Chapter 10 - Quidditch tryouts

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Draco's pov:

I was at the quidditch field with Harriet and a few others who were on last year's quidditch team for Slytherin and a few new ones. "All right everyone, just because some of you may be from last year's quidditch team, that doesn't mean Gryffindor will go easy on us. So we need strong and fast flyers." Marcus said and we all got ready, and I knew Harriet wanted to be the seeker because we know Potter became Seeker for the Gryffindor team and she wanted to beat him, I just wanted to be a chaser.

"Alright first things first, who here wants to be the seeker?" Marcus asked, and Harriet and two others raised their hands. "Now who wants to be part of the chaser's?" Marcus asked, then I raised my hand along with 5 others. After everyone said where they wanted to be, Marcus first let the people who wanted be the seekers try out first and I knew Harriet would do great.

Marcus then brought out a box and it was filled with...Pixies? "Okay each one of you will have 15 minutes, to bring back all 5 pixies and I have to warn you that they are a little bit more trickier than the snitch." Marcus said, then called out for one person and they got on their broom. "Okay, ready, set...GO!" Marcus said then opened the box filled with pixies and they started flying everywhere. The person couldn't keep up with any of the pixies and ended up failing.

The next one didn't go so well he fell off his broom and broke his left arm. Harriet was up next and she seemed really calm, she took a deep breath and got on her broom. "Okay, ready, set...GO!" Marcus said, then Harriet took off from her broom so fast, it was like she wasn't even there. Harriet grabbed 4 Pixies in 7 minutes and put them back into the box. Harriet grabbed the last pixie with 6 minutes to spare. "That was amazing! I have never seen anyone collect the pixie so fast, you're even better than Harry Potter." Marcus said smiling at Harriet. Harriet got off her broom and bowed down.

"Okay next is Chasers.'" Marcus said, then passed the ball to me and all the people that wanted to be part of the chasers got ready. Harriet gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at that, I took a deep breath and got ready to fly. When tryouts were over, Harriet and I were excited to know if we made the team. "Okay, so let's start with the seeker. The new seeker for the Slytherin team is...Harriet!" Marcus said and everyone clapped for her.

"The new and old Chasers are...Merry Jackson, Chadson Blockerson and Draco Malfoy." Marcus said, then me and Harriet hugged each other because we made the quidditch team. We quickly go back to the common room, Harriet tells her dad she made the quidditch team and he seemed really proud of her, me and Harriet go to my dorm and we write a letter to mother and father. I let Owlbert out of his cage and I tie the note around his leg and he flies back home. Me and Harriet couldn't wait for our first match against the Gryffindor and we are going to destroy them in the quidditch field.

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