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It's been two months. The two boys were inseparable. Recently, Frank seemed off. He got nervous very easily, he started picking at the skin around his fingers, he's been slacking, and a lot of the time he didn't even show up to classes. Gerard always asked what was wrong, but Frank just brushed Gerard off and said it was nothing.

Gerard woke up, but Frank wasn't there. Gerard already felt like something was wrong. Gerard went to text Frank.

Gerard: Where are you baby?
Umable to send

Gerard assumed it was bad internet connection.

Gerard got ready for the day and went to his classes.

Gerard opened the dorm door excited to see Frank, he wasn't there. Gerard was freaking out. He wasn't in the dorm this morning, he wasn't in his classes, he still isn't in his dorm.

Gerard quickly dialed Ray's number, he didn't care that Ray was in class. "What the fuck Gerard. I'm busy." Ray said. "I don't care. Where is Frank?" Gerard asked. Ray sighed, "I'll be back soon, stay there." Ray hung up before Gerard could respond.

Gerard sat on his bed and nervously tapped on his knee.

Ray opened the door and Gerard shot out of his bed. "Where is he?" Gerard asked Ray in a panicked voice. Ray sat down on his own bed and faced Gerrd.

"Uhm... Frank left." Ray whispered. "What?" Gerard questioned. "Frank left." Ray repeated. "No, I heard you. What do you mean he left?" Gerard asked. "He dropped out. He left this morning." Ray said. Gerard covered his mouth. "H-He can't do that? Why didn't he say anything?" Gerard asked, he felt tears threatening to drop. Ray shrugged, "Something about being embarressed. He said he doesn't think you deserve a boyfriend that can't even finish college." Ray said.

Gerard picked up his phone. The message from this morning still hasn't sent. Gerard typed out a new message.

Gerard: Frank?
Unable to send

Gerard: Why did you leave?
Unable to send

Gerard: What the fuck? Frank?
Unable to send

Gerard: I swear to fucking god.
Unable to send

"Is the internet connection here really bad?" Gerard asked. "No. It's just fine for me." Ray said. Gerard's heart dropped.

Gerard: Frank?
Unable to send

Gerard: Did you block me?
Unable to send

Gerard threw his phone across the room. "Slefish bitch." Gerard muttered. He didn't mean that. He was angry. Furious. Gerard wanted to find Frank and punch him. But, he couldn't. Frank left.



Sorry for the plot twist! It'll get better, maybe. :)

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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