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'Y'... In the beginning I thought he was admirable and pretty humorous. We had actually know each other before and that was just a coincidence. Anyways, we both gave an amazing performance. Soon without my realization, I'd become pretty famous in the classroom.. I made a lager group of friends, moved a bit away from Z.....

On the other hand, Y started displaying his true quality- THE PLAYBOY. As much as I hate writing about his character, I hate people who display such characteristics more.

As time passed by, I became silent and stopped mingling I still don't know the reason ..

Time went fast and we reached the mid semester. Over here people usually can shift their college/course in the mid semester. Trust me this weird thing is only possible in India so sometimes I wonder why is this rule here. If this rule was not there then I wouldn't have written this story and my life would be good right now (ya, I think I have earned the right to complain ).


In math, whenever we assume the value of a constant, we keep it 'X'..

One day, just after mid-sem, the principle came to our class and announced that some people from 11B will be shifting to our class and just after his announcement came not 'some' but a 'lotta'  people...
TADAA.. "Bollywood cringe song playing in the background!!" CRINGE ALERT 
Entry of X..

 Well I will not bore you guys about how she looked (cuz hey! I'm not the cringe movie director) but she was decent enough for an amazing ('average') guy looking guy like me to fall for her. Well falling for her is kind of understatement she took my breath away ...her sheer elegance just snatched my heart away.. the magnified eyes cuz of her specs, the perfect lips, the prefect voice, I'd just continue praising her which will bore you.. So summing up.. nothing just but her presence made me say  'I love you!!' ... (cringe but necessary..)

Well as days flew away.. I got to know her name - X..

So "X" became my classmate and we became quite good friends in instagram and we used to text a lot 😃(I can't stop smiling as this story brings so many memories). We had a lot of things in common... blah blah blah.. I can write all those cringe words but I'm avoiding them. Its not that I can't write, its just that I don't wanna write it now.. But summing up I was just in on her..

We spoke a lot and I felt many moments where I could tell anyone 💯 sure that she was also showing the same feelings for me. This was not the first time where I had this feeling.. I'm an old customer for this bad yet wonderful feeling.

Anyways let's move ahead ...the official entry of Y happens now.
Y, kinda took my spotlight cuz that guy gave a solo performance in the fresher party. I must admit it was amazing, and any girl would have wooved away I guess..

It's not that he didn't look good or didn't have any talents beside beat boxing but I think that was the fundamental difference between me and Y...the entry of Y was the beginning of my bad luck the guy was kinda cool but I like to believe that because of his beat boxing which is like a cool thing that's why many girls went behind him but X did not go (as of my current knowledge.).

One more problem was that X and Y are in the same language class and I was not in that class. At least that is what I thought.  They become best friends. PS: Myself and X had a lot of Instagram conversation but not much of a face-to-face conversation.
But Y got that very thing with X adding instagram conversation.

After this guys entry, 'The rate of reply which I got was inversely proportional to the rate of reply which Y got from X ' (basically I got late replies and Y got much faster replies ). But since I was kindaa famous (I'm not boasting)in the college for my singing and music composition my image in front of the college did not decrease.. but it did decrease in front of X.. The reason might be any of these or she was in for Y!! No one knows except her..

Y infact became her bestfriend in a very short time and I was becoming the least important person in her life. Thus the beginning of my downfall....

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