<Chapter 11>

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<Munae's POV>
The next day I left my mansion without having done not one childish thing. My mind was on Betty and how I had treated her yesterday and also about killing Murriz. You see, I never feel regret, but seeing the emotion in her eyes- Her eyes aren't blue but there were storm clouds in those beautiful brown jewels and...damn it hurts. Am I falling for Betty Spears?

I drove my Porsche to work today and was dressed sharp. Sharp like the knife that pierced her innocent skin. I already made my calls to my niggas and told them I wasn't doing a lot of work today. I was going to take her out and possibly make it up to her. I might even fake an emotion or two.

I pulled right up next to Betty's spot (something I had arranged), and parked my car. She was leaning against the hood texting frantically on her phone. "Good morning," I said awkwardly. Mentally remembering everything I had on and hoping that it still looked clean. "Good morning," she said back blandly. I cocked my head at her and studied her stance. "We don't have any work today."

She looked up from her phone and slid it into her pocket. "Why didn't you call or something then? It's hella gas money to drive all da way out here to Galveston everyday, Mun- Boss."

"I guess I'll start having to pay for your transportation too then," I said as I traced the structure of my car slowly. No dirt. Good. "No need-

"I'll come and pick you up," I assured her. "But anyways, get in."

"Get in? I thought you said we didn't have any work today. What are you tryna do..kidnap me?" she whined, folding her arms across her small chest. "If I wanted to do dat....I trailed off, looking her up and down. "Don't look at me like that bro," she said angrily. "Where are we going?" she demanded.

I was a little heartbroken at the least. "To..eat?"

"To eat? Why would I want to go eat with you," she yelled. Tears started going down her face and her little fists were balled. I walked slowly towards her as if she were an angry dog. She started sniffling into my shoulder as I hugged her. I smelled like heavy cologne and a light touch of raspberry perfume. I smelled like sexy death to me. I wanted my scent all over her.

My little masterpiece.

I sucked in a breath and pulled away, "What's wrong with you?"

"I miss Murriz. He was my only friend. My best friend," she said with teary eyes. Her throat wasn't clear and she looked at me with pleading eyes. I was actually 5'5, and she's 5'7, but we still looked the same height. I think she would look down at me if we-

Besides the point. I couldn't unfocus off of her lips. That was strange. I had never had feelings for anyone before. I had never kissed anyone, never fucked, never done....anything. Yet everything came so easy with her. Intriguing. "Well, he's gone. You have to deal with it," I told her with a kind smile. She ran away from me and back towards her car. "How could you say something like that?" she asked me as I tried to grab her back.

"Betty, you are my employee. I com- I command you to come back here," I said angrily. "Fuck you and this-

I grabbed her throat and pulled her quickly towards me, "You don't leave until I tell you to leave!" I shouted.

"I quit."

"No you don't."

She looked at me and tried to slap me and I caught her hand. "Get in the car now."

"What are you going to do about it?" she sneered. I popped her across the face and started pulling her to my car. She tried to fight me but I finally threw her in and locked the doors. She tried unlocking them but I told her to stop.

"Bitch let me out!"

"Do I need to tell my driver to drive us so that I can handle you the whole way, Betty?"

"I don't wanna go!"

I skidded the car to a stop and called my driver. She tried to claw the phone out of my hands but I turned off the car and went into the backseat with her. Her lips pressed against mine and her tongue entered my mouth. She suddenly shoved me and my hands instinctively went up to her throat, I stopped her and she tried to fight me. I bit her lip then backhanded her.

"You killed Murriz and now you won't even listen to me! How much more do you want to hurt me?"

I stopped, breathing heavy, and we stared at each other. "Get out the car then, Betty."

"What, and you're gonna have me ran over on the side of the road?" she shot back.

"Betty just leave," I said quietly.

I unlocked the door and she roughly opened it then closed it. I watched her walk back the half block to my work mansion. With shaky hands I  dialed my therapist and silently cried.

I can't believe she hurt me like this.

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