Chapter 15 - another year ends

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Harriet's pov:

Me and Draco were excited to go back home to Malfoy Manor and take a break from school. In a few days, it will be the end of our second year in Hogwarts and I was excited to catch up on some reading on my favorite books. Me and Draco were talking about what kind of spells to do on our summer break in the hall when we saw James and Lily Potter going to Dumbledore's office.

"Wanna check it out?" Draco asked, and I nodded to him and he had a grin on his face. Me and Draco walked to Dumbledore's office and no one was around except us and we were stopped by a gargoyle. "As the heiress of Hogwarts, I demand that you let us pass." I said, the gargoyle nodded then stone staircases appeared. I took out the invisibility cloak I stole from James and I used it to cover Draco and I, then we went up the stairs.

When me and Draco got up to Dumbledore's door we could hear yelling from the inside. "Dumbledore, we want answers to why HARRIET is more powerful than our Harry!!" James shouted and it was hilarious to hear James having a tantrum. "James calm yourself." I heard a familiar voice said and it was my former godfather Sirius.

"I understand that you wish that Harry has the best years of his life in Hogwarts, but it seems Harriet is more powerful than any wizard or witch." Dumbledore said then me and Draco were laughing quietly under the invisibility cloak. "Then expel her!" James yelled and there is no way I could get expelled for something as stupid as that.

"James, I can not expel Harriet. She is a kind, smart, and generous girl, who has helped everyone with almost everything. She has saved dozens of students from serious injuries and if we expel her when she is behaving so well, that would cause everyone in the wizarding world to question if Hogwarts is a safe place." Dumbledore said and I could hear James sigh deeply.

"Listen mate, I don't understand why you can't be happy for her. I mean I can understand you want what's best for Harry, but Harriet never felt any love from any of us ever since she was born and the only person that did show Harriet any love was from Severus." Remus said and I smiled knowing he is very reasonable, but James wouldn't listen. "If people from the wizarding world get any more bad ideas about you and Lily, who knows what will happen." Dumbledore said and I was wondering why Lily wasn't talking.

"I think you and Lily need a break from somethings, I can take over your teaching in the defense of dark arts. And Padfoot can help Hagrid with Magical creatures." Remus said and I smiled knowing I won't have to deal with Lily, and James next year. "Alright, but make sure Harry is safe, and maybe Harriet." Lily said, and I was shocked to hear she wanted me to be safe.

"Why would you want her to be safe?!" James almost shouted out and I swear a lot of people could hear them if they weren't in professor Dumbledore's office. "We may have disowned Harriet, but she is still our child and I don't care if she hates me or you with all her heart, so the least thing I could do is make sure she is safe." Lily said, then me and Draco looked at each other and I never thought Lily would still care about me. "Don't worry, Padfoot and I will make sure Harry and Harriet are safe." Sirius said and I was kinda happy Lily still cared about me.

"We should probably leave." Draco whispered and I nodded to him. Me and Draco went done and I thank the gargoyle for letting us pass and I told him not to mention me, Draco, or the invisibility cloak. Draco and I walked back to the Slytherin common room but I saw Lily with dad by the greenhouse. Me and Draco agreed to do one last eavesdrop and then we would go back to the common room to pack our things.

"Severus, I just wanted to say...thank you for raising Harriet to be the girl she is today." Lily said and I smiled when I heard her say that. "You are most welcome, but I question why your saying this to me, after you disowned Harriet." Dad said and I was a little curious about that as well. "Well it wasn't my decision to disown Harriet. I loved both her and Harry equally but James wanted me to spend more time with Harry." Lily said and I froze when I heard her say that.

"I really wanted to watch Harriet grow up to be an amazing witch but James convinced me that we should give Harriet up for adoption, for her safety so people wouldn't use her against us, but after a few days without her, I soon realized James lied to me. James started to change and told me to stop seeing other men like you, and he soon wasn't the man I used to know anymore." Lily said and it kinda broke my heart to hear she didn't want to give me.

"I know there is nothing that will make Harriet forgive me, but I promise you that I will do my best to make up for everything she's been through." Lily said, I smiled and I heard enough. "Let's go." I whispered to Draco then we went back to the common room. "Ya'know I didn't expect her to say that." Draco said and I smiled. "Neither did I, but at least I know she cares." I said then me and Draco went to our dorms and I started packing my things and getting ready to leave.

"Hey Harriet you seem more happy than usual. Did Potter burn and die?" Basili said and I laughed. "No, I'm just happy someone actually wanted to see me grow up before dad adopted me." I said, then placed all my books inside my trunk. "Well whoever it must be really nice." Hedwig said and petted her feathers gently. "Hey, I want to be petted too." Frost fire said, then flew to me beside my bed and I started petting Frost fire as well.

Few days later...

I was walking through the train station in Hogwarts, and I was saying goodbye to dad. "Now remember Harriet, be good while you're at Malfoy Manor." Dad said and I nodded. I get my trunk inside the compartment and I look for Draco, with two familiar cages in my hands, one had Frost fire who didn't like to be in a cage, and the other had Hedwig and she didn't mind being in a cage, Basili was hiding in my jacket since she can't get anymore bigger than she already is, and since she has to stay warm, she is allowed to hide in my clothes.

While I was looking, I finally saw Draco in a compartment with Owlbert on his lap. "Hey Draco." I said and I opened the compartment door. "Hey Harriet." Draco said and I sat across him and I put Hedwig's and Frost fire's cage beside me or on the floor. "Excited to see Mother and Father again?" Draco asked and I nodded with a smile on my face, and I let Frost fire out of his cage and he instantly sits on my lap. "Why do I have to stay in a cage? I hate it." Frost fire complained and I laughed a little.

"Don't worry, it's not so bad when you get used to it." Hedwig said, and her cage door was open but she stayed inside. "Hey Owlbert." Hedwig said, closing her eyes to sleep a little. "Hey Hedwig." Owlbert said. "Hey where's Basili?" Draco asked, then Basili came out from my jacket and slithered around my neck. "She was hiding in my jacket." I said and give Basili some blueberries she seemed to like a lot.

Pansy and Blaise came to our compartment then we all started to talk, I saw that the train started to move and I waved goodbye to dad. "So what spells are you going to practice this summer?" Pansy asked and I thought for a second. "We were thinking of practicing some fun spells and maybe a difficult one." Draco said and I was about agree with him, when I felt my scar hurt a little. "Something wrong Harriet?" Blaise asked and I shake my head.

"No, my scar hurts for some reason, but it's nothing I promise." I said and Draco got worried. "Did this happen before?" Pansy asked and I only remembered this happening a few times. "Just 3 or 4 times this year." I said and everyone looked concerned. "Does Professor Snape know about this?" Blaise asked and I nodded. "He does, he gave me a potion that can pervent the pain and it worked." I said and everyone seemed calmer.

"Okay, but if your scar starts hurting again let us know." Pansy said and I nodded then we all started talking about what we would do next year and who the new professor's might be and what kind of pranks we were going to do Potter and his friends, we even talked about what me and Draco heard from Lily and I was happy to know my birth mother actually cared and loved me.

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