Chapter 18 - Happy memories

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Harriet's pov:

I was with Draco, Basili, Hedwig, and Frost fire in the common room, sitting by the fire. Everyone else was at Hogsmeade today or somewhere else, Draco and I decided to go another time and try practicing some spells. "Hey Harriet, what book are you reading today?" Draco asked and I smiled. "It's a book about magical creatures. I'm on the page about Dementors and how to defeat them." I said and Draco quickly tried to look at the book in my hands.

"It says there is a spell that can make Dementors leave and possibly destroy them." I said and Draco looked excited. "Really? Let's try it out." Draco said and I nodded then we left to go outside to practice the spell at the forest. I made sure Basili was nice and warm before we left. Frost fire and Hedwig were going to come with me and Draco since they really like the cold and it was snowing today.

Draco and I quickly wore some warm winter clothes then we went to the forest. We made sure no one was following us and we got to the forest and I may have thrown a snowball on the back of Draco's head for a little fun. "Hey no fair." Draco said, then used his wand to make snowballs and I started to run away from them, and we had a short snowball fight. "Okay, let's start practicing the spell." Draco said while dusting off the snow on his head and shoulders, and I nodded.

"Aw, I wanted to play some more." Frost fire said, then he sat on my head with Hedwig flying around a bit. "Okay, the spell is called Patronum. Patronum can only be casted by using the most Happiest memory a person has, the more happy the person's memory is, the stronger the Patronus is." I said reading the book a bit. "That sounds really hard." Draco said and he was right. "Yeah, but it's worth trying out though." I said then put away my book and brought out my wand.

Draco did the same and I thought very carefully on what my memory could be. "Expecto patronum." I whispered and nothing came out. I sighed and said. "This is going to be harder than I expected." Draco tries the spell and nothing happens. Draco and I tried multiple times but still nothing, we were thinking of our most Happiest memories but I guess that wasn't powerful enough.

Draco and I took a small break and I started to make a little snowman on the ground. "Hey remember when we used to make big snowmans when we were little and scare other people?" Draco asked and I laughed a bit. "Of course, you even once pretended to be a snow monster to scare me." I said and we both laughed when we remembered that. "Oh please continue." I heard Hedwig say, while I was petting Frost fire on the head. "Oh what about the time when we pretended to be knights and we asked Narsicca to make us knights?" I said and Draco blushed a bit.

"Yeah I remember that, we even made a fake sword." Draco said and we both laughed. "Hey, let's try the spell again, I have a good feeling about it." Draco said and I nodded. I grabbed my wand and I thought of the happiest memory I could think of and it was Draco smiling and laughing. "Expecto patronum." I said, then a bright silver-white light came out of my wand and came out as a beautiful Phoenix. "Pretty." Frost fire said, then my Patronus started flying around me and Draco. "It worked." Draco said, and I hugged him tight.

Draco's pov:

When I saw a phoenix come out from Harriet's wand I was really happy when I saw her smile, and when her Patronus flew around us. Harriet hugged me tight when she saw her silver-white animal spirit flying around us gracefully. "Okay Draco, you try." Harriet said and I nodded. I took out my wand, then took a deep breath and thought of the happiest memory I could think of and what came in my mind was hearing Harriet being close to me.

"Expecto patronum." I said, then a silver-white light came out from my wand and it formed a dragon. "You did it." Harriet said and she hugged me again. I lifted her high up in the air and she is very light. "We did it! We actually did it!" Harriet said, then Frost fire joined in our hug and we all watched out Patronus's fly together and it was absolutely beautiful to see.

Me, Harriet and Frost go back to the common room and we were really happy on what we accomplished. Harriet and I start to talk about what kind of spell we would practice next by the fire and we had so much fun talking about it. Harriet did some amazing fire trick by the fireplace, she turned the fire green and it made me smile. Harriet and I stayed by the fire and we were happy with everything we could do.

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