<Chapter 10>

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<Betty's POV>
I sat in the car staring at myself. As soon as Munae left, sense jumped into my mind. I found some napkins and cleaned myself up and grabbed some hand sanitizer. I glanced in the back and took a shirt. It smelled like sweat and grass but it was better than what I had on. I paused. No. Never mind. I have allergies.

I got out and left the car. Fuck the money. Even fuck Murriz. I looked down the road from the way we came and still felt guilty for leaving Munae. What if the car gets stolen or she gets kidnapped or her other backup fails?

"She's dead to me now. Remember?"

But wasn't she always before?



I locked the doors at least and started walking back. It was hot. But I'd be fine. The sun on the back of my neck won't do shit. My hurting feet are fine. My lowered self esteem. It'll....do something. A forty five minute car ride according to her GPS will probably be an hour walk for me. I didn't even have my phone on me, it was in my car back at her mansion. And its not like I wanted to or could ask anybody where her mansion was.

I stumbled my way blindly down the road, finding myself by a busy intersection and hopelessly wondering if now would be a great time to join Murriz.


"No then," I sighed.

I felt broken. Why did Munae being so cold towards me and callous make me like this?

"It's because I'm on my period."

A woman putting up clothes in front of a meat market looked at me strangely, then continued what she was doing. Galveston wasn't that large, but it is when you don't know where you're going and you're a girl and you're covered in puke. I sat against a tree in somebody's yard that wasn't home. I'm sure a million dogs had pissed on this very one and that a zillion ants were biting my soul up but I don't care. I closed my eyes and wished that Murriz was here.

"I've been looking all over Galveston for you. You know what I do to people who lie to me. Or who don't fulfill their jobs?"

My eyes started to open, crust hurting the folds. I rubbed them and found it dusk.

A sharp slap hit my face. "You're beautiful, I'm sorry about earlier," Munae's voice softened. "Enough wit dat gay shit, homie," I said even softer, and allowed her to help me up. "And what about sorry for just now."

Munae stared at me for a few seconds, "Now the slap's in the past." I grinned and she looked at me with forced sadness. "I don't know why you pretend in front of me. It's almost an insult to Murriz," I whispered. She looked into my eyes and lead me to her car. "Everybody else is already gone. We got the products and stuff," she said in a faraway voice.

"Sorry I didn't come."

"Sorry I was being an asshole. I'll still pay you.."

"I don't deserve it, I didn't help at all."

Munae looked away and opened the passenger door for me. She closed the door behind me and got in on the driver's side. "I'll drive you home tonight."

"People in my neighborhood will be beatin down my door tryna figure out if I went on a date with Kylie Kardashian, no thank you," I chuckled. "I'll drop you off in this car then," she said. "And have people possibly follow us. No thank you, I'm not tryna end up like Murriz."

"You keep bringing up Murriz," she said, like she couldn't possibly comprehend why.

"You killed him, Munae. How cou- Never mind." She looked over at me, putting her seat belt on and waited. "I said never mind," I snapped at her. She sighed and started driving. "You weren't even going in the right direction," she murmured. She turned the car in a U-turn from the house I was sleeping at and we made our way to her mansion.

"What time is it?" I asked her, not being able to read her clock. It was oddly a Hello Kitty one with lines all away around. Totally did not match her demeanor. She blushed, "My um...this isn't, I don't know why they have this clock in here. Its gross." She sounded so awkward saying it but I stayed quiet.

"Time for you to get a watch," she cracked a joke a second late. "Har har, what time is it Kitty?" I asked sarcastically.

"That brings back memories of YouTube porn. That name right there," she smirked. "Munae-whatever your middle name is-Simple," I started. "It's almost almost seven," she answered.

"I hope one day you can forgive me for killing him," she said solemnly.

"I don't know about that," I sighed.

We arrived at the mansion and i got out. I stripped out of my shirt and left it on the ground. She watched me but didn't say anything. I walked over to my car in just a bra, my boxers showing as I looked for another shirt. I turned around and caught her staring from the Rogue. I wanted to say something cheesy that they usually do in the movies or in books, but I stayed quiet. No way am I saying, "You see something you like?"

"I see something I like," Munae smirked from by the car. "I see a killer," I murmured under my breath. I'll be a pussy ass bitch if I let Munae get away with the murder of my friend. Clarity rang in my ears. I had Munae where I thought I'd never get her: Wanting me to forgive her and being on her good side.

I can just taste the revenge on my lips.

It taste like Robitussin.

<Don't b sleepin on the picture attachments in my chapters 😂>

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