Chapter 11 - dueling club

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Harriet's pov:

Me, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, a lot of other students were watching my dad and Professor Lockhart demonstrate on how to duel properly and I always loved watching these types of things. "Now students, watch as I demonstrate how I defend myself against Professor Snape." Lockhart said and this was going to be good, because me and Draco knew how this would turn out.

Lockhart got ready to use a barrier spell, and dad got ready to use his spell. "Flipendo!" Dad shouted out then Lockhart used the wrong spell and fell down hard on the ground, me and Draco giggled because we saw this happen to Lockhart one or more times. "What I meant to say was, how not to defend yourself." Lockhart said getting back on his feat. "Now each of you, will all be given a chance to duel against one student in each house, and since Professor Snape's here is head of the Slytherin house he should pick which student to duel against first." Lockhart said and I will admit he was genuine with that.

"Very well, for the first student I shall pick will be...Mr. Malfoy." Dad said then Draco went up the stage and Lockhart smiled. "Good choice, I think I will pick...Ms. Granger." Lockhart said, then Granger came up and this was going to be good. "Now wands out, backs turned and take three paces forward." Lockhart said and I could tell he was hoping he made the right choice.

"Ready...set...Begin!" Lockhart shouted then Granger started out with Flipendo, Draco managed to dodge it and used... "Expelliarmus! Stupefy!" Draco shouted out then a beautiful swirl of colors blasted out of his wand and it was a direct hit on Granger and she lost her wand then fell down to the ground. "Impressive Mr. Malfoy." Dad said and Draco smiled. "Uh, can someone take Ms. Granger to hospital wing?" Lockhart said, then Longbottom and Weasley's little sister took her to the hospital wing.

"Since Gryffindor lost this match, I think you should pick who should go next." Dad said and I knew what he was planning. "Very well, I think I will choose...Mr. Potter." Lockhart and I smiled when Potter came up. "Well if you're going to pick a celebrity, then I will choose my top student in Slytherin and in the second year...Harriet, please come up." Dad said, Potter and Lockhart's faces dropped when dad called out my name, Lockhart knew what I'm capable of, and Potter...well let's be real, he is really weak when it comes to magic.

"I-I see you p-picked your daughter." Lockhart said nervously, as I walked gracefully up the stage and all the Slytherin students smirked at him, because they all knew I am the most powerful and smartest witch in our year or any higher one. "Um, very well." Lockhart said and dad smirked at him. "Now wands out, and get into positions." Dad said, I nodded then got ready and Potter did the same. "Hope you're ready to lose, Harry." I said and that scared him because I never used his first name before, unless I was really angry, I could hear some of the others whispering something but I stayed focused and got ready.

"Ready...set...Begin!" Dad shouted, and Potter was the first one to make the first move. "Expelliarmus!" Potter shouted and I smirked. "Protego!" I said, then Harry's spell didn't hit me and got redirected. "Incendio!" I shouted out, then fire came out of my wand and Harry moved aside and laughed at me. "Hah, you missed!" Potter said and I smirked at him. "Did I?" I asked then Potter turned around and I used this to advantage and use... "Petrificus totalus!" I yelled out, and Potter froze.

"Cause I did." I said then used one more spell to finish him off. "Flipendo." I called out and Potter got knocked down to the ground and all the Slytherin students cheered for me even some of the Grffiyndor. "Very Impressive, techniech Harriet." Dad said and I smiled at him then got off the stage. "Alright then, I'll take Mr. Potter to the hospital wing. You can all continue." Lockhart said, then picked up Potter and left.

Draco's pov:

While I was watching Harriet duel against Potter, I blushed when I saw her hair fly when she casted her spells. I started to overhear a few things from the other Slytherin students and it was about Potter and Harriet. "Don't you think it's kinda weird that Harry, and Harriet look alike just a little bit?" I heard a male student say, "I know and...when you think about it. Doesn't Harry rhyme with Harriet?" another male Slytherin says.

"Maybe, it's a coincidence. I mean Harriet did say she was adopted and she doesn't talk much about her birth parents so it's hard to confirm if she and Harry are related. But if they are related I'm going to question on how she could be related to a stuck up family." A female Slytherin said and I looked directly at them. "I think you should stop talking about Harriet's past before she finds out what you're talking about." I said and the three stopped talking.

When I saw Harriet used Flipendo on Potter, I smiled when I saw her claiming victory. Harriet came down from the steps and I gave her a high five, because we are the best when it comes to dueling. "Nice one Harriet." Pansy said and Harriet smiled at her. "Thanks, and I can't wait to beat him in quidditch." Harriet and I were really excited to see how our first quidditch match will play out, but I guess I have to wait until that day comes.

Professor Snape, continued picking everyone to duel against each other and me and Harriet laughed our arses off when we saw Weasley's spell backfire and he started vomiting slugs, it was hilarious. When we were allowed to leave, we all started going to the great hall to eat dinner and we still kept laughing when we saw Weasley still vomiting slugs out of his mouth into a bucket.

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