Chapter 25 - A new rule

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Pany's pov:

I was walking to the great hall with Blaise, Harriet and Draco went ahead since they were both done with homework and didn't want to be late for the announcement tonight. While me and Blaise were walking we heard someone talking. "Viktor, are you sure that's the same girl from the quidditch match?" One person said, Me and Blaise got really curious and decided to stay and listen. "I am very sure, those were the same beautiful blue eyes and circle glasses I saw, and who else would have a lightning bolt scar on their forehead?" Another person said and it was Viktor Krum, he was talking about Harriet.

"Okay, you have a point." another person said. "But from what I heard, that girl is the most powerful and smartest witch in Hogwarts, not to mention she's in Slytherin." One person said, and they were definitely talking about Harriet. Me and Blaise nodded to each other and pretended not to hear them and continue walking to class making a fake conversation. "So Blaise, you think Harriet will help us with the magical creatures tomorrow?" I asked and Blaise nodded. "Of course, she is our friend and the smartest witch in the entire school." Blaise said then we walked away from the corridor.

Me and Blaise arrived at the great hall to see everyone anxious to hear the news about the Triwizard tournament. I sat down across Harriet and Blaise sat across Draco, we talked about what we do tomorrow and what would happen class, when Viktor Krum and his friends came in and sat near the Ravenclaw table, Harriet and Draco may not have noticed it but Viktor was looking at Harriet and only at Harriet. I looked at the window and noticed that it was raining. I looked up and saw that the sky from the ceiling was really cloudy.

I didn't think much of it and continued to talk with Blaise until every student came and it took a while, when everyone sat down and waited patiently for the rules to be explained for the Triwizard tournament. Dumbledore soon came up with a man standing behind him,  Harriet once told me his name, I think it was...Mr. Bartemuis Crouch? "Good evening everyone, now before we begin explaining the rules, I would like introduce to you all the the head of the department of international magical cooperation, Mr. Bartemuis Crouch." Dumbledore said and everyone clapped for him.

Then out of nowhere, the storm outside got worse, and the ceiling soon formed into dark clouds with lightning coming out of it, everyone screamed out of fear except for Harriet, me, Draco, and Blaise. Harriet was about to bring out her wand when a red ray came out of nowhere and the storm on the ceiling disappeared. Everyone looked at the culprit on who removed the storm and it was a man with one eye and a cane.

"It's Alastor Moody, the Auror." I heard Harriet said, and I was confused. "A what?" Blaise asked and Draco looked at him. "A dark wizard catcher. They say Alastor is supposed to be mad as the Hatter. Some people call him Mad-eye." Draco said and I can see how and why they would think that. Alastor started walking down the steps and was scanning the room, and his eyes or eye landed on Harriet and Potter for some reason. "Ah Alastor, good to see you old friend, thanks for coming." Dumbledore said, and Alastor looked at the ceiling. "It's the stupid ceiling." Alastor said and walked away.

"Now, with that aside, Mr. Crouch has informed me that a wizard or witch below the age of 14, will not compete in the triwizard cup. (I changed the age rule thing and there is going to be a plot twist with the chosing)" Dumbledore said, and everyone either gasped, sighed in relief, or was upset. "I am sorry to inform those who wished to join, will not be allowed due to the age rule." Mr. Bartemuis Crouch said, and there were a lot of people who were disappointed except for those who were in a higher age or year. "Now, for those who are in a higher year or age, will put their name in the Goblet of fire." Dumbledore said, then a giant Goblet appeared, the flame it had was blue as Harriet's eyes.

"Tomorrow, you are all free to do whatever you wish and make your decision on putting your name in the Goblet, and once your name is in the goblet, there will be no turning back." Dumbledore said, then looked at everyone. "Now, before I forget. Alastor will be teaching 1st years to the 4th years in DADA (Defence against the dark arts). And Mr. Potter will be teaching the 5th years to the 8 years DADA." Dumbledore said and everyone cheered a little.

After Dumbledore was finished, food soon appeared on the table and everyone started eating. Harriet and Draco were too busy deciding whether to join or not and what they would do, rather than to pay attention to anything else. I swear those two act like a couple sometimes and never notice, last year I saw them snuggling by the fire in December, which when you think about it they would have done that to stay warm, but you get the idea.

Harriet's pov:

When dinner was over, everyone went back to their common room and dorm, me and Draco decided not to join since the possibility of us dying is really high. Everyone got changed into their pajamas, since I didn't have any problems with sleeping tonight. I was going to sleep in my room, with Frost fire, Basili, and Hedwig.

The next day, me and Draco decided to watch everyone put their names in the Goblet of fire, plus I overheard some of the third years were going to try and put their name in the Goblet with an aging potion and it was going to be funny. Me, Draco, and Frost fire, went to a corridor where the Goblet was, I brought a book with me since it was going to take awhile. Draco and I kept talking about who would put their names.

A few people soon came and they all wanted to watch who would put their name in the Goblet. The first few people came and it was Cedric, a hufflepuff and a really nice guy. Potter and Ronald, the Weasley twins came and they placed their names in the Goblet, then two 3rd years came really confident about something. "All right, we did it." The third years said, running around with a potion in their hands. "We finished it just this morning and we will be in the tournament." one of the third years said and everyone cheered for them.

"It's not going to work." I said, not taking my eyes from my book. "Why not?" The third year asked me. "See the circle around the Goblet? It's an age line Dumbledore drew it himself, and he wouldn't be stupid to not think of an aging potion, which is the most dimwitted idea, I have ever heard." I said, and I hate to admit it but Dumbledore is very powerful and smart sometimes. "And that's why it's going to work, because it is dimwitted." the third year said and I rolled my eyes.

The two 3rd years drank the potion and walked over the line and everyone cheered for them. "The potion is going to backfire once they put their name in the Goblet isn't it?" Frost fire asked and I nodded. When the two third years put their names in the goblet, the blue fire started to go crazy and it was everywhere, the fire hit the two third year boys and they turned old.

"You said it would work!' One of them yelled. "No, you said it would work." The other third year said and they both started fighting and everyone was chanting in the fight. During the fight, Draco gave me 5 galleons, since we made a bet to see if it would backfire or not and I won. When everyone saw Viktor Krum come into the room, they were all quiet and watched him place his name in the goblet and Viktor looked at me, then left.

I continued to read my book with Draco, and Frost fire, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Do you...think you can reverse this?" The third year asked and he sounded really old. "Fine, but next time listen to me." I said, and the two old third years nodded. I brought out my wand and reversed them back to their original age. "Thank you." The third year said, then left. Me and Draco continued to watch the other students place their name in the goblet and it was really interesting.

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