46. Missing the Killer

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"I wasn't expecting you either Henry" I say aiming the gun at him. All the people in the room pull their guns out and aim at me. But nothing takes my eyes off from Henry. And I want to swipe that stupid smile from his face. 

"Let's talk Mia" he says motioning me to sit and he adjusts himself in the chair. Yes we need to talk. He is the last person I am expecting to be here. I thought he was Uncle Ben's dearest friend and he supported Aaron. But all this time, he has been supporting the killer. 

"Why?" I say still holding the gun in it's place. I can't take it away. He has the smug look on his face and I want to beat him to death. "Why isn't a question anymore Mia. Everyone knows the answer. The position is the only reason" he says still grinning. 

"Where is Cara?" I ask him in a firm tone. Was she a part of this? I don't think she is. His face softens when I ask about her, but it changes immediately. He doesn't answer my question. "Cara" I say it out loud this time. He gives me a wicked smile and says "Aww sweetheart it was her task to tame Aaron and get him do what we wanted, but she failed it. And you got Aaron at your fingertips. When she found out the reason why I asked her to get Aaron, she was mad at me and she felt depressed to the extent that she wanted to kill herself. So I sent her for treatment" he says looking down. 

"Where is Aaron?" I ask him the question that is been in the back of my mind  for days. He might know. "He is dead" he says smiling. "He is dead Mia. He is burnt alive in the house along with our men. I knew he was going there so I already warned Miz for that and increased the security. But Aaron got his ways to break into the house. He shot Miz in the leg and we had to burn Aaron." he says smiling more brightly this time. "But he is unpredictable. He already signed the papers to make you the next boss" this time I can find arrogance and disbelief in his tone.

"Why Damon?" I think he understood what I asked him. "We wanted to kill every person associated with Aaron after we killed you. So, Damon was the next target because he has the control over Aaron and even Emily." he is getting me to the end and I will shoot him anytime. "Sir, someone" a voice erupts from behind me, but that person stops in his tracks when he sees me. I can sense him tensing behind me.

"Come on Alex. Come and show your face to her. She would be happy to see you" he says motioning the person behind me to come forward. My eyes never leave Henry's. The look on his face tells he is planning something, but I ain't buying it. When that person comes and stands beside Henry, I look at him. The person who broke into my house last time and erased all the evidence. He still tenses when he sees me, but his eyes are filled with vengeance. What have I done to him? I ask myself.

"I will take the revenge for my mother's death" he says gritting his teeth. And then the reality hits me. He is Emma's son. He looks like her and that's the reason why I felt him familiar. 

"You gonna kill me" I say in a mocking tone. I k ow how he felt the last time he saw me and the look on his face is still the same. He is terrified. And what am I trying to do. Persuading him to shoot me?

I am not going to leave any person that is associated with the killer. "Alex you are not going to shoot her" Henry tenses before me, but I don't care. I hear the sound of the gun being loaded and then the trigger pulling.

I shoot Henry as soon as the trigger beside me pulls. I shoot the whole magazine and Henry falls to the ground. I don't care the pain spreading in my shoulder. I just take the other gun out and shoot the light in the room.

I don't want to kill Alex. I still have the Emma who helped me to escape in my mind. Even if it is all an act I for once wanted to believe that part of her was real.

I come out running unsure of where I am going. I have to find Pixie. I left her outside and I don't know what happened to her.

I come out sprinting just to find Pixie at the door. She jumps on to me and licks my face when she sees me. I just hold it with my other hand and head to my car.

"Dad.." I say stooping in my place when I see my dad at Aiden's grave. He looks at me then my bleeding shoulder and then just turns on his heel and moves to my car.

"I know who killed Aaron" he says when I get into the car.

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