<Chapter Three>

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<Munae's POV>
(If you got customized widgets or that new iPhone update, like this chapter...if you got an Android, comment a type of book u want me to write next 👍🏽)

I arrived to the diner late. My mom had reserved the restaurant to us. Don't get me wrong, we weren't poor, but time to time we could get behind on bills. The only time my mother reserved whole restaurants was when we were having important family discussions. Aka arguments.

"Sorry I'm late, got caught up studying," I said with a weak smile. I sat down on my own side of the oval table. We weren't at a booth, and my mother, father, and siblings sat on the other side. So it was me getting interrogated? Had one of my mom's college buddies reported they hadn't seen me on campus, or were the grades I paid to have slip and slide everywhere not convincing enough?

"I think it's time we talk. Talk about some things that we've all been avoiding as a family," my mom said slowly. I rested my all black LV bag by my feet and kept my mouth closed. Everybody else seemed to be as calm as I was on the outside. Was this another yelling show towards me, or was this actually going to be a discussion. Sometimes I wonder if my mother made me into who I am.

Zayriah was brushing her weave slowly while she looked down at her phone screen. She sat in between Ceyana (right) and Jorgiana (left). My mother sat to the left of Ceyana, and my dad to the left of my mother. Ceyana was staring into space, her usual durag replaced with a baseball cap today that matched her Astros outfit she had going. She was a whole closeted stud, but Mom wasn't as hard on her about it as she was with me. Maybe it's because I'm the second youngest. I don't even know anymore. Maybe it's because Ceyana is the baby. Jorgiana is no better, she looks like a straight up dude, but she's also the oldest and damn near grown, twenty one years old.

My mother sat in a light green sweater, with a whole teacher outfit, matching perfectly with my sharp dad. They looked like a pair of model teachers.

"So what do we need to talk about?" Zayriah asked suddenly, turning off her phone and carefully putting her brush away. "The way we act towards one another as a family. Before we begin though, I bought you each presents. As if me reserving an entire restaurant wasn't enough," my mother chuckled, her smile too wide. She grabbed a bag and begin pulling out apple boxes. I sighed internally. This again?

"An Apple Watch for you, Munae," she handed me the watch. I wondered if it had a tracking device inside of it. "A MacBook for you, Zayriah." She dug into her bag, "An iPad for you Jorgiana." Mom paused and did a happy shimmy, then pulled out a much smaller box. "An iPhone 12 for you Ceyana." My siblings and I looked over at Ceyana with our usual quiet resentment, trying to keep our smooth composures. "No present for me?" my dad asked, chuckling. "You already got yours," Mom looks him up and down, and breaking the thick air, Zayriah squealed out an "ewww".

"So what did we need to talk about?" I asked, placing my box in my lap.

"Ahh yes," my mom gave us all a pleasant smile, "I want us to play a sort of..game, I guess you would call it. I'm going to start it off, but this is how it will go." She gave me a stern look, "And we will not start any arguments. Everyone will be cool and collected."

She took in a measured breath and straightened her sweater, "We will each respectfully express how we feel we are treated in this family...and how things should change in your eyes. Then, once everyone is done, we will take turns pairing up with one another to come to different conclusions on how we will move forward positively together as a family unit."

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to cover up your favoritism lady, but okay.

"I'll go first," she repeated.

She put on her thinking face, as if she hadn't probably stayed up all night mulling over what shady things to spew. "I feel like I am treated like garbage. Not respected by no one but my own husband...your father. I feel like I don't get enough help and like you all see me as the enemy. I'm only trying to make sure you each have a good future. And every time I try to clear things up with you all, we always argue." She said that last part directed to me. I stared back coldly.

"I think things should change by us first all coming to agreement that some of you are more problematic than others." She looked off into space as she said this. "College, high school, or out of it: I deserve my respect." She paused and I began to dissociate, watching her speak and wondering if this was all a simulation. Everything looked too perfect, like I was in a VR game, but maybe in 2050. Am i even real?

"...sometimes I observe you all and wonder what I have created." This time she looked at all us with equal worry. Tears dripped down her skin and Dad wrapped a tight arm around her, giving her two squeezes. "I tried to parent the best I could. But obviously I have failed." She stood up, rubbing her nose on her sweater. Dad stood up too, trying to coax her back into sitting down. "Fuck this game! What's wrong with all of you?" She looked around the table in crazed despair. "Are you all depressed? Psychotic? Anxious? You can't all be fine."

We all looked at her awkwardly. So the guilt of the past few years has finally set in?

"I'm tired of pretending that we are perfect. Of ignoring our pain. Forget this game, we all need therapy."

She breathed heavily then looked back around at all of us. "I'm pulling you all out of school for family emergencies. We're gonna go live with my mom and maybe- maybe we'll feel better." She was breathing harder now, holding her wet cheeks. "This is all my fault."

"Mom, I want to graduate on time. And I don't wanna get behind in class," I said tentatively. "Perhaps this would make sense to do over the summer," I said calmly. "We're fine, Mom," Zayriah said quietly. The restaurant grew quiet. We all knew that was a lie, it just depends on who decided to call it out.

"We all know that isn't true." Mom turned to me, "You were bullied all of your childhood and have been in toxic relationships that you think I didn't know about almost all your life. And your father and I were not there for you all enough emotionally," she said the last part looking around. "Mom, I think you need to think about a few things. You're overwhelmed," I said. "I need to go and study," I started getting up and Mom made an odd shrieking noise. "You're hurtingggg Munae. Let me help you," she cried out. "I look at you...I see you're not right."

For the first time in a while, i went around the table and hugged my mother. I pressed her head into my chest and protected her. I felt hardly nothing except a tinge of guilt. I wonder if it was naturally forced or not. "Mom, I'm-

"I just pray you don't hurt anyone or yourself, Munae."

"Me too, Mama," I said lowly into her ear and pulled away. "I have class," I announced to my family, gave a weak wave without looking anyone in the eye, and left the restaurant.

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