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It was raining. Pouring down rain. Cold rain. Big puddles. Gerard loved it. Gerard loved the rain, it rained frequently in New Jersey. It doesn't rain as often in Burbanks California. Gerard cherished this moment.

Frank hated the rain. It got his hair wet, it made the hairs on his skin stand up, everything was damp. Frank prefers sunny days where he can sit on a park bench and fiddle with his guitar, or he can walk his dog, Sweet Pea, without her getting soaking wet.

This rain came out of no where. It was bright and sunny earlier in the day. Everyday Frank has been woorking at Cartoon Network, which has been 2 weeks, it's been nice and sunny.

Of course, this was the day Frank decided to walk to work. Now he was at work, without a car, while it was pouring rain. Great.

Gerard was packing his bag and Lindsey was staring at the streaks of rain on Gerard's office window. Knock, knock. "Come in!" It was Frank.

"Hey Gerard, hi Lindsey." Frank nervosuly said. Frank and Gerard's friendship is still a little rocky. Full of nervous conversations and timid laughs. It's better than nothing.

"I'll see you two tomorrow." Lindsey said before leaving Gerard's office. They were alone. "Hey Frank." Gerard whispered. "Can you do me a favor? You can say no if you want." Frank nervously asked. "What's up?" Gerard asked. "Can you drive me home? I walked here today and I don't like the rain. If it's no problem, that'd be great." Frank said while looking down at the floor. "Yeah. I'm leaving right now. Come on." Frank muttered a thank you and walked out the large building with Gerard.

Gerard started the egnition and pulled out of the parking lot with Frank in his passenger seat. They never really had a chance to talk outside of work. "What have you been up to all these years?" Gerard asked. "Dropping out, obviously. I stayed with a couple of friends. Ended up homeless and played guitar in parks to make money. I eventually left New Jersey and came to California with my friend, Aaron, we got a shitty apartment together. I got a couple of odd jobs here and there, eventually I got my own house. Now I'm here." Gerard was shocked. Frank was homeless? He didn't want to ask a million questions about being homelesss to Frank.

"What was the weirdest job you had?" Gerard asked trying to keep the conversation light hearted. "I worked as a waitor in a strip club. That was pretty crazy." Gerard chuckled, "Really? What was it like?" Gerard asked with a smile. "It was actually really fun. I'm obviously gay, so I got to walk around in really soft boxers and a bow tie and served people. When I tell guys I was a waitor at a strip club they always asked if I got hard. And I would always yell, no bitch I'm gay!" Gerard loudly laughed. "Now, I'm a big shot Cartoon Network musician." Frank said with a grin.

Frank is living the dream. But, there is one thing missing. Frank isn't waking up to Gerard everyday. He isn't seeing Gerard in the kitchen cooking pancakes in his colorfully patterned boxers. He isn't taking long, hot showers with Gerard. He isn't with Gerard


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