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So I got inspired by an AU ff from cattieapple and decided to do one myself but with my image of it... its basically a Zombie apocalypse in the servamp universe.

Pls don't write any hateful comments I want to (maybe) continue writing. If there a things you are dissatisfied with pls write on the commentary but stay chilled.

I appreciate any Tipps u may have for me if u are a more experienced writer. I have seen the Anime completely (not hard considering there are only 12 episodes) and a couple chapters from the manga but be aware that some things will not be included.
There is no main pairing and I don't plan to include any.. tho the interactions between the Anime characters will mostly stay the same with each other if not slight OOC because of the setting.

I usually include Songs and their lyrics but it might not be befitting of this story... Tell me if you think I should. Maybe make Mahiru or anyone else sing but anyway.. I will mostly (if not completely) write/post with my phone/tablet.

I own NOTHING except the story written here and my Imagination!
Everything else goes to their respective Author/Artist/creator and Singer!!
Hmm~ that should be all. Then Start!

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