<Chapter 20>

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(What do y'all think about Munae?)
<Betty's POV>
I went in and talked to DaToya's mom. She said all of her things from her room were nearly gone and that she had left a letter stating that there's no reason why people should drink at parties and a bunch of writing about teens and drinking and how she now knows the life she has to live.

I can't believe DaToya thought they were dead. This is all one of Munae's employee's fault. I felt bad for being at ease that it wasn't her's though. I stepped out of the house after promising that me and my mom would come by sometimes and found Munae scraping the ground with a twig. "Munae. I don't see you any differently," I said. "If anything....I see that you're only a hurt person. You didn't choose this life for yourself. It chose you."

I sat down besides her but she still didn't look my way. She was staring intently at the twig and the cement. "Although it isn't my place to...say: I think that you're beyond repair as far as getting help. Probably just talking your feelings out and coping is all you can do."

"I have a therapist," she said.

"But...you said you could never tell anyone how you truly felt?"

"She listens. I trust her. I trust her and Mrs. Davis well."

"Mrs. Davis..?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," she snapped. "I wish I was normal like you. I want emotions. I want pain, and not the kind that feels good," she said softer, looking over at me.

"You think I'm all perfect and nice?" I asked with a snort. "My life is nothing like yours but it's far from perfect. I live in an apartment complex where they have shoot outs almost all the time. Rolex Apartments stay in the news, Munae."

"Rent free?" Munae smirked.

"Yes," I groaned.

"I'll cancel them then," Munae said simply.

"You would do that for meeee?" I asked in a fake sweet tone. "Of course," Munae chuckled like it wasn't a thing at all. "Well, my dad died when I was a baby and it was cause my mom was in a gang I believe. I don't know, she doesn't talk about it."

"So...the hard part of your life issss?" Munae chuckled. "I'm not close with my sister, Honey. She's like 22 I think now. She....I-"

I looked away. "I never wanna see her again. Mama hates that we don't talk but she also doesn't know why."

"Why?" Munae asked, blinking.

"Don't worry about it," I said hardly.

"So where's the hard part of your life?" Munae asked again.

"People have different tolerances."

"You imagine your pain, I don't. There's nothing that you named that you couldn't forgive or forget. I had no choice, Betty." Munae stood up and dusted the gravel off of her pants.

"I like pain," I said, looking away at my cousin's house. "Everyday I feel like I'm going through the motions of life. I always feel out of the moment. Out of my element. Danger brings me emotion and feeling. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm still a teenager. I'm 22, maybe my brain isn't developed enough. What do they say, 25? But I like danger."

I looked over at Munae, "Maybe that's why I like you?"

"You like me?" Munae smirked. "I thought sooooo-

"Dont start wit that song. I like it, but don't ruin it for me."


"Munae! Whatever your last name is!"

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