Chapter 18

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 We pulled apart, Jack still holding my hand, "Well, now what?" Jack asked.

"Well, it's getting around lunch time, should we eat?" I said.

Jack nodded and we walked into the kitchen. I got two kidneys out of the fridge and put them on the table. Jack grabbed them and took them in to the living room.

"Hey Jack!" I yelled to him, "We're running low on kidneys!"

"Then I guess we're gonna have to go get some more!" He yelled back.

I went to the living room and sat next to him, he handed me a jar. I opened it and pulled out the kidney. I ate an end of it.

"When you say we're gonna get more, does that mean both of us are going?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. I'm not leaving you behind, the cops might show again. Plus, you gotta learn how to play the game of murder," Jack joked around.

"Cool, does that mean I have to kill someone?"

"Probably. Is that a problem?"

"No, not really." I bit a chunk out of the kidney. Jack ate the whole thing already.

I finished my kidney and we watched some more TV. I checked the news quick, and wasn't surprised to see a new story on my father's murder.

"Now to Josh on the scene." The lady said. The screen flashed over to a younger man standing on the side of a road.

"Breaking News from the scene. The police car from the three police officers that went missing two days ago has been recovered. Police are combing the surrounding woods as we speak," the guy finished.

"Oh shit. We gotta go, now," Jack said, seeming panicked.

"What should we do?" I asked. Jack got up and I did the same.

"Well," He ran to his room and I followed. he grabbed two backpacks and tossed me one of them, " Fill that up with whatever you can bring, we gotta hurry, they could be really close by now."

I nodded and ran to my room. I opened the backpack and threw some important stuff inside. I grabbed another sweatshirt, two pairs of jeans, my ipod, and a small blanket.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed my hair brush. Then I went in to Jack's room. He was packing some clothes and a whole bunch of scalpels. He aslo grabbed his mask and a wallet full of money.

He finished then turned to me, "Go in the fridge and pack as many jars as you can. "

I turned and jogged to the kitchen. I pulled open the fridge and put three of the five jars in my bag. Jack came up behind me and packed the last two in his bag.

"You ready? We can leave as soon as you're packed," Jack said quickly.

"I'm ready, let's just leave," I said. We headed for the front door. Jack cracked the door, but stopped cold.

I heard it too. Voices. Coming towards the cabin.

"Fuck, back door!" Jack closed the door and we ran for the back door. I grabbed the handle and yanked it open.

Nobody in the back yet, fucking fabulous.

We both got out, and Jack slammed the door shut behind him. We started running, we got about twenty feet from the cabin when I realized something.

The scalpel, the one Jack gave me. It was sitting on the bathroom sink.

"Jack, I have to go back. I forgot something important," I said.

"What? We can't go back now, they're onto us!" Jack slowed running, so did I.

"I'm going back," I stated. I turned back towards the cabin and took off sprinting. I reached the cabin, hearing Jack's steps far off behind me.

I flung the door open, no one was inside yet. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed the scalpel off the sink counter. I turned and ran for the door.

I opened the door and was stepping out, and a loud bang came from the front door. Oh no, shit shit shit!

The door flung open and a man in a police uniform stepped in, gun raised. He saw me in the doorway and pointed the gun at me. He looked terrified, like he saw a monster or something.

Then I remembered how I looked.

I froze. Everything stopped. I heard the gun fire, and I knew I was a goner. I waited for iminent death.

I felt a sharp tug on my sweatshirt hood, and I was falling backwards.

I landed right on my ass. I was so confused. I wasn't shot. I looked behind me to see Jack.

With a bullet hole in his left shoulder.

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