Chapter 12

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We went out into the woods. We walked for a few minutes until we came to a small clearing, about the size of a basketball court.

“Alright, first, I’m gonna teach you defense. Where’s your scalpel?” Jack said.

“Got it,” I held it up.

“Cool, now I’m gonna attack you, defend yourself.”

I wasn’t ready for that; he lunged at me, swiping at my innards. I just barely dodged it. Jack jabbed at me, I jumped back. He tried to drop kick me; I jumped up and landed on a fallen tree.

“Now attack me,” Jack said.

I jumped off the log, scalpel raised. I stabbed at….air? Where was he? I landed softly on a bunch of dead leaves.

“Jack?” I called.

I heard a rustle of leaves above me. I looked up, to see Jack, jumping off a tree limb right above my head. He landed on top of me, scalpel at my throat. Damn it! He got me.

“You need to work on your reflexes, you didn’t even dodge that. You had plenty of time; we’ll try again later, but first…” Jack pulled the scalpel away from my neck and kissed me. We lay in the forest for a few minutes, staring at each other. We finally get up, and Jack puts his arms around my waist.

“(Y/N), I think I love you,” Jack whispered into my ear.

I smiled and whispered, “I think I love you too Jack.”

A stick breaking snapped us out of it. Jack looked over my shoulder, worry in his eyes.

“Go back to the cabin, I’ll be right back,” Jack said.

“No, I’m not leaving you,” I whispered. He looked at me with an odd look. He took my hand and we ran back to the cabin together.

We got to the door and we heard yelling. Jack opened the door and we rushed in. I ran to the picture window in the living room. Through the trees I could see beams of bright light. Flashlights.

“Jack, who are they?” I asked, looking at Jack who had moved next to me.

“I’m not sure, campers maybe. They could be lost,” Jack suggested. We waited a few more seconds to see two cops coming through the brush at the far end of the clearing.

“Shit, they found the cabin,” Jack and I spoke at the same time. The cops shined the light on the cabin, one of them shouted something. They shined the light in the window and we both ducked out of view.

“You have to hide, I’ll deal with it,” Jack said.

“Why, I can fight,” I said, annoyed.

“I don’t want you there, when…I….it gets ugly…and…” Jack trailed off.

“Oh, I get it, but I can handle it Jack,” I said.

“No, you can’t, just run.”

“To where? It’s a woods!” I shouted.

There was a loud knock on the door. We frantically jumped up.

“The back door! GO!” Jack yelled, pulling out a scalpel and throwing his mask on.

There was another knock on the door, and then it was kicked open.

I ran to the back door, on the opposite side of the room. I grabbed the handle. I looked back at Jack. The cops were asking him who he was.

One cop looked over at me, “Hey, stop!” He yelled.

“GO!” Jack screamed at me. I opened the door, and the now cold night air hit me in the face. I looked back, because I’m an idiot. I saw Jack slicing the neck of one cop. It almost made me puke as the man’s blood covered the living room walls and he fell to the floor.

I closed the door and ran into the woods. I got about twenty feet when I heard crashing behind me. I glanced back to see a third cop chasing me. Joy of joys.

“Stop, or I’ll shoot!” I couldn’t see their face, but the voice told me it was a woman.

I face forward and ran faster. There was a noise I couldn’t quite place, then I knew.

The sound was a gun cocking. I only got a few more steps, then there was a loud resonating bang and a pain shot through my leg.

I tripped and landed on the hard ground. My hand scrapped against a fallen branch, and blood started to appear. I looked down at my throbbing leg. The fabric of my jeans was soaked with blood.

My ankle, the bitch got my ankle.

I heard footsteps getting closer. I started dragging myself, but I didn’t get far.

I looked up to see the female cop pointing her gun at my face.

I was screwed. She got me, and I was either dead or going to jail. I wanted neither. One was happening now, right now, like it or not.

She pulled one hand away from her gun and reached for handcuffs on her belt. Jail. That’s where I was going.

She pulled them off her belt and said, “Get up slowly with your hands in the air.”

I couldn’t stand like this, so I just glared at her.

“Now, or I’ll shoot you here and now. I don’t care if you’re just a kid,” She said. I knew she wouldn’t shoot to kill; she had a look of fear, a fear that she would have to shoot me.

I heard a slightest sound of a twig breaking behind her; she apparently didn’t pick it up. A moment later there was a scalpel cutting her neck.

Her blood splattered across my face. Her limp body fell to the ground. I was now facing a bloodied Jack.

“You okay? Oh, I take that back, stupid question,” Jack said, taking off his mask.

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