<Chapter 29>

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<Munae's POV>
Betty was discharged from rehab a little early, and I wanted to surprise her. I mean, not too much that it triggered the PTSD she now had, but, enough to make her smile.

I rode up in the Jeep that would be hers soon. After she was healed enough physically and emotionally to drive it. Today, I would have a picnic for her and take her to get the car customized. Anything for her.

I pulled up in the pickup little circle for people entering and leaving rehab. I was the only car here on Saturday. A nurse had her in a wheel chair and they were talking animatedly about something. I gave the car two soft honks and ran out to hug my baby.

"Munae," she smiled.

"Mrs. Simple," I winked.

I got all the instructions I needed from the nurse and we went inside to sign papers. We came back out and I helped Betty to the car. I picked her up and placed her in the passenger seat. I went over to my side and got in. I cautiously checked the back, a habit I now had, then started the car.

Betty gave the nurse a final wave before she started talking. "You won't believe the tea they have up in there. She was sleeping with her supervisor."

"Oh my," I chuckled.

Betty looked around then smiled. "New car? Wonder who this is for?"

"Avery," I joked.

Betty gave me a light punch since she didn't have all of her strength. Neither of us did. "We're going on a little picnic today, then we're getting the car customized to your liking," I told her. She grinned, "Deadass?"


She hugged me tight and I remembered we weren't buckled up. I immediately pulled over safely and Betty frowned. "What's wrong?"

I pulled her seatbelt and clicked it in, then did mine. "You did all of that over seatbelts?" she asked. "Yes. I also won't let the car move unless your seatbelt is on. I had it programmed in," I informed her. "The windows are bullet proof and the car requires facial recognition."

"What if I'm tryna escape and some cuts the seatbelts knowing this or some shit."

"Hopefully it won't come to that," I told her. "Because it has a panic button that will immediately shoot darts out from all around the car. "But I'd be in the outside of the car," she said, her expression saying "duhh".

I laughed nervously, "Well, I suppose I'll have to work something different out."

"Bae, I'll remember to put on my seatbelt," she promised me, placing a hand on my arm. "Will the gang be watching over us?" she questioned. "Oh, I forgot to tell you," I turned to her, "I left the gang."

Betty frowned, "Who did you leave in charge?"

"A good friend of mine," I smiled pleasantly.

"Who?" Betty asked again.

"A nice woman named Celene. Her father owns another gang and they're joining together. And I trust her."

"Never heard of this Celene before," Betty said somewhat jealously.

"She used to be a maid of mine," I explained, "I won't deny it. I used to toy with her, but now we are nothing but friends."

I glanced over and saw the look of distaste Betty was trying to hide. "Cool thing is though is that I turned her," I said triumphantly. "What, she was wasn't gay before?" Betty asked flatly. "No...well, I never cared to ask. But she's a stud now," I smirked.

"A stud, you say? Hmph, and what does my competition look like?"

"Like air," I chuckled.

"We'll keep your eyes off the road then," she whispered in my ear, and moved her hands up into my bra. "No, Betty. I don't want us to have an accident. We should wait," I warned her. She sighed and crossed her arms, "A bitch kills people and finds people dead and gets burned and has a psycho girlfriend aka wife but you got the nerve to be overprotective?"

"Yes, I do," I grinned.

"I can't with you. Where's the picnic at? Which park?"

"It's a little park that you might be familiar with." Betty seemed to be thinking. I adjusted the air and boredly checked my mirrors. "The park by DaToya's house?" she asked quietly. "I figured you liked it....you grew up over there. Was it...a wrong move?"

Betty stayed quiet for a while, then said, "Nope cause I always wanted to show you where we hid our..adult treasures at," she smiled.

"Challenge on," I smiled back.

We got to the park and I grabbed our picnic stuff from the trunk. "Although I am the shorter one in the relationship, I'd say it's odd how I've always been naturally stronger than you." Betty helped me lay our stuff out not far from the car on a space of grass. "Naturally? We've both been in the hospital."

"Exactly so immediately all the exercising or everyday functioning is thrown out of the equation and we start at rock bottom. Therefore, I'm naturally stronger than you."

Betty scoffed, "But we both got to rock bottom at different times. You had weeks or days or whatever to get better, I'm just now recovering. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even supposed to be carrying the napkins, I could bust open my head," Betty said in a serious voice. We both bust out laughing, and I smoothed out the blankets.

"I brought two cause this grass rough as fuck."

"Of course it is, we in da hood," Betty rolled her eyes. "You say dat about everything," I whined. "Cause it's true," she laughed. I handed her a water bottle and she twisted it open. "That's not true. What about you?"

Betty rose a stitched eyebrow. "You weren't saying that when I was finna dominant yo submissive ass."

"Oh, I did my research too," I reminded her, letting my hands trail up her thigh like an army of ants. "I think I know a thing or two you don't."

"I doubt that," she said, taking a bite of a chocolate strawberry. "Wanna find out?" I challenged. She winked at me and I sent an obnoxious wink back at her. Betty brought our romantic spell and pointed to my lap. "What's that?"

I knew she would notice. I had covered up the case with a bunch of napkins. I slowly took each one off and Betty inaudibly gasped. I opened it and lifted Betty up by her hand, then bent back down on my knee. Her strawberry loosely fell from her hand.

"Betty Rush Spears, will you take me, Munae...wait, that's not how you propose." I blushed and tried to remember everything from the movies. I had a feeling I should have practiced this. "Betty Rush Spears, will you be my other wife..?"

"O- Girl, do you mean wife," Betty blushed, giggling. "Yeah, but it's two of us. We're both wives, so wouldn't that make you the other wife?" Betty wrapped her arms around me and giggled again, "Girl shut up, yes I'll be your wife." I slipped the ring onto the right finger hopefully and gave Betty a long, wet kiss.

"I know that I had already proposed to you without the ring and all at the hospital but I just wanted to do it officially," I babbled. "I love you, Munae," she hugged me.

"I love you too."

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