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Quick AN please read!

There will be smut here. If you want to skip, you totally can! If it makes you uncomfortable, you can skip!

Also a reminder that in this fic Gerard and Frank are NOT underage. They are both twenty.

Also I want to say I respect both Gerard and Frank's families and respect that they are both happily married. This is just for fun. And I hope everyone reading this respects Gerard and Frank aswell.

On to the story!

Frank laid with his back against his headboard and Gerard straddling his lap. "You sure you want to do this?" Frank asked. "Of course I do. The moment I saw you and your tattoos I wanted my hands all over you." Gerard whispered. "Fuck, okay." Frank reattached their lips.

It was slow and passionate. Frank slid his hands higher up Gerard's light pink tennis skirt. The skirt blended nicely with his pale skin. Gerard whinned against Frank's lips and slightly rolled his hips. Frank lightly chuckled at the needy boy and firmly grabbed Gerard's hips. "God Frank. If you don't take your shirt off right now, I will loose it." Frank chuckled and quickly threw off his shirt.

Gerard reached out to touch Frank's tattoos. He slowly traced a line to the scorpion on his neck to the birds on his stomach. Frank shivered at Gerard's light touch.

Frank slightly pushed Gerard back so he could be laying on his back. Gerard wrapped his legs around Frank's hips.

Frank slowly slid up Gerard's shirt. Gerard seemed slightly hesitant to take off his own shirt, but he did so anyways.

Frank gawked at the boy's body. He had a slightly pinched waist, giving him a very feminie figure. His pudgy stomach made Frank want to kiss him all over. "Fucking gorgeous." Frank whispered. Gerard blushed and smiled.

Frank wrapped his fingers in Gerard's hair and pulled him into a kiss. Frank rolled his hips against Gerard earning a little gasp.

Gerard ran his hands from Frank's collarbones down to the button of his jeans. "May I?" Gerard asked. "Don't need to ask." Frank said before Gerard unbuckled his pants.

Frank slid off his skinny jeans as fast as he could. Frank looked down at the boy laying below him. He looked like a painting.

Frank wrapped his fingers around the lacey underwear Gerard was wearing under his skirt. "Just take them off." Gerard said in a breathy voice. Frank quickly pulled off the black underwear and threw it off to the side. Frank could see the print of his member under his skirt. Frank smiled and traced it making Gerrd roll his hips up and release a long whine. "Patience baby, patience."

Frank kissed up the boys torso. Once he got to Gerard's neck, he explored looking for Gerard's sweet spot. Frank knew he found it when Gerard twitched and releaesed a noise of pleasure. Frank left a small love bite on Gerard's sweet spot.

Frank reached to his bedside table and grabbed a jug of lube and a condom he stored in there when he first arrived. "Ready?" Frank asked. "Extremely ready." Gerard whsipered.

Frank squirted a large amount of lube on his fingers and spread it. Frank pressed his index finger, covered in cold lube, against Gerard's entrance. Gerard was already making noises of pleasure.

Frank slowly pushed in and smiled when Gerard produced a particularly loud gasp. Frank kissed along Gerard's collarbone to distract the boy from the pain. "Good?" Frank asked. "Yeah, y-you can move." Gerard said.

Frank slowly pulled his finger halfway out and pressed back in. "Fuck." Gerard whsipered.

Frank eventually added a second finger. "H-How many fingers do I need?" Gerard asked. "Three." Frank said. Gerard gulped and relaxed his body.

The pain in Gerard soon went away and now all he felt was pleasure. Frank slowly sped up the movement of his fingers and smiled when Gerard rolled his eyes back and opened his mouth.

Frank added a third finger and it only added to the pleasure. Gerard made a noise during every thrust. Once Frank felt good about Gerard's stretch, he removed his fingers. Gerard pouted. "It'll be good soon." Frank reassured.

Frank slid off his boxers and proudly smiled when Gerard saw what was in his pants the whole time. Even though Frank was short and small, he wasn't small in other places. Frank's tip was red from being neglected.

Frank slid on the condom and squirted lube on his member. Frank wrapped his hand around his member and slid it up and down. Frank threw his head back and sighed.

Gerard moaned at the sight in front of him. Frank with his head thrown back, his hand around his aching member, Frank's chest glistened with sweat, his hair stuck to his forehead. He looked enchanting.

Gerard wanted to touch him. So he did. He reached out and moved Frank's hands from his cock and replaced them with his own. Frank smiled, "Shit." Frank whispered. Frank bucked his hips against Gerard's hand.

"God, pelase hurry." Gerard begged. Frank pressed his tip against Gerard's entrance. The feeling was way different than Frank's fingers. Better than Frank's fingers.

Frank pushed halfway in. "F-Fuck!" Gerard threw his head back against the bed and gasped. Once Frank fully pushed in, Gerard was a squirming mess. "God, you're fucking h-huge." Gerard whsipered. "Please move." Gerard begged.

Frank started a slow rythem. Gerard released a high pitch moan with every thrust. "P-Please." Gerard didn't even know what he was begging for anymore.

Frank shifted his angle slightly and hit something in Gerard that made him want to scream in pleasure. "Frankie!" Gerard moaned. Frank smirked and kissed Gerard's jaw while he thrusted against that same spot.

Frank knew Gerard was close because he was clawing at the sheets below them. Gerard arched his back. "Fuck!" Gerard moaned before releasing against his stomach. "Good boy." Frank whispered causing Gerard to whimper.

Frank soon released in the condom with a low moan. They stayed in the same position panting for a minute before the door opened.

Frank turned his head toward the door. It was Ray. Ray stood there in shock, dropped his smokes and keys, and walked out. Frank chuckled and looked back down at Gerard who was bright red.

Frank slowly pulled out making sure he didn't hurt Gerard. "Thank you." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek. "Thank you for being my first." Gerard responded. Frank's eyes shot open. "I was your first?" Frank asked. "Uhm... Yeah." Gerard looked embaressed. "You could have told me that baby." Frank said as he threw away the condom and looked for a pair of underwear.

Once he got at least one item of clothing on, he grabbed a wet paper towel from the kitchen and walked back in the bedroom to clean Gerard off. "I was just embaressed." Gerard admitted. "You don't need to be embaressed about something like that." Frank pointed out as he wiped the drying come off Gerard's stomach. "Thank you." Gerard repeated. Frank didn't respond, he just kissed Gerard's cheek.


I haven't written smut in a REALLY long time, so I hope it was okay!

If you haven't read the AN at the top of this chapter, I would reccomend you do.

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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