Chapter 6 - Top student

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Harriet's pov:

I woke up feeling something cold air on my face. I opened my eyes to see Frost fire sleeping beside me on my pillow breathing some cold air on my face. I got up from my bed and stretched, I took a bath and changed into my uniform with my robes on. Frost fire was already awake, and he was just stretching a bit. "Okay Frost fire, time to hide now," I said then he hid inside my robes. "Can we get breakfast?" Frost fire asked and I shook my head.

"Sorry, but can you wait a little while longer? It's still 5:30 a.m." I said and Frost fire nodded, then fell asleep in my robe pocket. I put my wand in my other robe pocket and I started reading a book about 5th-year plants. After two hours of reading, I was already at my 6th book and I decided to leave my dorm. It was now 7:15 a.m. and I could hear everyone freshening up for the day.

I walked to the common room and I was the only one there. I start up the fire then I hear one of the prefect's voices. "Wow, you're up early, and thanks for setting up the fire." A male prefect said and I smiled. "What time did you wake up to get ready so fast?" Asked by a female prefect. "5:30 a.m," I said and they both seemed really impressed. 15 minutes later, everyone came down ready for the first class, but first breakfast.

The prefects lead everyone to the great hall and I memorize the entire layout on the way. Everyone sits down at the Slytherin table and I see my idiot twin brother with his friends which were Weasley and the girl who thinks she knows everything in magic. I'm glad that I am no longer a potter because I would be embarrassed to be with them, but the only problem with Hogwarts was that the Potters were here.

Dad told me that the Potters were going to be here to help teach the students, Lily was going to help professor Sprout in Herbology and James was going to teach defense against the dark arts and I hate those two with all my heart. We all waited for breakfast to begin then we heard glass clinking and it was Dumbledore gathering everyone's attention.

"Hello students, as you all know today you will be getting your schedules for your classes. Once you get them, you will all finish breakfast and go to your classes. For the first years, you will each be given a map of the school. If you are having trouble, ask the older years that have a free period. Now then, let us eat!" Dumbledore said, then raised his hand and dad told me this trick, which is where Dumbledore raises his arms and food appears making it look like he did it but it was actually the elves that made it.

While everyone was eating, some of the older students opened the windows then owls came in from all directions, it was all mostly for the first years who forgot some things from home, then Owlbert landed in front of Draco, with a letter attached to its leg. 

"It's from Mother and Father," Draco said, then he opened it and we shared it. "It says they're really proud of us for making it to Slytherin, and they said they wished they could have seen everyone's face when they found out your name," Draco said and I smiled.

"Hey, can I eat now?" Frost fire said, and I grabbed some meat and secretly gave it to Frost fire. "Can I eat too?" Owlbert asked and I gave him some fish. "Owlbert please, go back to my dorm room," Draco said, then Owlbert nodded then flew away. After everyone ate, I and Draco decided to get to Transfiguration without any help from the older students. I and Draco found a secret passageway and we got there before any could get here, but there was a white cat on Professor McGonagall's desk and I knew it was her.

I and Draco started talking then 15 minutes later the prefect and other students came. "Wait, how did you two get here before us?" Blaise asked and we smiled. "We took the passageway," I said then their eyes widened. "Impressive, well since you're all here you can all just wait for class to start." the Slytherin prefect said and everyone nodded then picked a seat on where they wanted to sit.

A Slytherin hero (going to be in a lot of re-editing)Where stories live. Discover now