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It's Frank's first year at Belleville University and he's already sick of it. In the past hour he's spilt coffee on his shirt, tripped on a patch of uneven concrete, pissed off some douchebag just for running into him, and Frank feels like the embarrassment isn't over.

Frank's eyes stared at the door until he saw something. More like someone. A pretty boy with long black hair that went to his shoulders, he had a white clip holding some of his hair back. He was wearing a baby blue sweater that had multi-colored butterflies printed on each sleeve, a white tennis skirt, and white sneakers. If Frank was in a cartoon right now, he'd be drooling.

They made eye contact. Frank smiled and winked at the boy trying to be as confident as Frank can. The raven hair boyed giggled and sat down in a chair across the room from Frank.

When the professor walked in, Frank already knew he'd be a pain in the ass. He looked like the kind of professor that wouldn't let you go to the bathroom.

"I will start with attendance, then I will explain what this class is all about." The professor said in a monotone voice.

Frank jumped a little when the professor said his name. "Frank Iero." Frank raised up his hand. "Frank Iero? I feel like I've had you in my class." The professor said. "You must be thinking about my dad, Frank Iero senior." Frank stated. Frank wanted to chuckle at how this professor is old enough to teach his dad, but he held it all in.

"Yes, he was a fine boy." Frank prayed that the professor didn't tell a long boring sorry about his own father. Thankfully, the professor stopped himself and moved on to the next student.

Frank kept his eyes glued onto the mysterious raven haired boy. Frank smiled when he raised his hand to the name Gerard Way. Frank made a mental note to remember that.

The professor went on and on about what they will be doing in this class. Frank dozed off a couple of times. Who can blame him?

Frank was startled when the boy next to him tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi, I've been seeing you stare at that boy." The kid pointed at Gerard. "Yeah, why?" Frank asked. "You don't know?" The no name boy asked. Frank shook his head. "He gets paid to have sex with people. Anyone can go to his dorm, pay him, and have sex with him." Frank raised an eyebrow. "What's your name?" Frank asked. "Brendon." Frank nodded and turned his attention back to the front of the class.

Hello and welcome to my new book! I hope you've enjoyed this first chapter so far.

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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