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Frank and Gerard didn't talk to each other for one week. Frank would see Gerard in his classes, see him in the hallways, see him in their shared dorm. But, he wouldn't say a word, Gerard didn't either.

Frank decided to go on a walk around campus. Frank was about to walk past a dumpster when he heard something. A whimper. The noise was close by. Frank held his breath and walked past the trash can. Frank looked to his left and his right and saw nothing. Frank sighed, but he heard the whimper again.

Frank whipped his head around and heard people talking. They didn't seem to be having a casual conversation, they sounded angry.

Frank saw an ally and ran to it. What Frank saw made him see red.

It was Brendon and a shorter person. He had long greasy hair and stubble. Gerard was on the floor with his back against the wall. Frank knew exactly what was going to happen if he didn't stop the two boys.

Frank sprinted further into the ally and pounced on the two boys. They both tumbled over on top of each other.

What Frank did should go down in the books. Frank swore he could have killed them.

When Frank slightly calmed down, he saw what he did. They were still breathing, but it looks like they shouldn't be. They were both passed out. Frank didn't have a single scratch.

Frank got up off the floor, dusted off his jeans, and extended his hand to pick Gerard up off the floor. "I thought you hated me." Gerard said. "I could never hate you." Frank stated.

The longer the two boys stood there, the more angry Gerard got. "Why did you do that? It's obvious they got beaten up, they won't keep their mouths shut. You're going to get caught Frank! What will they do? Why did you do that? You could have just left me here, I can hold my own ground." Gerard said. "Why the hell would I leave you here? They could have hurt you Gee. They could have done worse. I couldn't just leave you here by yourself! I would never be able to forgive myself." Frank admitted.

Gerard huffed and crossed his arms. "This is for getting yourself in trouble." Gerard slapped Frank. It didn't hurt Frank, but it did hurt his heart slightly. "And this is for defending me." Gerard wrapped his arms around Frank's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. Frank's eyes shot open, but he soon relaxed.

Frank felt the kiss through his whole body. From the top of his hair to the tip of his toes. Frank didn't realize he was walking and psuhing Gerard backwards against the ally wall until Gerard squeaked when his back pressed against the wall. Frank had a firm grip on Gerard's hips, and Gerard had one arm around Frank's neck and his hand laced in Frank's short hair.

Frank was disappointed when they pulled away. "God, I've been waiting to do that since I saw you in that classroom." Gerard whispered. Frank smiled and kissed Gerard's nose.

"Let's get out of this fucking alleyway. I don't want to look at these two scumbags." Frank pointed at the two passed out boys. Gerard giggled, held Frank's hand and skipped out the ally.

What a sight to see.


They kissed!

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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