Chapter 27 - The champions

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Draco's pov:

Me and Harriet were racing each other to the great hall. Today is the day where the champions will get selected for the triwizard tournament, Me and Harriet came in and we saw the goblet at the center of the great hall, Me and Harriet quickly run to the Slytherin table and we were excited to hear who would get to be the champion for each school. Harriet and I sat down next to Pansy and Blaise, all the other students came.

While we were all waiting I noticed Viktor was staring at Harriet, I started to wonder if Viktor had a crush on Harriet, but Viktor could pick any girl to be his girlfriend. Anyway, once everyone came, Dumbledore soon made his way to the goblet and looked a little more excited than usual. "Good day everyone. The day you have all waited for has finally come. The day we choose our champions for each school." Dumbledore said and everyone cheered. Dumbledore then walked to the goblet and waved his hand over it.

The blue fire from the goblet started to rise, the first name came up and it was for Drumstang. "Viktor Krum." Dumbledore shouted and everyone cheered loudly for him, as he walked up and left the great hall for further instructions. Dumbledore waved his hand again around the goblet, the next name came out and it was for Beauxbatons. "Fleur Delacour." Dumbledore said, and everyone cheered for her. Fleur stood up and walked out of the great hall, Dumbledore waved his hand around the goblet again, finally hogwarts champion would be...

"Harry Potter, and...Draco Malfoy." (Bet you didn't see that coming, huh?) Dumbledore said and the hall was quiet. Harriet hit my elbow gently, then I stood up, I walked to the goblet to meet Dumbledore with Potter, and he gave us a parchment with our names on it. Me and Potter walked out of the hall, and we saw Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour, they were both confused on why there were two champions. We all sat down in silence until all the professor's came and they were arguing and trying to figure out who to blame. Then Dumbledore grabbed me by the collar of my sweater vest and pushed me to a table.

"Draco. Did you put your name in the goblet?" Dumbledore asked. "No sir." I said and was a little scared. "Dumbledore give the boy some space." Headmistress Maxime then brought out a Veritaserum potion, and she gave it to me, she wanted me to drink it and I drank it. "Did you do anything to the goblet?" Dumbledore asked and I shook my head and said. "No sir." "Did you ask Harriet to do it for you?" Dumbledore said and I shook my head. "No sir." I said, and all the teachers looked at each other. "Are you sure?" Professor Snape said and I nodded. "Yes sir." I said.

Dumbledore let me go and I relaxed a bit. "What are we going to do?" Professor McGongall asked Mr. Crouch. "We have no choice, the goblet has made its decision. From this day on, Mr. Malfoy is now the triwizard tournament." Mr. Crouch said, and I was scared, and nervous about what could happen in the tournament. After everyone calmed down, we were all given the rules on what the first task would be and we were only allowed to prepare for the first task but we did not know what it would be.

After everyone understood the rules, we were allowed to leave the dungeon. Professor Snape walked me back to the Slytherin common room, I went inside and no one was there except one person who was sitting by the fireplace. Professor Snape already left and I went to check who was sleeping by the fire, I looked over the couch and I saw Harriet sleeping with a book on her lap, Frost fire sleeping beside her, and Basili was sleeping around Harriet's neck.

I moved beside Harriet, I gently shook her shoulder, and I hoped she didn't think I went behind her back which was something I would never do. "Harriet...wake up. Your going to get stiff." I whispered, Harriet opened her eyes, she took off her glasses and rubbed the sleepiness out of her. When Harriet placed her glasses back on, she was startled when she saw me and directly hugged me tight.

"Oh thank Merlin, I was so worried about you." Harriet said, Frost fire, and Basili woke up and joined the hug. "Your...not mad at me?" I asked and Harriet laughed a little. "Of course I'm not, I know you. You would never put your name in the goblet and you wouldn't want to because the chances of dying were high." Harriet said, and I hugged her back. "But, do you know Fawkes? Dumbledore's phoenix?" Harriet asked and I nodded.

"Fawkes, told me that...Dumbledore bewitched the goblet, and placed your name in the goblet." Harriet said and I could feel her hands tightening on my sweater vest. "I don't know why he did it but...I'm scared, I don't want you to die." Harriet said, and I rubbed my hand against her hair. "Hey don't worry, I'm not going to die, I promise. We'll figure this out together." I said and I could hear Harriet sobbing a little and the last time I heard her cry was when we were 9.

"Sh...It's going to be okay, I promise." I said, then I looked at Harriet and wiped away the tears on her cheeks. "Let's get some rest, we can talk more tomorrow." I said, Harriet nodded then we both went back to our dorms. I saw Owlbert sleeping on his birdpost, I changed into my pajamas, and I went to bed a little bit nervous about what everyone would think of me tomorrow.

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