Spin The Bottle

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"Well, cmon! Spin the bottle you numpty" You were nudged at the elbow by one of your friends Angelina. You had snuck out of your room at midnight to go to the Gryffindors common room. Why? Your two best friends Fred and George Weasley decided that it would be a good idea to play spin the bottle but with a twist. It wasn't like normal "Spin The Bottle" only because the rules were different. No kissing involved unless you were dared to do so

Meaning, basically it was a truth or dare kind of thing. If you picked truth you had to do it truthfully obviously, but by actually doing it you needed to take a sip of veritaserum or also known as a truth potion. Fred had happened to brew some up recently and didn't know what to do with it. But, for a dare, you had to do it or you either take a shot of fire whiskey. Now, whoever it landed on would give you that dare or truth. 

You on the other hand didn't know how this would turn out... No one did. You were first, not your exact favourite thing but you took the bottle and gave it a quick twirl waiting for it to stop on someone in the circle. And thankfully, eventually, it stopped. And it stopped on Lee Jordan, you rolled your eyes waiting for what he had waiting for you in his no-good brain, not like he even had one. "Okay Y/N truth or dare?" He had sounded anticipated for you to choose dare, but no satisfactory for him. 

"Truth" A smirk grew on your face as Lee's let out a groan and everyone else chuckled. As Lee was thinking of something George passed you the veritaserum, smiling at you. Finally, Lee thought of something "Okay, how many people have you slept with? And who?" he tilted his head cocking an eyebrow up. You sent a glare to him, taking a sip of the potion being ready to embarrass yourself.

"Um, 3. Marcus Flint... Cedric Diggory and Oliver Wood" You clasped your mouth in shock as everyone started to laugh "MARCUS FLINT???" Lee went rolling around the ground laughing louder than ever "Okay, it's nothing something I'm proud of" Everyone else was trying to keep their laughs in but was very unsuccessful "You going for the whole Quidditch Captians hm?" Fred speaks out catching everyone's attention and still laughing. You were too.

Many rounds passed and many were embarrassed. Many shots were taken so most of them were hammered especially you. Some also got in big trouble, but you had it all under control. But now it was back to your turn, so you took the bottle once again, spun it and to your luck it landed on Lee again. We're you happy about it? No. But there wasn't much stopping you and you didn't feel like having to take another veritaserum or a shot of fire whiskey, kept burning your throat. "Truth or Dare?"

You sit up straight feeling confident "Dare" everyone starts looking at you and Lee back and forth noticing the eye contact held between you two. "Okay, I dare you to have 7 minutes in heaven with... Whoever the bottle lands on" Now it was getting intense. It could be anyone, it also could land on Lee but didn't stop you. You sighed, placing your hands on the bottle as everyone's eyes went wide and watched you spin it. 

It kept spinning which felt like forever, but then finally slowed down and stopped on... George. You looked up at him, blushing and rethinking about it all. Not that you haven't exactly wanted to kiss him... As you've been crushing on him ever since the first year. But you instantly turned back into an eleven-year-old girl though you're now sixteen. You gulped looking at him right in the eyes, noticing his adam apple moving and his veins also revealing. 

'Oh god, I can't imagine those wrapped around my neck-" you were cut off of a no-good haze as you saw George raised up and his hand out to connect with yours. "Well, what are we waiting for let's go. Scoot scoot" Lee demanded. You let out a huff taking George's hand and rising up from your spot in the circle and then walking towards a closet. You and him entered the dark closet, him reaching up and turning on the light and then being faced to you. 

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