Chapter 25: "i'll show you rip"

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*The door opens*
Lynne and Todd: We're home!
Elliot: daddy! Lynne! *I run over and hug them*
Nini: Shit shit shit
Todd: hey son how are you?
Elliot: I'm good. I just had dinner with Richie and-
Lynne: Nini?!
Nini: Um hi?
Lynne: what are you doing here?
Nini: I'm just eating dinner with the boys
Lynne: Ej's not here
Todd: what the hell are you wearing?
Elliot: First of all dad, that's a no no word. And second of all, Nini spilled soda on her jeans and so she just stole one of Ricky's REALLY long shirts so that it looks like a dress!
Lynne: thank you Elliot. Can you go upstairs and I'll meet you there in a second?
Elliot: Got it Lynne, bye guys! *I run upstairs and into my room*
Todd: spilled soda on your jeans? That's what you two came up with? You guys better be glad he believed that bullshit
Ricky: mom I-
Lynne: Sleeping with your step brother's girlfriend?!
Ricky: we never slept together and Ej and Nini aren't together anymore
Lynne: Well when did that happen?
Ricky: a few- a few days ago
Lynne: What the hell Richard!? You start hooking up with Ejs ex a few days after they break up?!
Ricky: well, we... I mean... hold on, i told you we never hooked up
Lynne: Well then why isn't Nini wearing any pants!?
Ricky: we were just kissing, I swear
Todd: And it required her pants to be off?
Ricky: well no, I just-
Lynne: Did Ricky sleep with you?
Nini: No, he didn't
Todd: does Ej know?
Nini: Mhm, that's why we broke up
Todd: were you cheating on Ej?!
Ricky: don't yell at her, it's not her fault, it's mine
Todd: How is it not her fault?!
Ricky: because I- I made her kiss me
Lynne: Richard Micheal Bowen, you know damn well your father and I raised you better than that!
Ricky: I know, just please don't blame Nini
Nini: If we're being honest, Ej was a terrible boyfriend. He tried to force me into kissing him even after I had said no, but Ricky had actually seen him and stopped him, he constantly tried to control me, he was trying to force me to take off my bra, he looked through my stuff while I was sleeping, and he only dated me so he could get me to sleep with him and check my name off of his list. Oh, and he made out with another girl and claimed he was late meeting me here because practice "ran late"
Lynne: wait but I thought Ricky just said he forced you?
Nini: He didn't, I totally consented and it's my fault to. He was just trying to cover for me
Todd: But Ej was?
Nini: He was what?
Todd: forcing you
Nini: Basically, I told him no like three times and he wouldn't listen
Todd: God, Nini I'm so sorry
Nini: I'm not dismissing our behavior though, it was wrong on my end and Ricky's to do this
Lynne: very wrong
Todd: all of this is absolutely disgusting
Ricky: we're sorry
Lynne: Ricky, please go to your room and Nini, I'm going to have to ask you to leave
Nini: I understand *Just to Ricky* I'm sorry angel *I walk out and drive home*
Ricky: *I walk upstairs to my room*
Lynne: And they left the kitchen a mess *I start to clean things up* Todd, come smell this lemonade
Todd: *I come over to you* you don't think?
Lynne: What the hell has gotten into him?
Todd: would you go talk to him? You are his mother
Lynne: Yeah, just make sure you put Elliot to bed
Todd: I will *I give you a quick kiss and walk upstairs*

(Here's why the title is "I'll show you rip":
So basically every time one of us responds to what the other person says with *laughs* (cause we can't come up with something to say next) we'll say "rip" to the other person cause now they have to come up with something. So I had Ricky just laugh at something Nini said and I said "rip" then out of the blue Libby goes "oh I'll show you rip" and had Todd and Lynne come home. In other words none of this was planned... THANKS LIBBY. I'll have to be more careful with my *laughs*.)


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