Chapter 26 - The most unforgivable curses

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Harriet's pov:

I was in the defense against the dark arts class with Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. I was sitting next to Draco and Alastor Moody was...okay for a teacher. "Now, I am here because Dumbledore asked me. End of story, goodbye. Any questions?" Alastor said and no one said anything. "When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach." Alastor said, and looked at everyone. "First which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Alastor asked and no one spoke, not even the know-it-all.

"Three, sir." I said and Alastor continued to write. "And they are so named?" Alastor asked and I took a deep breath then said. "Because they are unforgivable. The use for any of them would..." "Earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban, correct." Alastor said and wrote it on the chalkboard. "Now the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do." Alastor said and his expression changed.

"I say different!" He yelled and everyone's back straightened. "You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared." Alastor said and everyone was a little scared. "Now...which curse shall we see first?" Alastor asked and looked around. "Weasley." Alastor shouted and Weasley quickly responded. "Yes?" He responded. "Stand." Alastor said, and Weasley did as asked. "Give us a curse." Alastor asked and Weasley was stuttering a little.

"W-well um, my d-dad told me one cu-curse. The imperius curse." Weasley said and Alastor nodded. "Correct, and your father knew all about it. I think I'll show you all why." Alastor said, then walked to his desk. Weasley sat back down, and Alastor removed a cover from the jar, and brought out a spider. Alastor made the spider bigger, and said the spell for Imperius curse. "Imperio." Alastor said, and the spider started to fly and landed on the Gryffindor desk and everyone started laughing.

The spider soon landed on my hand, then up to my shoulder and I stayed calm which surprised everyone. "Don't worry, she's completely harmless." Alastor said, then he pointed his wand over Draco's head and everyone laughed a little, Weasley was laughing the loudest, then Alastor pointed to Weasley and it was on his face and everyone laughed louder this time.

When the spider started to fly over his hand, he started explaining the next curse, I was getting scared and Draco held my hand under our desk. "Scores of witches and wizards have claimed they only did you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the imperius curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liar?" Alastor said and looked at everyone. "Who can give the next curse?" Alastor asked and a few people raised their hands.

"Longbottom was it? Up now." Alastor said, then Longbottom stood up. "Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology." Alastor said, and Longbottom nodded. "There is the um...Cruciatus curse." Longbottom said. "Correct, come, come." Alastor said, then he went to his desk and Longbottom followed him. "The torcher curse, Crucio." Moody said, then the spider was being tortured in the most painful way, I could hear it begging the pain to stop. "Stop it!" I heard Granger say and I was surprised to hear say something that could help someone or something.

When I finally thought it was over, Longbottom went back to his seat and Moody walked to Granger and placed the spider on top of her book. "Maybe you could give us that last unforgivable curse, Ms. Granger." Moody said, and Granger shook her head, because everyone knows the most unforgivable curse. "Avada Kedavra." Moody casted, then a green light appeared and it killed the spider, and when I saw it, I remember the day when the spell was casted on me.

"The killing curse only two people were known to survive it, and they are sitting in this room." Moody said, me and Draco looked at eachother and we both shrugged. "Uh, sir don't you mean?" One person said in the back and Moody looked at them. "No, I mean two." Moody said, then he looked at me and Potter.

"You see, Mr. Potter, and Ms. Snape were both babies back then. Who knows who You-know-who picked to be his end. Now I'm not one to don't judge Dumbledore's ways, but no one knows what happened that fateful night, so it could either be Ms. Snape, or Mr. Potter." Moody said and everyone looked at me and Potter in both confusion and fear. This would either go in two ways. One everyone would either let this slide or Two, start to question Dumbledore's way, since he did block my magic, and he did kill hundreds of innocent muggles, witches and wizards which no one knows yet.

I honestly hope Dumbledore will get questioned for everything he has ever done and it will be hilarious to see or hear him have a tantrum. Once DADA was over, everyone left to enjoy the free period they had today, Draco and I started to talk about who we would think would be in the triwizard tournament. It was obvious that Potter would be in the tournament, since everyone thinks he's "worthy" enough to be in the tournament.

Draco and I betted that he was going to die, once he was in the first trial. Everyone continued to do whatever they wanted to do today, everyone continued their classes, me and Draco had quidditch practice today, and it was pretty normal to be honest. Except when I noticed James glaring at me when I was doing quidditch practice, but to be fair he does hate me so I didn't think much of it.

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