Fear&Anxiety (both dangerous)

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' my vision went blurred... I felt like an Earthquake is approaching me.... Then !!!!!?????????........................................'

'then, I felt that I was falling back and suddenly I hit the ground.. but something was peculiar about the ground,....... the ground was soft and spongy.... and then BHOOOM'

My mobile was ringing and vibrating together (it was that stupid idiot Pi's call) , My brother was waking me up.... I had dozed off while studying... lol....

Then, it was time for our (me, @ and Pi's) call...
As usual from 10-12 PM we discussed academic stuffs.. and by the time it was 12... Pi's brain had started to function abnormally....

He asked to me propose X.............

I was like - "Dude, not now, after many ups and downs.. Its become proper now.... I dont wanna ruin it"... before going ahead.. A piece of advise to my readers, NEVER LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE... I REPEAT, NEVER DO WHATEVER THEY TELL... TAKE YOUR TIME IN DECIDING WHAT YOU WANT AND HOW YOU WANT YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO GO AHEAD....

I was actually thinking to propose her after the movie.. but even my brain was tired ... even it couldn't counter attack Pi's statement.. tbh Pi also made an awesome point that actually convinced me to go and tell her.. that was - "dude, you just have some months left with you., even if she tells yes, its just gonna be for months that's it...... So I suggest you.. go and tell it ooff"..

As soon as he made this statement.. I was also convinced... I mentally set my brain up to tell it off... The next problem was...

I didn't know what to write and how to write.... As usual... Pi jumped in and gave this awesome, mind-blowing (not heart-shaking) message...

See i got to be completely honest with u ......like this fact has been pestering for some time now.....i feel that we r more than friends and there is a different kind of connect that i have with u.....see i totally understand if u think of me as nothing more than a friend but i had to get this out of my chest .......if u feel the same way ....then do let me know ....but i totally respect ur space and i want u to understand that this is something that i felt and wanted to get it out of my chest

(btw, this is a copyright message.. all copyrights are reserved by Pi [lol]..)

After seeing this message I got (over?) confidence in myself.. since it was 1:30 AM and my brain was totally out of function. I just did ctrl C + ctrl V into her contact in whatsapp and pressed 'send'... double tick...........!!!!!!!!!!

That feeling was awesome.............
No sleep that night............
Only listening to love songs...(to increase the positivity in me [lol.. that doesn't even make any sense, but believe me beta{son}.. this is how it happens when you LOVE someone] lol.. 😂😂)
uf..... man!!...

I was anxious.. so much that..... At 2 AM I called Pi and asked him- "Dude, what if she tells NO???!!"
Pi- "Thats Impossible Bro.... Believe me man, I have seen the texts of you both...I'm sure that it is gonna be a yes.. I guarantee you... Now JUST CHILL AND RELAX... listen to some songs and sleep dude.. its 2:15 AM..."

After listening to his speech of confidence.. even my confidence increased ... and I dozed off........

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