<Chapter 13>

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<Munae's POV>
I pulled up to my therapist's office not too long after Betty disappointed me. I knew that I had a job later on tonight at 11, but I don't think that much has went on in my life that my therapist isn't already filled in on.

"Munae. Sit."

She gestured to the chair across from her desk. I sat down with my hands on my face, my head down, and my legs squished against each other. "What's the matter?"

"I'm doing bad again," I admitted.

"Badder than....usual?" she asked with decent curiosity. "I called this girl....an employee I have....my masterpiece. In my head," I said in a quiet voice. "Munae uncover your face," she said with an even voice.

I looked up and uncovered my ashamed face.

"Remember when you were younger and you used to tell me about this," she said as she took her glasses off. "And you would get so worked up over it and wouldn't even go to school?"

"You said it made me dangerous."

"Munae...the profession you already work in is dangerous enough. You already are dangerous by nature and by nurture. Your environment helps make you who you are."

She paused and took a sip of her hot chocolate. I squirmed in my seat. "I remember when I used to tell your mother to look out for signs...of your problem. And now you live a life embracing it. You have self control Munae. But...the problem is, you're only human. And humans make mistakes. But you see...the type of mistakes you make could get a person killed."

After a moment of silence, I offered a weak, "Yea."

"Did you have any of those...pictures or images again?" she asked tentatively.

"As I was driving here I imagined what I wanted to do to her."

"And what is that?" she leaned forward, slowly placing her glasses on her face, all while grabbing her notebook. I looked down and uttered a "Never mind".

"Munae, if you're open with me, I might just be able to help you. You've been battling with this for years."

"I'm scared....I don't want to get in trouble."

"Munae...you tell me about your job. What possible trouble could you get in that you wouldn't already be in if all you told me was told to the authorities ever?"

Dr. Laero-Horma really wants me to tell her what runs through my mind. I'm just too scared. I could already feel myself slipping into insanity. "Am I gonna go to time out if I don't?" I pouted. She studied me for awhile then said "Yes". I stomped once and folded my arms, "No fair!"

"All you gotta do is tell me about the pictures in your mind."

"They're bad. Really bad, Doctor."

"Tell me...so I can help," she said more gently.

"What if you're just trying to set me up," I said with worry wavering my voice. "Munae....I've known you for a long time, I would never do that."

"What I see in my mind," I looked away from her and out at the window. "Well, I'll just talk about how I saw her. She's not the only one I've seen like this, but I don't really remember my childhood well, so I'll just explain what I remember now. Um....when this sort of thing happens, when my fascination in a person grows....I see them dead. I see me slowly cutting across their beautiful skin and exposing their beautiful veins. I'll trace them and lay hickeys where skin should be, I swear. I see myself biting their lips off and sucking on their removed tongues. And sticking guns in places the light never sees. And having the breath of their death travel across my shivering skin. I'll make them my masterpiece."

I looked back at the doctor, my expression cold. "Am I a monster, Dr. Laero-Horma ?"

After my therapy session, I got into my car numbly and drove home. I already had Mrs. Davis run me my bath and get me some cartoons on television. I was going to relax until it was my time to shine tonight. Some kid posing as someone older had tried to con one of my workers. We were going to have to make an example out of them.

I finally arrived home and stepped out of my car. I sent for someone to park it accordingly and went inside to enjoy my bath. I closed my bedroom door behind me and stripped out of my clothes. Having someone else do it would take longer right now. I was really mentally drained. I left my discarded clothes on my bedroom floor for someone else to pick up. I went nakedly to my tub and found Celine in it. She was in a purple tie dye swimsuit and had a glass of water in a wine glass.

She giggled when she saw me and my eyes drifted back to the glass. It was clouded. I took the glass from her and placed it on my nightstand. "Celene, it's not good to do pills," I sighed. I began letting the water out and picked up giggling Celene. I considered calling for Mrs. Davis, then decided to put a towel on my bed and lay Celene down on it.

She lay almost naked in her swimsuit and she was slowly fighting some imaginary creature that only she could see. "I know how it feels," I whispered. Whatever was in her glass must be good. I eyed the glass, looked around as if someone might be silently judging me, and drank the rest of it. I cracked it on her stomach after a lot of tries. Some shards stuck in her skin. A nice wine glass ruined. What a shame.

I used my finger and took a decent amount of her blood. I placed it over her eyelids that were slowly closing, then carefully over her mouth. I ran the glass shards across her malleable skin. I remember when I used to cringe seeing this, imagining it as my own skin. Now all I see is another's skin. I heard Mrs. Davis coming. I pushed Celene onto the floor with some stray toys and smiled at Mrs. Davis widely.

She looked around the room then at the bath. Then back at me. "You're naked and your bath water is going out."

"Yeah, Celene was in it."

"Celene was supposed to be at home. She found out she was pregnant," Mrs. Davis said with furrowed eyebrows. I placed my hand slowly over my mouth, "Oop."

My eyes travelled to Celene. "Can you fix my dolly up, Mrs. Davis. I hope I didn't break her or her baby doll."

Mrs. Davis clasped her hands over her mouth and rushed over to Celene. "Monster," she whispered to herself over and over, shaking her head. I scratched my head and went back into the bathroom. "I'll run the water, just let me know when you can bathe me, Mrs. Davis."

(So what do y'all think? Is Munae hot as a psychotic person or just scary?)

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