Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up and went to the kitchen. Jack was already there.

“Hey, morning Jack,” I said.

“Hey, you hungry?” He asked. I nodded. He grabbed two jars from the fridge and set them down on the table. I grabbed one and opened it up, the smell was great. Jack grabbed a chair and sat down across from me.

We both ate silently. But I gotta admit, it was easier to eat kidneys with teeth like these. We finished and threw the jars in the sink.

“Can you PLEASE take your mask off?” I pleaded.

“Geezus (Y/N), I said no.” Jack said.

“Why are you such an ass? I don’t care what you look like under that I just wanna know!” I yelled.

“And I said no!” He yelled back. He started walking away from me and I went after him. I reached for his mask from behind and pulled it off his head. He turned around to face me and grabbed for the mask in my hand. I pulled away and he missed.

I finally got a good look at his face. His skin was grey and covered in scars, and where his eyes should have been there were black voids and yet more black stuff coming from them.

Jack went to say something, but I hugged him and he stopped.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” I whispered.

“It’s alright,” he hugged back, “I shouldn’t hide from you (Y/N),” Jack whispered.

We hugged for a while, then let go. I looked at Jack, and wiped the black off his face.

“I’m gonna take a shower, so don’t use the sink. There’s not that good of water pressure out here, ‘kay?” Jack said.

“Sure. Don’t worry, I won’t peek!” I joked. He turned red as a tomato! I laughed really hard. He smiled and walked away towards the bathroom.

For the next fifteen minutes I read some books Jack had piled up. They were all human anatomy books, they were actually pretty interesting.

“Hey (Y/N)! Can you come here?” Jack yelled.

“Yeah, coming!” I yelled back.

I walked down the hall to find Jack peeking his head out of the bathroom door.

“What ya need?” I asked.

“I left my clothes in my room, can you go get ‘em?” Jack asked.

“Where are they?” I asked, going into his room.

“On the floor in a pile!”

“There’s clothes everywhere!”

“They’re by the bed!”

They’re all by the bed!”

“You’re so hopeless! I’ll do it!” Jack yelled. He walked into the room with nothing but a grey bath towel around his waist.

“God, put some clothes on will you!” I yelled at him.

“You like it and you know it,” I swear if he could he would have winked at me. I blushed really bad and he laughed. He grabbed the pile of clothes that were almost under the bed.

“That’s not next to that’s under the bed idiot,” I said.

Jack just shrugged and walked away. Man, he’s hot.

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