49. One Last Hope

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I stay silent throughout the drive. My shoulder is still hurting and I haven't cared about it all this time. I just left it like nothing happened. No one knows about it yet. When Cara patted me on the shoulder, I had so much pain, but I hid it.

Damon updates her about everything. She turns back and gives me a smile. This time I let Damon drive. We need to get to the hospital fast and no one else is faster than him. 

I rush to the room Danny is kept in. He is the one last hope I have. One last person who can tell me if it is really my father. One last person who knows everything. 

By the time I open the door, he is holding his son in his arms and playing with him. He hands him over to Ally as soon as he sees me. Ally gives me her sweetest and brightest smile and she sits in the chair beside the bed. 

"Does Aaron know who the killer is?" I ask him still standing near the door. He nods silently. What a stupid question. Ofcourse he knows. "When?" I ask one more stupid question. "On the party night" he says it like a whisper but I could here it from this far. I look at Ally and she gives me a half smile this time. She dealt with a lot more of this shit than me and she knows how I feel about this.

"Is it my dad" I say approaching him. He looks at me amused but, he nods. I stop in my heels. I still had hope that he would say no. I though he would say my dad isn't the one I am looking for. He isn't the one who killed Aiden. He isn't the one who tried to kill me for the position.

"Mia see" he starts to speak but, I wave my hand to say him to stop. He does that. I look at his son, Ally and him. They would be a happy family now. They will be safe. 

I run out of the room pushing everyone away and make my way to the car. Em is here and I can see a different expression on her face. She keeps looking at Cara. Damon and Cara are speaking about something and Em is holding Damon's arm soo tight. I can sense her feelings from so far. I approach them and pat on Em's shoulder. She turns to me and gives me a smile and hugs me.

"I'll take my car" I say and take the keys from Damon. I still didn't get what he is speaking to Cara, but it is something serious. Damon intertwines his fingers with Em's and kisses her forehead before he turns to speak something to Cara again. This is his way of saying I am yours don't worry. 

I drive home. But before that I stop at Em's place. Aunt Lisa opens the door for me. This time my shoulder wound started bleeding and I can see she is worried. I give her an assuring smile and go to Ethan. He holds my finger as usual. I kiss his forehead and he smiles. He starts crying when I take my hand back. I pat him on the head and do the same to Pixie. I love these two. Ethan is my brother's memory and Pixie is Aaron's memory. 

I turn to aunt Lisa who went to bring the first aid kit. She takes away the old bandage and wraps a new one. "Uncle Henry and my dad are the ones who killed Aiden and the ones who attacked Emily. It's more like my dad. Uncle Henry is the 3rd wheel in this whole drama. And he is the one responsible for Uncle Ben's death" I spill all the things I picked up in the last few hours.

It is really hard for me to take this and this will be for her. I try to analyze her expression, but she maintains it neutral. She always treated dad like her brother. And we are like family to her. She wasn't expecting this, neither me. 

It would be more difficult for mom. I am worried about her. I don't know how she is going to take it. But she needs to know. What if she is with him now? What would he do to her if he knows that I learned about him?

"What you want me to do about this" I ask her. She is holding it up well. She wipes away the tears that are about to roll down her cheeks. "Do what your heart says sweetheart" she says cupping my face with her trembling hands. She is trying to be strong for me, but inside she is hurting so much. 

I get from the couch kiss her on the cheek and get out from there. I go home to check on my mom. She is in her deep sleep and I am relieved after seeing her safe. I ask some of my men to come here and take care of her. I need her to be safe. I sent some to Em's place and asked her to stay by Cara for today. Cara is still in danger. If someone involved with dad knows about her being back in town, they would surely harm her. I made sure everyone are safe.

The one place I can go check on dad is the one building he owns on the other side of the city. 

I stand infront of the gate. The last minute I have to decide. Get in or get back. I don't know if I go back alive. 

"What are you doing here baby doll?" my dad asks as soon as I open the door to his study. I pull the gun out and point it to his head. 

"Mmm. So finally you are avenging me for his death" he says in a irritated tone.

"Yes dad. I am doing this for him. But it isn't the person you are thinking. This is for Aiden. My brother. Your son" ..

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