now. I mean, I could hear the genuine sadness in your voice when you were explaining yourself. I knew you didn't just ditch and come up with an excuse
Ricky: but you're right, that night ended up being perfect
Nini: And I wouldn't have wanted it any other way
Ricky: me neither
Nini: Oh my god, do you remember when Ej walked in on us on Valentine's day?
Ricky: I swear to god I wanted to kill myself *laughs*
Nini: *laughs*
Ricky: I thought you were intimate before but god was I wrong *laughs* The way you touched me and held me... I never felt more passion and love in just some make out session. With just your underwear away from us being completely naked, Ej just had to walk in my room for whatever reason. I almost fell off the bed in embarrassment. You know, I kinda feel bad for Ej... he definitely did not need to see that
Nini: God I was so embarrassed *laughs* But before Ej showed up, I'd never felt more loved by someone
Ricky: I probably would have done you if Ej hadn't come, so part of me is glad he did
Nini: *blushes* Yeah me too, I want our first time to be special, ya know? Not just due to some urges on Valentine's day
Ricky: I agree
Waiter: *walks over* Okay, so we have Chicken Alfredo over here and Ravioli for the lady *I set down the plates* Anything else I can get you?
Ricky: no that's all, thank you!
Waiter: No problem, enjoy your meal *walks away*
Nini: *I take a bite* Oh, that is some good food *laughs*
Ricky: I know right *laughs*
Nini: Can I try a bite of yours?
Ricky: mhm *I hand you my fork with a bite on it*
Nini: *I eat it* Mmm, delicious
Ricky: can I try yours?
Nini: Yeah *I hand you my fork*
Ricky: *I try it* oh yeah, that's good
Nini: So are you excited for college?
Ricky: yes and no
Nini: And why is that?
Ricky: I mean I know I've gone to an art school for all of high school but I never thought I'd actual pursue it
Nini: Well I think you'll do great. And if you're ever stressed or in need of a familiar voice, you can always call me
Ricky: 1 month away from you was hard enough. And we weren't even close to what we are today
Nini: Well we've been through so many other things, this one should be a breeze
Ricky: but you have to come visit
Nini: Of course. You have an apartment off campus, right?
Ricky: yep
Nini: Good, I don't want to have to worry about roommates when I come over *laughs*
Ricky: yeah no... not good idea
Nini: *laughs* Especially with how loud I can be sometimes
Ricky: *laughs* and like I said, you haven't even gotten the real thing yet
Nini: Should I be scared?
Ricky: no
Nini: People always tell me that it hurts the first time, but I'm sure you'll be gentle
Ricky: of course and I don't want you to think I'm suggesting this for any time soon especially if you don't want it
Nini: No, it's not that I don't want it, I am just a little scared for when it happens. I'm just scared it's really gonna hurt
Ricky: it might a little, I won't lie to you. But you can trust me
Nini: *smiles* I love you
Ricky: I love you too
*we finish up and the waiter drops off the check*
Nini: *I go to put in my card*
Ricky: woah wait, I got it
Nini: Not today, it's your day and I wanna treat you to lunch
Ricky: no really-
Nini: Nope, I insist I pay today, Angel
Ricky: fine, for today
Nini: Thank you *I put in my card and hand it to the waiter as he walks by*
Ricky: thank you princess
Nini: No problem *I get the check back and sign it* You really wanna leave the tip, don't you?
Ricky: I do, I really really do
Nini: *sighs* Fine, you can leave the tip *laughs*
Ricky: thank you *I take out my wallet and leave a tip*
Nini: You ready to go?
Ricky: where to next?
Nini: Oh! I we need to go back to the car, your graduation present is in there
Ricky: your gifts are my absolute favorite
Nini: Thats because I'm the best gift giver *laughs*
Ricky: you really are *laughs* *we walk out to my car*
Nini: Okay, are you ready?
Ricky: should I be nervous?
Nini: No, I think you're really gonna like this
Ricky: then I'm ready
Nini: For your graduation gift, I got you.... drum roll please?
Ricky: *I pat my legs...*
Nini: *I pull the gift out of my purse* Two tickets to a Harry Styles Concert!
Ricky: oh my god... no. You didn't. *with a shocked and excited face*
Nini: I did, he's coming here in July and I got us front row seats
Ricky: *yells* oh my god!!! *i pick you up and hug you*
Nini: *laughs* I knew you'd like it
Ricky: I'm so excited I can't even tell you-
Nini: Then you'll just have to show me *I kiss you*
Ricky: *I kiss back and hold you up on my waist*
Nini: *I pull away and kiss your forehead* You gonna take me with you?
Ricky: I wouldn't rather go with anyone else
Nini: I was hoping you'd say that *laughs a little* You ready to head home now?
Ricky: my place?
Nini: Of course, I promised Elliot I'd swing by again
Ricky: sounds good to me *I put you back down and open your car door*
Nini: Why thank you *I laugh and get in*
Ricky: I told you why I love Harry Styles so much right?
Nini: I don't think you did
Ricky: this is gonna sound so stupid but he inspired me I guess. Knowing that a label on sexuality doesn't matter and to just love who you love... I mean he showed me it's okay to not be labeled as one way. And that's just part of who I am
Nini: *smiles* Have I ever told you how amazing you are?
Ricky: you've mentioned it
Nini: I love you just the way you are because you are the most incredible man out there
Ricky: don't even start *laughs a little*
Nini: I don't know where I'd be without you. You brighten my day with that sweet smile of yours and you're kisses. I know that we haven't been together forever, but I've never felt stronger about a person that I have about you. You make me feel so loved and cherished and there isn't a day that goes by where I'm not thankful for it. You are the most considerate person I have ever met and have never failed to make me for comforted and cared for. I know you're nervous for college and us being separated, but I just want to tell you I won't be going anywhere. I'll visit as much as I can and I'll call you everyday. I love you Richard Bowen, and nothing will ever change that
Ricky: *my eyes start to water and a tear makes its way down my cheek* I love you so so much
Nini: *I wipe the tears of your cheek* I love you too Angel. Do you wanna head home now? We can go cuddle and watch a movie or something
Ricky: that sounds perfect
Nini: Then you better start driving mister *laughs*
Ricky: *laughs*
*we get to Ricky's*
Nini: *we walk inside*How long till you think Elliot notices I'm here?
Ricky: I don't know he's usualy pretty quick
Nini: Well let's go to the movie room, maybe he'll find us there *laughs*
Ricky: sounds good to me *we walk there*
Nini: *I open the door*
Gina: And then I totally fell off the beam, and god did it hurt *laughs*
Ricky: shit
Ej: Oh uh, hi guys, I didn't think you'd be home so early
Nini: Gina?
Gina: hey Nini
Nini: Are we interrupting something?
Ej: kind of
Nini: Oh shoot, sorry. We'll just be on our way then-
Gina: no it's alright
Nini: Well we wouldn't want to interrupt your date or whatever
Ricky: we'll just go to my room
Gina: Okay, well if you want to come down at some point, you're welcome to watch a movie with us
Nini: Oh, okay. Thanks Gina
Ricky: bye guys *we walk out* I wasn't really feelin it *laughs*
Nini: *I smack your arm lightly* You never told me they were seeing each other! When did this happen?
Ricky: ow?
Nini: Tell me! I wanna know when they started seeing each other!
Ricky: they've been on and off for months, haven't you noticed?
Nini: No, I never really see either of them
Ricky: not even at school?
Nini: Yeah, I don't really talk to either of them
Ricky: well then yeah they've been on and off for awhile. I don't think he wants to admit to himself he really likes her so he'll find someone else that fits his "reputation" better I guess but he'll always find his way back to Gina.
Nini: Interesting... I wonder what they're talking about

-Back in the movie room-
Gina: Should have I not said that?
Ej: you're fine, but I'd rather they not be with us
Gina: I totally forgot about all that... Nini stuff
Ej: it was a long time ago
Gina: I guess... Oh my god, were you guys together when I punched you? *laughs a little*
Ej: we were *laughs*
Gina: I'm still really sorry about that, you were just really pissing me off *laughs*
Ej: I swear you are like the only person I'm intimidated by. It's kinda hot
Gina: That's because I'm not one of those frilly blonde haired girls
Ej: and you don't hesitate to fight back
Gina: I want what I want and will do whatever takes to get it
Ej: Damn right
Gina: Ej?
Ej: mhm?
Gina: Why do you keep coming back to me?
Ej: i- i don't know
Gina: I understand you don't like to have attachments, but if you really don't like me, I just don't wanna be the girl you always come back to
Ej: Look, I've never been in a relationship for more then like 2 or 3 weeks. I just don't know how to do this any other way
Gina: Well than maybe I can be a first
Ej: you really want that? I mean you know me, you know the kind of person I am
Gina: Maybe I can change that
Ej: you're sure?
Gina: I've been sure for months now, I've always really really liked you and the feeling had only gotten stronger
Ej: even when you punched me in the face?
Gina: Even when I punched you in the face *laughs*
Ej: *laughs* so um, h-how do I do this?
Gina: Maybe you can start with asking me out, to go on a proper date
Ej: oh um, Gina Porter, would you go out with me?
Gina: I would love to *smiles*
Ej: *smiles*

Ricky: no idea
Nini: Did you have a nice day?
Ricky: I did. I don't think it's hit yet but it was a good day
Nini: Well I'm proud of you, you finished high school!
Ricky: my mind won't wrap around the fact
Nini: *laughs* And you were accepted into NYU
Ricky: enrolled into NYU
Nini: What's the difference?
Ricky: like i already have a deposit down
Nini: Oh *laughs* I guess my mind didn't register the difference
Ricky: you're good *laughs*
Nini: *I lay down on your bed* Come cuddle me
Ricky: *I lay next to you and put my arm around you* i am sooooo excited for Harry Styles
Nini: Me too. Also, my moms suggested we get a hotel for the night so we don't have to drive home if it ends really late
Ricky: oooo fancy *laughs*
Nini: And since you're 18, you'll be able to book it for us
Ricky: will do *laughs a little*
Nini: Ricky, do you think we'll make it far?
Ricky: what?
Nini: Like, how long do you think we'll be together?
Ricky: why would you ask that?
Nini: I-it just came to my head. Especially after our conversation in the car, I just- never mind. I shouldn't have brought it up
Ricky: no it's okay, I mean I guess it a valid question
Nini: No, it was a stupid thing to bring up, I'm sorry *I turn to face the wall*
Ricky: look, I obviously don't wanna be like "oh we're gonna be together foweverrr and everrr" but let's just say I don't plan on leaving you any time soon and I really hope we last for a long time
Thai kid is telling us that he has had a gun pointed to his head
Nini: *I face you again* I hope we last a while too* I really don't want you to leave anytime soon*
Ricky: I can promise you I've never even thought about it and I don't plan on it
Nini: *I hug you* I love you my angel
Ricky: I love you too

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