Chapter 14

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“Yeah, it was. Can I get some help?” I asked. Jack held out his hand, I took it and he lifted me to a kinda standing position.

I almost fell, he caught me, “Whoa, hold on.”

Jack bent down and picked me up bridal style. My leg hurt like hell, but Jack made me feel like everything was fine. He carried me to the cabin.

He opened the back door and took me inside. I looked around the living room to find two bodies on the floor, blood covering the once grey carpet. He carried me to the bathroom and sat me down on the edge of the bathtub. He cut my pant leg just under my knee.

“What the hell?” Jack grabbed my hand. There was blood dripping down my hand, but it wasn’t red, it was black. I looked at my leg in the light; black blood stained my leg and oozed out the wound.

Jack opened the medicine cabinet and took out a roll of gauze and something in a small jar. He opened the jar and smeared a clear gel on my hand. It stung, but not as badly as my ankle.

He wrapped gauze around my hand, then moved to my leg.

“No exit wound, the bullet’s still in your leg. I have to get it out now,” Jack said, cautiously looking at my leg wound.

He grabbed some really dull scissors and put alcohol on them.

“This is gonna hurt like hell, just hang in there,” Jack cautioned.

He slowly dug the scissors into the wound. It was a throbbing pain; I thought I might pass out. He pulled the scissors out, a hunk of metal in their grasp. The bullet was out.

“That’s the worst part; you’re pretty much in the clear now. If we can stop the damn bleeding,” Jack grabbed a cloth, put the gel on it, and put it on the empty wound. He secured it by wrapping gauze around it.

“Alright, now all you need is to rest and not put pressure on that leg. Okay, you wanna go to your room or mine?” Jack smiled.

“Yours, I don’t wanna be alone right now,” I said quietly.

“Then let’s go.” I stood up slowly. I almost fell but Jack caught me.

“Thanks,” I said. Jack grabbed my hand and we worked our way into his room. I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me.

“So, that was fun,” I said. Jack smiled and I smiled back.

“I’ll take care of the bodies in the morning, but I should get the kidneys tonight. You mind?” Jack said.

“Well, sure. Bring me back one! I’m hungry!” I shouted after him as he ran out of the room.

“Sure thing!” He yelled.

Jack came back a few minutes later with a kidney.

“Great! Get over here!” I said happily.

“I grabbed the bigger one, the rest were kinda small,” Jack said. He sat on the bed next to me and we split the kidney.

“That was great, so now what?” I asked.

“Well, how’s your leg?” Jack suggested.

“It’s okay, still hurts a little, but I can deal with it.”

“Well, it’s pretty late, you tired?”

“Well, a little. I guess we should go to bed.”

“Alright,” Jack walked over to the light switch and flicked it off. The moon was full and bright so you could still see in the room a bit.

Jack walked back to the bed and lay next to me. We both faced away from each other.

“G’night,” we both said.

We lay in silence for a bit. After a while it was getting chilly.

“Hey Jack, you up?” I whispered.

“Yeah, why?” He whispered back.

“It’s cold, I can’t sleep.”


There was rustling behind me. I felt Jack come up behind me. He put his arm around my waist and I nuzzled my head into his chest. We lay like this until we both fell asleep.

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