Chapter 3

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I woke up the same night. 5: 07 am.

I heard odd choking noises coming from down the hall. I got out of bed and went to check it out.

I heard angry cussing coming from the hall way. I hesitated to open the door, but what was happening?

My curiosity got the best of me. I cracked the door open, nothing in the hall. I opened it a little more, still nothing. I heard more choking noises and angry cussing, it was my dad cussing.

I tip toed down the hall towards the sounds. It was coming from the bathroom. I walked up to the closed bathroom door.

I wanted to know what was going on, but it was him, so he could just rot in hell. But…… was my dad; he had some right to be cared for……right?

I hesitantly knocked on the door, “Dad, you alright?” I said quietly.

I opened the door a crack, a putrid smell hung in the air. I opened the door more, to find him hanging over the toilet throwing up the liquor from earlier.

He stopped hurling and stared at me with vengeful eyes, “You little bitch!” he screamed at me.

“What? What did I do to cause this?” I said timidly.

“You… put something in the beer didn’t you?!”

I shook my head, where was he getting this? The beer wasn’t even opened when I gave it to him.

“No, I just gave it to you.”

“You ungrateful bitch! I gave you food and a roof over your head! How do you repay me? This?”

He got up, wiping the vomit off the side of his mouth. He had a look of rage that he never had before, a look of someone determined to kill.

He started coming at me, I ran out of the room. I headed to my room, I could hear angry steps coming from behind me, following me.

I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. I heard his steps coming closer. I yanked open my dresser drawer. I dug to the bottom and grabbed the rusty kitchen knife. The door flew open and a murderous man came in.

I knew he was unarmed, but his fists were pretty good weapons. I backed up against the wall, hiding the knife behind my back.

“Come on kid, just give up, you can’t fight me. You’re gonna die.” He smiled an evil grin.

He came at me, and went to punch. He swung and his fist connected with my cheek. I tasted blood in my mouth. It hurt like hell, but I could deal with it.

I pulled the knife out and stabbed him in the stomach. I actually stabbed him. I pulled it out and blood covered the knife. He looked up at me with a look of, what? Anger, shock, both?

Well it didn’t matter much to me. Before he could come at me again I stabbed him again in the guts. I pulled the knife out and he collapsed to his knees.

He looked up at me, worry in his eyes. He knew he was dead, I knew he was dead, he was bleeding out.

I must have had some crazed murderous look on my face, because he actually cowered away from me. I stabbed him, again, again, again. With every stab, I wanted to stab him again, make him suffer more, like he made me suffer.

“You. Worthless. Dick. You. Don’t. Deserve. Life.” I screamed with every stab. Blood covered my jeans, hair, and hoodie. Blood got into my mouth, it tasted metallic-like. It tasted good.

I stopped after my arms got tired. I wasn’t sure if he was still alive, but I didn’t care, he would be dead soon anyway.

I looked over his body, only then did I realize what I had done. I had killed a man, my father. I killed my father. I mean, he was a total asshole, but I had just killed him.

I dropped the knife; it fell to the ground with a clatter. I dug in my dad’s bloodied pockets, I dug out his cell phone and dialed 911. It rung a few times, then a woman answered.

“911, what is your emergency?” she said.

I went to speak, but stopped. I knew he was dead anyway, why call 911? I just killed him, I would go to jail. I didn’t want that. I just wanted him out of my life, nothing more. I would find a way, I would.

“Um….ah, sorry, wrong number, really sorry!” I said and hung up the phone.

I dropped the phone to the floor. I looked over the man I just murdered. I guess I would have to report him missing, hide the body, and lie about where he was.

I got up, and opened the window. The smell of blood was overwhelming. I looked around the room.

The closet. That can fit a body, right? Yes, it can and will. I started to drag him into the open closet door, when a voice called, “You’re gonna waste good food like that?”

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