<Chapter 25>

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<Munae's POV>
I watched Betty leave the hospital room. I had hurt her bad before but this was the final straw. I should have never let myself get caught up with my masterpiece. I had never let that happen before. I closed my eyes, rubbing the tears out of them.

"Whatever you said to that girl has got her pissed," my mother commented, laying against the doorway. "I am aware, mother."

"How dare you lie to me all of this time, Munae! I thought we were starting to grow a bond."

"That's your mistake, Mom. I don't form bonds with mere humans," I spat.

"And what do you think you are? Always thinking you're better than everyone else!"

I'm sure the hospital was getting their worth of a hospital soap opera. "I never said that," I said quietly. "But you act like it," she shot back. "You always blames everything on me. Even the littlest of things. The way you and dad treated me....you didn't think I wouldn't turn out like this? An ugly, hideous beast that you all choose to ignore. I'm the elephant in the room. I'm obviously sick."

"You are sick," my mother repeated, only seeming to hear that little part.

"If you're so tired of me, kill me. Couldn't you have gotten them to kill me or something while I was in my coma. I was in a coma right, you could have done a number of things."

"Munae, I only wanted to help you."

"I pretend my emotions, I drink and drug my heart away. I like girls. I've killed. I have a gang. I've heard the only love of my life that I can't even fully love. I was raised by parents that even the grass disgraces. What help?"

She stared at me, breathing hard.

The hospital room was silent and even the whole hospital seemed that way too.

"If that is what you think of your own p-

"If that was the only thing you heard, then get out," I said quietly. "And don't expect to see your husband for another day." She turned around slowly, "What did you say?"

"You hear what you want, don't you, old bitch? You heard me!" I said with a sick smile.

"I'll tell the court..." she flattered, "I'll tell everyone what you've done."

"And I'll tell them you committed suicide because our argument was too much for you to bear," I whispered.

"You're going to go to Hell."

"I'll make Hell come to me, if I want, Ms. Simple."

Once I was reunited with my cellular device, I made a few quick calls that would make me and mother's conversation disappear, and my father along with it.

I could make Betty disappear if I wanted, I thought.


The nurse paused as she helped me into my jacket, "Sorry, I was just thinking."

She smiled politely and helped me sign out. I was gone. I wonder what Betty was thinking as she left this same hospital.

My phone was buzzing. I already knew the job I needed was done. I got into my Uber, and sent it to my home. I had told my mom she could have everything, I hope she had never acted on it.

I got my answer when I arrived there. Stuff being moved out, thankfully not my toys yet, and no Mrs. Davis or any of my other staff to be seen. My world was askew. I couldn't keep killing, everything couldn't be solved with that. I stared at my home, lost. I felt like a ghost still on Earth seeking their purpose.

I walked up to the house. I opened the door. I needed a good drink. It was almost bare. Toys kicked around lazily. Paint peeled off intentionally. The kitchen deserted. I walked through my house. It was like bandits had swept through. I had always been able to make decisions without emotions involved. Always able to observe.

I took in a breath and brought myself back to normalcy and my true state. This wasn't my home, this was a home. I kicked a toy aside and checked my safe. All the money was real and was there. I looked around, and thought back to the most recent events of my life through an outside perspective.

Someone had killed Betty's mother and it surely wasn't under my command. It could very well be someone who didn't like her ruling over the gang. Or it could be an enemy of mine. Or maybe a death if natural causes, she hasn't told me how she died. She may have only assumed her death was by my hand because my gang was very good at faking things.

I am their leader after all.

I felt cold, but the frosty chill of this home was not the reason. How could I have hurt...a person like Betty Spears knowing that my emotions could not stretch and bend like a human. Out of all the things I've done, that truly was the most selfish.

To repay her, like a client not yet satisfied, I'd find her mother's killer and do away with her from my mind. I'd let her live, but she no longer had my protection nor my heart.

A masterpiece gone wrong.

If I was ever gifted with another I'd make the right choices. Emotions weren't meant for the leader. Everything else was, though. I talked to Alayna as I walked through my house, asking for an update on all the things I owned, my money, and recent payments or transactions. Apparently only my furniture had been sold.

My mother had given it away. How thoughtful. At least she could follow directions. I think I had a nice job for her. Scraping up the bodies of my victims. No one knew about my toy fantasy, my childlike behavior. I made a special call for my staff.

I could get always buy new people. I mean...pay them. I'd get my mansion redesigned and redone completely. I showered and clothed myself. I felt like a foreign alien on familiar lands.

I left my house and began towards my work mansion. I had enemies and Betty to watch out for. All that kept replaying in my mind was Betty crashing into me. It began to drizzle softly, and the rain was harder once I made it to Galveston. I parked and opened up my umbrella. The rain beat harshly against the fabric, but I finally made it inside.

I discarded my umbrella and looked around. Betty, thinking I was the killer and being heartbroken, could have placed men amongst mine to do her evil biddings. I couldn't trust anyone right now.

Everyone was of suspicion.

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