Chapter 16

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I sat on Jack’s bed, curled up like the wounded puppy I was.

I heard a door crash open in the distance, I didn’t move.

“(Y/N)? You here?” Jack’s voice rang through the silent house. He seemed panicked, wonder why?

I didn’t respond. I just sat there, back facing the doorway. His footsteps echoed, getting closer to the open door.

“You here? I’m sorry for yesterday. It wasn’t planned. I did chase after you, but some hikers came by. I got distracted. I killed both of them, but one hit me with a stick right in the eye socket. I passed out all night. I’m so sorry…” Jack said.

I still didn’t respond to him. I just sat there, one hand on the bandages, the other hugging my knees.

I heard his steps stop down the hall near the bathroom.

“Oh no, (Y/N)?” He must have found the bloodied scalpel and pool of blood on the floor in the bathroom.

Jack’s footsteps got really close, then stopped.

“There you are. Really, I know I screwed up, but you don’t have to be that mad,” Jack mumbled.

“Yes, I do Jack,” I whispered, my voice raspy from crying.

“Can we talk?” Jack steps started again.

“No. Just stop. Don’t come closer to me…please…”

His steps halted, “What happened?”

“I…I’m so sorry…” I managed to croak out.

“Please, I'm really sorry for what I did."

"You called me a monster Jack."

"You're not, I shouldn't have said that. Is this about that?"

I heard him take one more step, I curled up tighter.

“No, I really fucked up this time…”

He took one more step. His weight shifted as he sat down on the bed side.

He put his hand on my side, “Just tell me you’re alright.”

“I can’t if I’m not.”

“Just let me see your face. Please (Y/N)."

He must have seen them on my head, he felt the bandages that wrapped my head, then pulled away.

“What did you do to yourself…” Jack whispered.

I finally worked up the nerve to get up. I sat up, still facing the other way. I turned to face him.

He saw the bandages on my face covering my eyes. He touched my cheek gently.

He started to take off the bandages. I grabbed his hand to stop him.

“Trust me, please,” Jack whispered.

I pulled my hand away. He undid the bloodied bandages, letting them fall onto the bed. I looked down at the bed.

Jack lifted my head up, showing him my empty eye sockets. His face went from shock, to confusion, to sadness.


Before I could say more, he hugged me. It wasn’t a pity hug, it was an apology hug.

“This is my fault,” Jack said.

I hugged him back, “No, this is OUR fault. We both did this.”

“Your right. And you're not a monster, you're a beautiful girl, that I love."

We hugged for a while, then I started crying. I cried black tears; they got on Jack’s sleeve.

We sat for forever, just hugging each other. That hug was our apology to each other.

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