Chapter 9

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A few minutes later we were both on opposite sides of the couch watching a scary movie. Jack left his mask off since this morning, which was cool.

Just for fun, I pretended to fall asleep. I heard movement from the other side of the couch. I felt Jack slide over to my side of the couch. I pretended to roll over and face him, still “sleeping”. He slowly put my head on his shoulder, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He noticed and went to move back to the other side of the couch.

I put my hand on his arm, “Don’t leave, I like this,” I said. He slid back over and I put my head back on his shoulder. I smiled and Jack smiled too. We watched the rest of the movie together. We finished the movie and went to bed.

When I woke up, Jack was already up and had breakfast ready. I looked around the room. There were a lot of dirty jars in the sink. I’ll do dishes later.

“Mornin’ Jack.”

“Mornin’ (Y/N).”

“Hey, I’m gonna go watch TV over breakfast, wanna come?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, be right there,” I replied. I walked into the living room and sat down next to Jack. I think we were done with the whole “my side of the couch” thing.

“Last night was cool, thanks,” I said.

“I was in your space, I thought you were gonna kill me,” Jack laughed.

“God no! I wouldn’t kill you!” I said. Jack smiled. I heard a phone ring coming from another room; “It’s Fucking Jeff Answer The God Damn Phone Jack!” was the ringtone. I laughed as Jack scrambled to find the phone and eat a kidney. I finished mine and went to find Jack.

He was in his room with the door shut. I cracked the door without him noticing me.

“Jesus Christ Jeff, calm down! It’s all fine. I’m at the cabin……..Yes she’s here too!……..why does that matter?..........well I won’t be back for a while yet…….yeah, tell BEN we’re fine………..Slender’s probably gonna kill me……….okay……..goodbye……..GOODBYE!” He hung up the phone and I walked in.

“Everything okay?” I said. He turned to face me.

“Uhm…..not exactly…..Slender wants you trained, not helpless if you’re hanging with us.”

“Oh, so when are you gonna train me?” I asked anxiously.

“Hey, soon, stay calm will ya?” Jack smiled at me.

“YAY!” I shouted.

“We can rest one more day, and then we have to train,” He told me.

“Well, we can have a lot of fun in one day, right?”

Jack gave me an evil smile and ran into my bedroom. I chased after him and we both jumped onto the bed. We both lay there for a while, starring at the ceiling.

“Hey, bet you can’t catch me!” I said. I jumped up and ran into Jack’s room. I heard him behind me. I saw his mask on his dresser. I grabbed it and put it on.

“Hi I’m Jack and I want your kidneys!” I mimicked Jack’s voice. Jack smiled and laughed. I took off the mask, Jack laughed harder.

“What! What’s so funny Jack?” I yelled.

“Look in a mirror will ya?” Jack yelled.

I ran into the bathroom. I had black stuff all over my face. I looked at the inside of the mask, sure enough, there was that stuff all over the inside. I put the mask back on and ran after Jack. We ran all through the cabin until we couldn’t run anymore.

We both collapsed onto the couch.

“That was fun, right?” I said, taking off the mask, black stuff dripping down my face now.

Jack looked at my face and laughed again. Some of it started getting in my eyes and mouth. I wiped it away, but some got into my mouth.

“Ugh! Blegh! Gross!” I shouted.

“Hey, what?” Jack asked.

“I swallowed some of that stuff from your mask. Is that even safe?” I asked.

“Uhm, not sure. But I’m gonna assume it’s not. Maybe this will help.” He leaned in closer my face. He held my cheek and kissed me. It was short and quick, but really nice.

We both looked at each other for a while. Then we both started laughing again.

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