Quidditch |Oliver Wood|

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You are a chaser for Gryffindor.
863 words

A bludger was headed towards my face. Fred hit a bludger away from me. Oliver looked mad. "Pay attention, L/n!"

I rolled my eyes and saluted him. "Aye aye, Captain!"

I flew down and grabbed the Quaffle that a Ravenclaw Chaser just dropped. I flew towards the rings and chucked the Quaffle into the highest hoop. The crowd went wild. "L/N HAS SCORED! GRYFFINDOR IS WINNING BY FIFTY POINTS! SO FAR GRYFFINDOR IS WINNING THEIR FIRST TOURNAMENT GAME!" Lee Jordan's voice bellowed throughout the stadium.

I spotted Harry and Cho trying to get the snitch. Harry was closer. I motioned to Fred and he nodded to me and went to cover for Harry. George started to hit Bludgers at Cho and she went off track. I caught another Quaffle and went for the rings again but then I was hit by a Bludger that one of the Ravenclaw Beaters hit towards me. It hit me right in the ribs. Crap! I think I broke something! Actually, it doesn't matter. Did Harry catch the Snitch? Just then, a rather loud voice interrupted my thoughts. "Ooh! L/n took a rather harsh blow and has crashed into the ground! OH MY GODRICS! HARRY'S CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR HAS WON!"

Everyone cheered and my team came down to me. Oliver helped me up. "Are you alright, L/n?" His thick Scottish accent made it hard for me to focus on his question rather than how much I liked him. I felt sort of dizzy. Everyone surrounded me. "L/n?" Everyone came closer and I moved into Oliver's chest. His arm came around my waist. I felt really tired and then I blacked out.

"Do you think she's awake yet?"
"Of course not, idiot! She hasn't moved or opened her eyes."
"Calm down, Oliver! I know you like her, but you need to relax, mate."
"How can I relax, Fred! She's been asleep for almost a week! What if she's in a bad coma? Huh? She could sleep for the rest of our lives and never wake up!"
"You've gone bloody mad."
"How could I not? I care about her, mate. I fancy her."

I heard these voices before I opened my eyes. I felt someone sit on my bed and hold my hand. My eyes fluttered open to see Oliver. I sat up and he stared at me in surprise but also relief. I hugged him. "So ya love me, huh?" I buried my face in the crook of his neck to hide my red face.

He froze. "You heard that?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yep. But don't worry, Ollie. I fancy you too."

My gaze was lost in his eyes. I heard a cough and turned to the doorway to see Fred. "Good morning, lovebirds. I hate to breakup whatever you are doing, but as you should know, I am here. Please-" Oliver closed the door and turned back to me.

I got up and walked to his side and kissed his cheek. "It's time we go to see the team," I say, intertwining my hand with his.

He smiled. "Care to surprise them, Lass?" I felt butterflies in my stomach. DANG THAT SCOTTISH ACCENT!

He pulled me to the Common Room where the team was huddled, waiting for me. I felt so special. "Blimey! Everyone look! The idiot is back!" George and I laughed.

I bowed and the hand that wasn't holding Oliver's on my heart. "Thank you! Thank you! No autographs! Please!" I then put the hand that was holding Oliver's on my forehead. "The amount of people here! Just for little old me!"

Everyone stared at my hand. I looked at them confused and then Harry and Angelina jumped up. "THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER! WE WON THE BETS! ALL OF YOU PAY UP NOW! HARRY AND I ARE GOING TO BE RICH!" Angelina hugged Harry and they quickly collected their money from the bets.

I glared at them. "You were betting on our relationship?"

Harry laughed. "Me and Angelina said it would be during the tournament and the rest of the lot said that it would be after the tournament. And we won!"

I looked at Oliver and he chuckled. "I do believe I get ten galleons for betting that Y/n here would fall off her broom."

I nugged him in the ribs. "And I should be getting fifteen galleons that Ollie here would let up two goals."

He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same. "I still fancy you, even if you're a klutz."

I looked up at him. "And I still fancy you. Even if you aren't as hot as Percy."

He glared at me. "No hugs or kisses for a week."

I gasped. "I was just kidding. C'mon you know I was joking!" I whimpered.

He kissed my forehead. "I'll consider it."

The team laughed and I pouted. "Ollieee!" I whined and he sighed.

"Fine." He kissed me and then wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled. "That's better!"

Professor McGonagall walked into the common. room. "OH MY GOODNESS! SEVERUS AND ALBUS OWE ME NINETY GALLEONS!" She ran out of the room cheering.

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