<Chapter 27>

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<Munae's POV>

(I forgot how I described Alayna, so here)

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(I forgot how I described Alayna, so here)

I pulled up in front of my mansion, and unlocked Betty's door. We both hopped out and ran up to the house. If there were any traps, we couldn't see them. It was raining hard and I had left my umbrella at the work mansion. My breath was heavy and my hair was soaked.

My clothes were even more heavy and we were slippery. There wouldn't be any stealth to our plans. The only thing I could think about was what Betty was about to see.

Betty slowly turned the door and brought out her gun. I followed behind her. After I had left here, I ordered for renovation to began immediately. We walked in on dead bodies laying carelessly around. Betty looked over at me as if she were asking if I had done that. I shook my head "no", and we inched more into the house. Our shoes were wet, we dripped loudly, the house was dead silent.

Alayna knew we were here.

"Alayna, show yourself," I said in an even tone.

That would let me know approximately how close she was to use. Too loud and she could be anywhere, too quiet and...she might not even hear. Betty turned to look behind us and stepped on a stuffed animal. It was matted with blood, the heat almost looked real. She frowned at it but kicked it to the wall. It made a short wheezing noise and smoke began to come out of it.

She pulled her shirt over her nose and I did the same. Before she went running, I laid a calming hand on her shoulder. After seeing that, Alayna would expect us to round around panicked and fall into her traps. I had a different mindset, if no one could tell. I picked up the bear and found it to only be a vape pod. I picked it up and brought it to my lips. I inhaled slowly and winked at Betty. She brought her shirt down and I passed it to her.
She paused, and then pocketed it.

Her eyes told me that she had a better idea, and I followed her through my house. The remnants of play rooms and sex toys littered my house. I hope Betty knew that I did not live in disarray.

I didn't bother to call Alayna's name again. She wasn't listening. I heard a rustle above us and stopped Betty. I knew that sound, the tub. I carefully made my way through my things, Betty behind me. I made my way slowly to my room, gun pressed against the door. The tub was overflowing. I doubted Alayna was still in there though. She knew that we would hear it. I told Betty to stand by the stairs, and I kicked open the door.

I ran and hid in the corner of the wall with Betty besides me and saw as Alayna appeared from my toy house room. She had a long knife in her hand and her gun in the front of her pants. I had trained her, I didn't expect Alayna to die without a fight. I left Betty on the wall and pulled out my gun. I shot her in the knee and she fell down helplessly.

Betty rushed over and pressed the vape against it. Her leg started catching fire, and I realized that Betty had taken some of it apart. "So you kill mother's now? Die knowing that your entire family has paid their price because of you."

Alayna spit up blood, not even fazed by her body being on fire. Is this what working for Munae Simple does to you?

"Die knowing that your mother was my mother. And that she had an arrangement with my father. And that you now have no one. Not even Munae."

She raised up her gun and aimed it at Betty, but Betty easily swatted it away and started to hold down Alayna's arms. "Do it," she told her.

"How long did you know?" Betty asked.

"Ever since me and Murriz started talking," she told her. "If I have another life, I'm going to kill every Spears I meet."

Betty took her knife from her hand and stared at it in her own. I was struggling to hold her down when usually I wouldn't have. I was still weak from my coma.

Betty could kill two birds with her knife.

Betty instead spat on the knife and rubbed it across the blade, then spat some more. She took in a breath and stuck her fingers as far into her throat as she seemed to be able to. She puked over the knife yet I kept my expression unreadable. I had done much, I was in no place to judge how Betty wanted this to end. Even Alayna, who was nearly a fireball looked perplexed, and her smooth expression was turning to one of pain.

No one was completely hard.

Betty stabbed her in the stomach and let her fluids fall into the wound. She sliced across her thigh, then between her breast in a line. She leaned forward and pulled her tongue out, as Alayna tried to wriggle free , tried to bite. Betty split her tongue in the middle and cut her cheek. Alayna's scream was one of pure agony.

Lastly, Betty let the knife rest in her skull. It took some force and some twisting but it was all worth it. She let go of and nodded towards me. "Tell them they have a clean up."

She left the dead body where it was and we raced down the stairs. As soon as I got outside I'd warn everybody. Upstairs was drowned in water and fire. Betty stopped running and turned me, "What is this place? Is this where you killed Murriz and DaToya?" she demanded.

"This was my home," I said, trying to get her to leave the house with me.

"With toys and sex toys? And toy shit and all of that?" she asked incredulously.

Something in my expression broke through to her. "This was your home?" she asked softly. Could she see the human in me? The part of me I try to hide?

Fire crackled around us and the house was beginning to fall apart. "Yes."

"Munae...I just want to hear you say you love me," she said with sad eyes. "I'll do better than that. I'll show you," the words flowed from my mouth. "I may feel that I am incapable of love, but you're my weakness, Betty."

She met my lips with hers and her hands wrapped around my head. "We gotta get out," I pulled away, grabbing her hand. The fire was raging down the staircase and eating up everything with it. My house was once sweet and innocent and was now torn with a foreign rage. "Don't you see? This is your home. We can be with each other together. With everything and everyone you love," she whispered. Her eyes glanced over to the bodies that I hadn't even cared to inspect.

Mom. Zayriah. Ceyana. Jorgiana. No dad.

"Betty," I whispered.

Her crazed eyes stared back at me, sick with love. "We can't be together," I told her again. Not meaning it this time. "Well..." she turned from me and leaped towards the fire. I ran after her and scream as it scalded my skin.

I blacked out. I don't even know if I caught her. Tell me I caught her, doctor.

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