<Chapter Seven>

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<Munae's POV>
I held Betty, and watched the blood leaking from her neck. I threw her into one of my guard's arms and told him to fix her up right. I walked back to my office trying to keep my face expressionless. The amount of craze I saw in her eyes matched my...dream or whatever it was. I went and grabbed my slightly cracked bottle of wine and downed it. I drank it in fifteen minutes. I sat in my chair then got up quickly and closed it. The drink was starting to set in. I held myself and scratched my arms. To know that I was still here.

I was at my house. My toy mansion. Mrs. Davis was tucking me in and even surprised me with my favorite lolly. I hadn't killed anybody that day. I was being a good girl. I was soft and safe in my room. My mother hadn't called. My grades were good. I had been obedient and I hadn't been irritated all day. I also didn't go in to work. It was chocolate on the outside and sprinkles under that layer mixed with caramel and ice cream and then a layer of toffee and hazelnuts. I had them specifically made for me. And maybe they had a hint of weed in them but I didn't tell Mrs. Davis that. Butterflies.

I was asleep and having nice dreams and thinking about playing with my toys. I couldn't fall asleep and called Mrs. Davis to read me a story. Books are hard. Mrs. Davis didn't come in. It was Betty and Murriz. Murriz was cut up just like how I had arranged for him to be arranged. Betty had a slit neck and they were pale and foul smelling. Was this the ghost 21 Savage was talking about? I tried to run away or grab a weapon but my toys held me down and I couldn't scream because cotton candy was spewing into my mouth from where I do not know.

I couldn't move and my cheeks were sucking in and the room was tilting and everything was beginning to look like a cartoon.

"Boss!" somebody shouted.

I heard them clearly as if they were in my ear. I was swimming in my own mind. I sat my head up from my desk. I was dizzy, my mouth was dry, and my skin itchy and warm. "Come in," I called out. My voice was nearly gone like I had been screaming and everything looked like it was under a glitch filter. "The door isn't unlocked ma'am," someone said.

What if it was Betty? Or Murriz? Coming to get me. I fell to knees then brought myself back up with the physical support of my desk. I got out a water bottle and drunk it almost in one swallow. "Give me a minute," I said with slurred words. The room was tilting and my head was spinning. I could feel my wine coming back up. I threw up into the trash can as quietly as I could, tears coldly running down my face. Once I was done I felt even more worse and my stomach bubbled.

"Boss?" the person asked again.

I grabbed some pills and took eight. I held onto the wall and opened the door. I'm sure I looked and smelled like shit. "I- Hello Boss. Betty's starting to wake up," a random member told me. "Okay, bring me in. I mean, bring her in here. And whatever she needs to...help her," I said, having to find the words.

I closed the door and leaned against it, falling down with limp limbs. I fell asleep until someone knocked on the door again. I felt like I had slept for a long time but my stomach felt even worse than before. I grabbed another water and drank it slower. "Get me something to eat," I told the person who brought Betty in. She wasn't hurt badly, she hadn't cut deeply enough. Thats why I hadn't been worried. Right? I had to pee bad and I was still dizzy.

I made my way to my desk and Betty stood shifting her weight from one foot to another, her arms and feet tied up. "Sit down."

"I was only gone for a little bit and you've already been to Hell and back," she smirked.

"Got that right, mamas," I smirked.

I held my cheek in my hand and waited for me to find some sort of sanity. "Why do you do that to yourself?" she asked quietly. "I lost a cousin to drinking. To pills." She looked around the room, "To this sort of life."

You tried to stab me?" I asked, ignoring her.

"No. I tried to stab myself technically," she said rather bluntly. "Why didn't you let me fall to the ground. It would make you look more ruthless."

"These people already worship the toilet I shit in. I don't need to show any more examples. Some shows of mercy will keep them here," I said quietly. "I killed Murriz because I wanted to...since you asked."

"So just because," she laughed without humor, staring at me like I was insane. "Just because?"

"I deserve your respect," I said slowly.

"Do I scare you?" she asked with curiosity, looking at me closely. "Do I make you slip and slide in your own skin? Like Murriz's bones in the dryer!"

"Yes you do," I whispered.

"I hate you," she whispered, tears coming from her eyes. "I'll leave here on my own. Undo me and you don't gotta hear my disrespectful mouth again."

"Or I could kill you and hang you up in my office for decoration?" I offered nonchalantly.

"You're sick," she said.

"You act like you aren't too," I said slowly, smiling.

"At least have me clothed," she responded coldly.

"I'll cut your lips off and have them put onto a pitcher and pour all of my wine into it so that everything I drink has the kiss of your sweet lips," I suggested coldly.

"And you can cut out my vagina and use it as a face towel," she said emotionlessly. "Undo me and let me out of here."

I got up, surprised that I still was hanging onto my balance. The pills would hit me later. "You're not leaving yet."

"I bet when those pills come knockin...one of us will be going," she sneered.

I grabbed her smooth chin and sucked on it. She let out a little moan and I pulled out the knife she had cut herself with. I pressed it gently against her bandages and she moaned longer. I was scared I would just kill her with this much control quite literally in my hands.

One good slice.

I moaned at the thought.

"Untie me," she purred then blinked and started to get up. "I'm outta here, bro. You're weird," she said with disgust. "You want me to piss and spit in your mouth, then choke you until you feel lightheaded and won't feel your emotional pain," I whispered into her ear. "I see right through you."

She walked to the door as fast as she could with her ankles tied and without tripping and kept banging her body against it. "You know how many people they hear doing this a day?" I asked her, coming up behind her slowly. "Nobody will help." I began untying her. "Leave and don't come back.....if that's what you want," I told her, staring into her soul.

She opened the door, rubbing her red and angry wrist. "There's a job today at 12, come and collect your money tomorrow if you wanna see my face again."

She left without a word and I watched her leave with sick satisfaction.

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