<Chapter 24>

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<Betty's POV>
Despite what she would have probably wanted done, I ran Munae's gang while she was recovering. Everyone was hesitant and sometimes outright rude about my temporary leadership. I now understood why Munae used fear to govern these mindless, materialistic people.

Day Whatever-The-Number is, and some winch when I enter an area. I wasn't going to let the reputation of this organization falter, nor would I let it go down the gutter. I made new business avenues, some that weren't all horrible. Slough they feared me, there was a new light to these people's eyes. I wasn't going to over season their souls and make them only do good work for money, but at least they started to see more hope in life. A good, strong maybe even a little feared leader is the one who will last.

I started having Murriz's friend, Alayna, to work on addiction struggles and other issues that come with this job. This gang was becoming more like a family, something that most like to think they have, but actually lack on a larger scale of people.

I hoped Munae would come back and be proud, not only of me, but of her people and her employees. I forgive her and now it's time for me to give to her.

I was surprised when Munae's mother called me. She had been very harsh towards me after I told her about our love for each other, and she learned more about Munae's gang and lack of higher education. She told me she'd only call me if she was dead.

My heart broke but I was in the middle of giving instructions for a raid. It wasn't just any raid though. Men were being smuggled with boys that would be used as sex workers and illegal slaves. They also had weaponry and drugs there. The kind that people don't wake up from. I needed Munae to wake up, but I also needed to save these people. If Munae was truly dead, her body wouldn't mind waiting. She would already be gone.

They say flesh drains out fo the body slower when more mourn the body.

I finished what I had to say and made my way out of the building. I solemnly made my way to the hospital. I was a new Betty. Not as soft before, not as messed up and hard-on-the-outside as Munae. I was just a new Betty.

I drove to the hospital numbly again, my hands itching to break something. This job had untuned a wilder, animal side in me, I'd admit. Maybe as humans we weren't meant to deal with things so...properly. We are animals after all.

I got out, locked my car, and proceeded to the waiting room. Seeing Munae's mother there waiting for me was like nostalgia and deja vu all in one. I hadn't been visiting, it hurt me more to see her there. If she was in a coma or dead, it wasn't hurting her one bit. She was either in Heaven with forced serenity and amazingness or in Hell, cursing everyone's name and letting her angry emotions rip at her soft hearted skin.

Munae's mother had a different look on her face as we walked alongside one another today, though. She seemed happy. Maybe to do away with an unholy, murderous child in her eyes?

I opened my mouth to ask her what the good news was, but I stopped myself. We continued our way to her room and I heard a television on. My heart stopped for a second so long I wondered if I would have to join Munae in this place. Everything around me was irrelevant. I ran into the room and saw Munae with her eyes opened reading a book.

The room was just as it had been but with the love of my life awake, it was now...alive somehow.

"Betty," her eyes widened. They were bloodshot and it seemed to pain her to even do that simple action. I rushed over to her but carefully hugged her. "You know I miss you right?" I whispered. "No you don't...I have something to tell you," she said forlornly.

"What is it?" I pulled back, still holding her weak, bony shoulders.

"I killed DaToya," she said with watery eyes.

"I know this already, your mother let me hear your recording before you....died- before you went into the water," I corrected myself quickly. I had zoned out. That had been happening a lot lately. Only when I thought of my dead loved ones and a dead loved one on the way.

But she wasn't on the way: Munae was here.

"That recording was for my mother," she glared at the doorway her mother had deserted. "Sorry," I murmured. She turned back to me. She looked like a broken child. "You still love me after all the pain I've put into your life."

"I agreed to work with you, that was my life decision-

"I'm a horrible...thing. And you still love me, Betty?"

"You'll always be beautiful and wonderful in my eyes, Munae," I promised her, stepping down on one knee and bringing my head onto her lap. She had hospital smell all over but the sweet cling of her old scent still lingered. "I can always find you in everything. I think that means something. I wanna live my life with you, Munae Simple," I said, closing my eyes and relishing in her heartbeat.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you too, Betty Spears."

Why was her voice so flat?

I looked up at her, confused. Munae only looked away, sad. "It just will never work out."

"Don't say that," I rushed out, I thought about something that could cheer her up. "I've been running the gang for you, it's been doing better and they're running a raid tonight too," I told her. "Betty," Munae laid a hand on my shoulder.

"And your mom doesn't seem to like me but at least it doesn't seem like she's gonna snitch to anybody about the gang...or anything else that's been done," I told her.


I looked into her eyes, always filled with an angry emotion or another. Rarely with love, unless she was talking to her mother.

"I can't love you Betty. I wish I could. I want to. But....it's hard for me. I'm too broken," she tried to explain. "You've loved me all this time, you just have a weird way of showing it," I said, trying to convince myself and her.

"Betty, you know......" she sighed, "it can't work."

I got up and blankly stared at her, "All this for what!"

"Betty, I don't mean to hurt you..."

I heard someone come in.

"So what was Murriz and DaToya then, huh?"

"Mistakes....mistakes I made," she pleaded.

"And my mother..?" I asked quietly.

Munae frowned, "Your mother....?"

I turned away and a nurse was leading me gently out of the room. Why was she so confused? Hadn't she killed my mother too. My face was scalded in embarrassment, look at me, falling for a killer of half my only support unit. I was stupid. And I had the nerve to judge horror movie characters.

I let her allow me to believe that all of this was love and that it was right. I'm the only fool. I pulled away from the nurse and walked past Munae's mother. I was going to forget all of this. I went into this wanting money, then wanting revenge, then wanting love. All things that belong to Satan it seems. I wasn't going to let the rest of my life seep out of his razor sharp claws.

I left the hospital knowing that I was gonna change my life whether I enjoyed it or not.

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