<Chapter Nine>

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<Munae's POV>
I had enough time to dress myself in all black and I waited outside by my Bentley. I was driving today, although when we left, we would have a driver because my hands sometimes got shaky when I was nervous. I was truly waiting on Betty to come back in all black.

I leaned against my car. It was already cut on and niggas was inside talking strategy and boosting their body with carbs. They was goin in on that pasta. "Boss, we leavin now?" somebody ask through the cracked window. "Yeah, who she waitin fo?"

"Mind yall business," I snapped, and leaned back against the car. I saw Betty pulling up and she slowly got out of the car. She began to walk towards the entrance with a bag from DD's Discount but I called out to her. She rolled her eyes and I allowed it, and she came over to me.

"You're not dressed?" I asked, pointing out the obvious, then looking at the bag again. "I don't live around the corner. You better be lucky I invested some of my money in something for you."

I opened the car door and rolled up the windows in the car. I stepped towards her and she innately started stepping back. "Munae and money are perfect for each other. Don't you think?" I asked in a sweet voice. "Yes," she whispered, looking genuinely afraid. She wasn't before. What changed?

"Go inside and get dressed. You don't have to rush."

She still ran towards the entrance which earned the guards stopping her before I nodded to them that she could enter. I saw her getting directions to a bathroom and then she went out of my view. One of my niggas inside the car rolled the window down again and I glared. He was really irritated me, I'll turn his hand into a window if he don't stop.


"We'll be running behind schedule if we don't leave in the next five minutes," he told me.

I made an executive decision that wasn't really that executive because I let my emotions involve a decision. "Go ahead without me, I know who I'm getting. Y'all scope the place out, ima come with a personal backup and then we can get the products, okay?"

"Okay," he said unsurely.

One of them got out to drive and I told one of the guards to go get me an undercover car to drive.

By the time Betty came back out I had a a 2016 blue Nissan Rogue running halfway on E with the air conditioner blasting because it was hot today. "Sorry I took so long, I um, started my period," she said in an awkward voice. "It's fine, it happens to the best of humans," I smirked. She allowed herself an unsure smile back. "Oh, where's the other car?" she asked, realizing the car was different once she got in.

I pulled off quickly once she had closed the door. "I went ahead and sent them to the place first. They won't expect a second round." I looked over at her, "Put your seatbelt on."

Her face grew sad as she looked at the seatbelt but she still complied. Was it something I said? "You don't have yours on," she then pointed out. I ignored that, "If we get into an accident you'll go flying," I said equally as sad.

"True," she said to her window, looking out forlornly.

"I'm a fool," she said a second later.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"I'm in the car, working and making money with the person who killed my only friend. And it was all because I disrespected you in the first place."

"I suppose that makes you a fool. But you are only human," I smirked.

"You and your love for twisting around words," she murmured. "You don't like it?" my smile faltered slightly. "Oh, it's fine," she said in a cheery voice, "I just don't like you."

"Why is that?" I asked with fake confusion.

"You killed my friend."

I chuckled and she glared at me, "Something's wrong with you."

"I knowwww," I giggled, then started laughing some more. Oddly Betty joined in and for almost a second I felt safe with her. Like we were family and like I could tell her anything.


She stopped and looked out the window. "I'm gonna throw up."

"Throw him then," I chuckled.

She looked at me and she looked truly sick. I stopped the car quickly and brought out a random walmart bag I had. Not a second before it was under her mouth, Betty began to heave and throw up. "Do I make you this sick Betty? Do I make your invisible thoughts hide in the corners of your thick skull because you're afraid I might witness them with my unholy eyes? That I might change them."

"I hate you," she rasped, going back to throwing up.

"The feeling is now mutual," I said coldly.

I pressed the gas and the bag moved forward, rocketing all of her bodily functions onto herself. She threw up all over herself again and from my peripheral I could see her staring at it all over her. The rest of the thirty minute drive she held her hands up slightly over her lap in frozen shock. We arrived. I parked a block away. I left her in the car. I pulled out a weapon, and checked up on my niggas.

Practice makes perfect.

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